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Thetford toilet cassette

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We are currently in Souston about 45mins north of Bayonne France. The blade has come off (disappeared into the tank, yak) on our toilet cassette, it's a Thetford cassette C-200s, just looked on Thetfords website and it says this cassette is no longer available, so that's not much help, can anyone help/suggest where I may purchase a new cassette of this model, our route currently is to head further South past Bayonne etc towards North coast Spain.


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On my cassette there is a large access plate on the top surrounding the opening where the blade sits which you can rotate to open giving good access to the cassette innards. Would it not be worth a try opening it up to see if the blade can be reattached?
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There is a Motorhome hire company that sells accessories at quite reasonable prices. They may be able to help.

It is at the rear of the le.clerc hypermarket in Souston;s. Go in at the entrance off the road, You have to go down the opposite side of the carriageway and come back round the roundabout.

Do not go in the 1st entrance or the road off the roundabout, you will pass the fuel pumps on your right and the entrance is immediately after. The fuel pumps are on the right but go left towards the car wash, follow the road round to the right and the Motorhome place is on the right. Sorry I cannot remember the name.




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The original design of cassette for a Thetford C200 toilet may not still be produced, but a modified design (with wheels and an extending handle) is marketed as part of Thetford’s C200 “Fresh Up” kit that comprises a new cassette, a new seat/cover unit and a couple of bottles of fluid. The revised cassette is shown in the 1st attached picture below.


Although there should be no difficulty ordering in France the appropriate C200 “Fresh Up” kit on-line (example advert here)




I don’t know how many French motorhome/caravan dealers might keep a C200 ”Fresh Up” kit in stock.


If the blade has actually broken (not merely become detached) the Thetford Part Number is 23847 (2nd attached picture below)


If the blade has just detached from its mount - which can happen if the cassette is shaken too violently during the emptying/rinsing process - it can be replaced (in principle!) fairly easily. Pictorial instructions can be found about 10% down this large .pdf file




(Searching the file using 23847 as the search-term will immediately find the relevant section.)



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Thanks Derek

Just come back on-line, your info is very useful. Looking at the picture you have attached showing the actual blade, I now know mine is broken, the protruding tab is missing off mine. The cassette is now 12 years old, so probably more cost effective purchasing a new tank if I can, thanks again.

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Hi Derek

So its a vent, always wondered what that was for.

Going to ring around before setting off tomorrow to try and find a Thetford supplier that will have a replacement cassette in stock, probably one near Bayonne, tried ringing one near here today and got a recorded message in French of course which I speak non of and know is not very good/polite seeing as we come here a lot, failing that, I might go for replacing the blade and sort the new cassette when back home, not sure if UK prices would be cheaper or not.

Thanks again for going to all the trouble to research specs/part no's/photos/repair guide etc

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If your present cassette’s 'blade-arm’ (the part that the blade clips on to ) is undamaged, if you can source a new blade the repair instruction photos suggest that fitting it should be simple once the (straightforward) preliminary disassembling has been carried out.


You might well find that the French motorhome/caravan dealership asking-price for a new cassette is significantly more than in the UK. (About £105 on-line in the UK for a C200 Fresh-Up kit.)

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