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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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I'm amazed he has the gall to describe himself as a politician as not many see him that way.....even including some Tories. He's getting damn good money for being a circus clown. Alan Duncan told how when Foreign Sec he offended other politicians at the Munich Security conference by banging on about Brexit and "Liberation", a Swedish MEP tore him off a strip over that. Then the French foreign minister who discussed top secret information about Libyan officials, only for Johnson to later publicly disclose it.


Alan Duncan summed him up saying, "he was impossible to dislike.....but he was impossible to respect".


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Guest pelmetman


More Socialist envy :D ............


Corbyn would only be able to earn money privately if he invited people to p*ss in his pot >:-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-05 7:09 PM




"A stunning 76% of rank and file Conservatives plumped for no deal - an option picked by only 35% of voters as a whole."


No Deal is the real deal for us Tories B-) ..........and it looks like its becoming more popular every poll with the general public >:-) ..........



Hmm. Who cares what the Tory members want? All but 18% of them are clearly mental. Thanks for posting the other figures though which prove without doubt that if there is only the option of No deal vs Remain a huge majority of the UK public would prefer to remain in the EU. No wonder you are so s**t scared of a referendum. Dont knows are generally 2:1 in favour of remaining when pushed by the way.


So there we have it. Clearly no mandate for leaving with no deal. I presume then in the interest of democracy the next chosen leader will honour that.

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pelmetman - 2019-07-05 7:09 PM


No Deal is the real deal for us Tories B-) ..........

But that isn't what any Brexiteer voted for at all....it wasn't even on the ballot paper.



.....and it looks like its becoming more popular every poll with the general public >:-) ..........

Only among the permanently unhinged. If it was possible to inflict the inevitable catastrophic damage it will cause solely on the lunatics only, then i'd say bring it on so we can watch you suffer the remainder of your lives in your self inflicted harm....but selfishly you're wanting to drag the rest of the country down with you.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-07-05 10:07 PM


Hammond to the rescue.




About time the grown ups took charge.


How long before the first "Enemies of the people", "Traitor!" headlines I wonder?


I doubt Eeyore will be much trouble once he's relegated to the back benches with the other LOSERS :D .......



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Guest pelmetman

Dear David,


The Daily Telegraph have today endorsed Boris to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of our country.


In the Daily Telegraph's endorsement piece the point is made that the survival of the Conservative Party is at stake.


Boris will deliver Brexit by 31st October, unite our country and defeat Jeremy Corbyn.


Do you agree that Boris is Mr Brexit and best placed to deliver Brexit by October 31st?


If yes - share this graphic.



You can read the full article below.

The Daily Telegraph: Boris Johnson is Mr Brexit. Elect him PM and give him a chance to deliver it


This leadership election is special to The Telegraph readership for two reasons. First, most – if not all – of those voting are also our readers, and while that’s true of many Conservative contests, this is a rare occasion when they are picking not just a party leader but a Prime Minister. They are looking for a PM who can fulfil a very clear task: to honour the referendum and deliver Brexit.


Second, one of the candidates is a man our readership knows very well. In 1989, this newspaper sent a 24-year-old Boris Johnson to Brussels as a correspondent, and readers were able to follow his progress as he grew bemused, frustrated and exasperated with an EU bureaucracy hell-bent on wrapping Britain in red tape. Finally, he concluded that the UK was better off out. Most of our readers have, down the years, come to the same realisation.


Mr Johnson is Mr Brexit. He put his finger on the problem; he led the campaign to leave; he won the 2016 referendum. And now he has a chance to wrest the project back from the politicians who have nearly destroyed it with their opposition or ineptitude.


He’s not the only name on the ballot paper: Jeremy Hunt has had a good campaign, proving that he is an able politician and an enthusiast for business. He should have a bright future at the very top of government. But Mr Hunt voted Remain in the referendum, and he hasn’t committed himself 100 per cent to leaving the EU on October 31 – with or without a deal.


For many Tories these things have become the litmus test for leadership. A policy as radical and far-reaching as Brexit has to be led by a politician who fully believes in it, who is Eurosceptic through and through. Theresa May’s leadership has illustrated the dangers of chasing a compromise with Remainers. It is simply outrageous that three years after voting to leave, Britain is still stuck in the EU.


Mr Johnson grasps that Britain put its red lines in the wrong place, that the essential issue is sovereignty, and that unless the EU thinks that Britain is willing to walk away, it won’t renegotiate a Withdrawal Agreement that is totally unacceptable to a democrat.


Mr Johnson also sees that it’s not just leaving the EU that matters but what you do next. With tax cuts and investment in infrastructure at home, there are real opportunities in the world beyond Europe: trading with developing nations, attracting top talent, jumping aboard the technological revolution. In a wonderfully upbeat interview with this newspaper, Mr Johnson set out a vision for Britain as "the greatest place on Earth."


As any regular reader of his columns will know, Mr Johnson is a million miles away from the sub-Trumpian dinosaur his critics bizarrely characterise him as. He is a liberal. His politics come from goodwill. His ability to articulate and spread confidence is one of the key reasons he won the London mayoralty twice, beating a charismatic Marxist in a Labour city.


His record mattered, naturally: Mr Johnson cut crime, built houses and assembled an excellent team that, among other things, helped manage the Olympics. But, yes, he is also a triumph of a very British kind of style as well as substance – and what is wrong with that?


Mr Johnson is a brilliant communicator in an age that is crying out for character. He is a politician with a rare ability to reach across the barriers of class and region, at a time when the country is sick of miserabilism and of a Tory leadership that has allowed Brexit to be parodied as a parochial attempt to turn the clock back when, really, it is about self-confidence and renewal. Politics needs to be revivified. There is a huge untapped demand among voters for a genuinely popular Conservatism with all its faith in the individual and nation, and a leader who can knit together the true blue shires and the working-class towns that, thanks to Brexit, are voting Tory for the first time ever.


Our readers will be conscious that it is the very survival of the Conservative Party that is at stake. According to the latest polls, Britain is now a four-party system, and unless the Tories deliver Brexit – and are seen to deliver it – then the centre-Right coalition will split and a Left-wing alliance might take power that would move the country in an ominous direction. Perhaps permanently.


Such an historic task demands a character of appropriate size, which is why the usual platitudes of consensus-building or middle-ground chasing are a waste of breath. With a sense of urgency, therefore, we recommend that any of our readers who have a vote use it to support Mr Johnson. He deserves a chance to realise an ambition he has spent his entire career fighting for – liberating Britain from the European Union and restoring its faith in itself.




Team Back Boris




Team Back Boris


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pelmetman - 2019-07-06 7:29 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-05 10:07 PM


Hammond to the rescue.




About time the grown ups took charge.


How long before the first "Enemies of the people", "Traitor!" headlines I wonder?


I doubt Eeyore will be much trouble once he's relegated to the back benches with the other LOSERS :D .......



(lol) Thats exactly where he needs to be, out of the cabinet he can say or do what he likes.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-07-06 8:16 AM


pelmetman - 2019-07-06 7:29 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-05 10:07 PM


Hammond to the rescue.




About time the grown ups took charge.


How long before the first "Enemies of the people", "Traitor!" headlines I wonder?


I doubt Eeyore will be much trouble once he's relegated to the back benches with the other LOSERS :D .......



(lol) Thats exactly where he needs to be, out of the cabinet he can say or do what he likes.


Like he hasn't been saying what he likes already? *-) ............


Hopefully Boris will make Moggy chancellor B-) ..........


He'd soon put "Carnage Carney" in his place >:-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-06 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-06 8:16 AM


pelmetman - 2019-07-06 7:29 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-05 10:07 PM


Hammond to the rescue.




About time the grown ups took charge.


How long before the first "Enemies of the people", "Traitor!" headlines I wonder?


I doubt Eeyore will be much trouble once he's relegated to the back benches with the other LOSERS :D .......



(lol) Thats exactly where he needs to be, out of the cabinet he can say or do what he likes.


Like he hasn't been saying what he likes already? *-) ............


Hopefully Boris will make Moggy chancellor B-) ..........


He'd soon put "Carnage Carney" in his place >:-) ..........



You do understand how Parliament works Dave? If the cabinet and PM come up with bat s**t crazy ideas they have to get them through the rest of the house. In the cabinet they are somewhat restrained but outside not so much. If it looks like Boris really is going to press the nuclear button on Brexit it will only take about five Tories to rebel and they are all toast in a vote of no confidence. I think they have the numbers and I think this is one reason why Boris might fold.

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2019-07-06 5:42 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-06 10:22 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-06 8:16 AM


pelmetman - 2019-07-06 7:29 AM


Barryd999 - 2019-07-05 10:07 PM


Hammond to the rescue.




About time the grown ups took charge.


How long before the first "Enemies of the people", "Traitor!" headlines I wonder?


I doubt Eeyore will be much trouble once he's relegated to the back benches with the other LOSERS :D .......



(lol) Thats exactly where he needs to be, out of the cabinet he can say or do what he likes.


Like he hasn't been saying what he likes already? *-) ............


Hopefully Boris will make Moggy chancellor B-) ..........


He'd soon put "Carnage Carney" in his place >:-) ..........



You do understand how Parliament works Dave? If the cabinet and PM come up with bat s**t crazy ideas they have to get them through the rest of the house. In the cabinet they are somewhat restrained but outside not so much. If it looks like Boris really is going to press the nuclear button on Brexit it will only take about five Tories to rebel and they are all toast in a vote of no confidence. I think they have the numbers and I think this is one reason why Boris might fold.


Which is why Boris will call an election ;-) ........


May called an election and the electorate thought Brexit was job done :-| .........


So they reverted to tribalism *-) ........


I doubt they'll make that same mistake this time around >:-) ........


It's time to get rid of those lying B*stard MP's who said they supported the Brexit manifesto >:-( ......



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Guest pelmetman

Dear David,


The Times back Boris!


Yesterday the Daily Telegraph endorsed Boris and today The Times have come out in support of Boris.


The Times make the argument that “The Tories should back the candidate with the best chance of delivering Brexit, uniting the country and defeating Jeremy Corbyn.”


Please share this graphic by copying and pasting it or clicking on this link to share on social media.


The Times say that Boris “is the only candidate with a credible chance of meeting the three challenges correctly identified in his campaign strategy: deliver Brexit, unite the country and defeat Mr Corbyn”.


Do you agree with what the Times have said?


If so, share this graphic with Conservative members!


You can read the full Times endorsement article here.


Thank you,


Team Back Boris



It's starting look like job done B-) ........



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Guest pelmetman

Dear David,


Today, Boris announced plans to boost police numbers by 20,000.


You can read about Boris’ plan here.


If you agree with Boris’ Plan to put an extra 20,000 bobbies on the beat, share this graphic.




This plan follows yesterdays announcement that 60% of Conservative Police & Crime Commissioners have endorsed Boris.


In today’s article, Boris said:


“I have a unique plan to bring this country together, and to unite our society in the way that I was able to unite London.”


Share this announcement with friends here.




Team Back Boris


Team Back Boris



B-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-07 10:14 PM


Conservative Central calling


Dear David,


We've heard you've defected to a PayPal subscription club run by a charalatan known as Nigel Farage. This information has been disclosed to us by one of our most reliable sources for accessing classified documents and blabbing the detail, Mr Boris Johnson.


We will not tolerate fifth columnists within the Conservative party and your membership has therefore been terminated and you will be notified in due course of your sentence, the minimum penalty for which is 10 years hard labour.


Share this announcement with your new friends in the PayPal party.


Goodbye and good riddance.

Blimey......well you've always flown under two flags so got what you deserved. (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-07-07 11:46 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-07 10:14 PM


Conservative Central calling


Dear David,


We've heard you've defected to a PayPal subscription club run by a charalatan known as Nigel Farage. This information has been disclosed to us by one of our most reliable sources for accessing classified documents and blabbing the detail, Mr Boris Johnson.


We will not tolerate fifth columnists within the Conservative party and your membership has therefore been terminated and you will be notified in due course of your sentence, the minimum penalty for which is 10 years hard labour.


Share this announcement with your new friends in the PayPal party.


Goodbye and good riddance.

Blimey......well you've always flown under two flags so got what you deserved. (lol)


Nearly got it right ;-) ..........I'm a member of Boris's new "Payback party" >:-) .........


Dragging your sorry Remoaner a*ses out of the EU will be the ultimate Payback :D .........



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Guest pelmetman

Dear David,


A poll released by The Telegraph this morning has made the choice in this leadership election crystal clear.


The results prove that Boris would defeat Jeremy Corbyn and deliver a 40-seat majority for the Conservatives in a General Election.


The poll also makes clear that with Jeremy Hunt as Conservative Leader, Jeremy Corbyn would lead the largest party in parliament.


Share this graphic about the Telegraph poll.


David, it's now up to you.


Change, or more of the same?


A Conservative majority government, led by Boris or a Conservative opposition, led by Jeremy Hunt?


Boris will deliver Brexit by October 31st, unite our country and defeat Jeremy Corbyn.


Please don't leave it to others to decide the future of our country.


As you vote in this leadership election, vote for a candidate who can beat Jeremy Corbyn. Cast your vote for Boris today.


Remember, to get Boris, vote Boris!




Team Back Boris


Team Back Boris



You've already got my vote Bojo B-) ...........



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Dear Paul,


Yesterday the people of Sunderland came together to make their voices heard.


I spoke at the rally – the third of this nationwide Let Us Be Heard summer campaign – and I can tell you it was loud, it was energetic and it showed the strength of opposition the next prime minister will face if they try to force a destructive Brexit on our country. More than anything, it proved that while neither Boris Johnson nor Jeremy Hunt has a credible plan for resolving this crisis – we do.


If you missed out, check out the video below to catch up on the highlights from the day. And share it with all your friends and family NOW to show them why more and more people are supporting a People’s Vote. If you liked what you saw, sign up to the Let Us Be Heard campaign now and join us at another rally this summer.


Thank you for your fantastic support.


David Lammy MP,

Leading Supporter of the People's Vote campaign


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-07-09 2:31 PM



Dear Paul,


Yesterday the people of Sunderland came together to make their voices heard.


I spoke at the rally – the third of this nationwide Let Us Be Heard summer campaign – and I can tell you it was loud, it was energetic and it showed the strength of opposition the next prime minister will face if they try to force a destructive Brexit on our country. More than anything, it proved that while neither Boris Johnson nor Jeremy Hunt has a credible plan for resolving this crisis – we do.


If you missed out, check out the video below to catch up on the highlights from the day. And share it with all your friends and family NOW to show them why more and more people are supporting a People’s Vote. If you liked what you saw, sign up to the Let Us Be Heard campaign now and join us at another rally this summer.


Thank you for your fantastic support.


David Lammy MP,

Leading Supporter of the People's Vote campaign


I see Corbyn's got of the fence and decided to campaign to Remain.........So that's the Lib Dem's LOSERS vote split...........and a lot of very p*ssed off Labour supporters in the North >:-) .............


Looking forward to the next election B-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-09 3:07 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-07-09 2:31 PM



Dear Paul,


Yesterday the people of Sunderland came together to make their voices heard.


I spoke at the rally – the third of this nationwide Let Us Be Heard summer campaign – and I can tell you it was loud, it was energetic and it showed the strength of opposition the next prime minister will face if they try to force a destructive Brexit on our country. More than anything, it proved that while neither Boris Johnson nor Jeremy Hunt has a credible plan for resolving this crisis – we do.


If you missed out, check out the video below to catch up on the highlights from the day. And share it with all your friends and family NOW to show them why more and more people are supporting a People’s Vote. If you liked what you saw, sign up to the Let Us Be Heard campaign now and join us at another rally this summer.


Thank you for your fantastic support.


David Lammy MP,

Leading Supporter of the People's Vote campaign


I see Corbyn's got of the fence and decided to campaign to Remain.........So that's the Lib Dem's LOSERS vote split...........and a lot of very p*ssed off Labour supporters in the North >:-) .............


Looking forward to the next election B-) ...........

Lib Dems were by far the biggest WINNERS in the Euro election and virtually wiped out your Tory LOSERS! (lol)(lol)


There will be thousands of Bregretters up North, especially Sunderland which will become a ghost town.


Yep, can't wait for a GE so we can put Fartage and his little band of traitors back in the box. By then though he will have cashed in his PayPal account and closed it down so won't care.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-07-09 3:32 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-09 3:07 PM


Bulletguy - 2019-07-09 2:31 PM



Dear Paul,


Yesterday the people of Sunderland came together to make their voices heard.


I spoke at the rally – the third of this nationwide Let Us Be Heard summer campaign – and I can tell you it was loud, it was energetic and it showed the strength of opposition the next prime minister will face if they try to force a destructive Brexit on our country. More than anything, it proved that while neither Boris Johnson nor Jeremy Hunt has a credible plan for resolving this crisis – we do.


If you missed out, check out the video below to catch up on the highlights from the day. And share it with all your friends and family NOW to show them why more and more people are supporting a People’s Vote. If you liked what you saw, sign up to the Let Us Be Heard campaign now and join us at another rally this summer.


Thank you for your fantastic support.


David Lammy MP,

Leading Supporter of the People's Vote campaign


I see Corbyn's got of the fence and decided to campaign to Remain.........So that's the Lib Dem's LOSERS vote split...........and a lot of very p*ssed off Labour supporters in the North >:-) .............


Looking forward to the next election B-) ...........

Lib Dems were by far the biggest WINNERS in the Euro election and virtually wiped out your Tory LOSERS! (lol)(lol)


There will be thousands of Bregretters up North, especially Sunderland which will become a ghost town.


Yep, can't wait for a GE so we can put Fartage and his little band of traitors back in the box. By then though he will have cashed in his PayPal account and closed it down so won't care.


Yeah the Lib Dem's came second AGAIN :D ...........


I wonder where Corbyn's Labour will come? :-S .........


Seeing as it looks like they could get beaten into 5th place behind the Greens (lol) ..........







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