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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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FunsterJohn - 2019-07-24 9:56 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 10:11 AM


What is your point in quoting the words of a politician who finds lying as easy as breathing?



I'd rather have a politician who lies and has a brain than a traitorous Marxist who failed his A Levels.

Yeah your type would rather have a Colonialist nutjob who thinks we still own and rule half the world with our "Empire" and these pesky foreign folk should learn their place. *-) He talks about "spaffing money up the wall" on historic child sex abuse cases which should be spent on more police officers (which he'd previously cut *-) ), Muslim women looking like "letterboxes", Piccaninnies with watermelon miles, Africa as "that country", his disgraceful handling of the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe business which thanks to him, got her an increased sentence. About a group of UK business people, “They have got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next Dubai. The only thing they have got to do is clear the dead bodies away.” *-)


Visits a Sikh temple in Bristol only to offend them by waffling how good it would be to increase whisky exports to India. *-) Struts around Myanmar reciting parts of Kiplings pro-Colonial poem about (then Burma) until the UK Ambassador reminded him he was on mic and what he was saying wasn't appropriate.*-)


Ran off out of the country the day Parliament voted on runway 3 at Heathrow, the one he said he'd lie in front of the bulldozers if it ever went ahead. Obviously decided the better option was to lie low then get crushed but he did later lie in front of a bulldozer at JCB denying he'd ever said anything about Turkey in the referendum campaign.


Not only a compulsive liar who can't even keep track of lies he's told so many he then has to make more up to cover those. Oh, and on business and NI?


"Fcuk business"........and "Fcuk N Ireland".



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2019-07-24 12:46 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-24 9:56 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 10:11 AM


What is your point in quoting the words of a politician who finds lying as easy as breathing?



I'd rather have a politician who lies and has a brain than a traitorous Marxist who failed his A Levels.

Yeah your type would rather have a Colonialist nutjob who thinks we still own and rule half the world with our "Empire" and these pesky foreign folk should learn their place. *-) He talks about "spaffing money up the wall" on historic child sex abuse cases which should be spent on more police officers (which he'd previously cut *-) ), Muslim women looking like "letterboxes", Piccaninnies with watermelon miles, Africa as "that country", his disgraceful handling of the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe business which thanks to him, got her an increased sentence. About a group of UK business people, “They have got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next Dubai. The only thing they have got to do is clear the dead bodies away.” *-)


Visits a Sikh temple in Bristol only to offend them by waffling how good it would be to increase whisky exports to India. *-) Struts around Myanmar reciting parts of Kiplings pro-Colonial poem about (then Burma) until the UK Ambassador reminded him he was on mic and what he was saying wasn't appropriate.*-)


Ran off out of the country the day Parliament voted on runway 3 at Heathrow, the one he said he'd lie in front of the bulldozers if it ever went ahead. Obviously decided the better option was to lie low then get crushed but he did later lie in front of a bulldozer at JCB denying he'd ever said anything about Turkey in the referendum campaign.


Not only a compulsive liar who can't even keep track of lies he's told so many he then has to make more up to cover those. Oh, and on business and NI?


"Fcuk business"........and "Fcuk N Ireland".




Fcuk EU..........and Fcuk Corbyn >:-) .............



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pelmetman - 2019-07-24 11:17 AM




That'll have the Losers choking on their wettabix >:-) ...........



But not just the losers, anyone who claims to respect democracy. Cummins has been found in Contempt of Parliament.



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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-07-24 2:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-24 11:17 AM




That'll have the Losers choking on their wettabix >:-) ...........



But not just the losers, anyone who claims to respect democracy. Cummins has been found in Contempt of Parliament.




I think you'll find 52% of the voting public are in contempt of our anti democratic Parliament *-) ...........



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The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk
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pelmetman - 2019-07-24 3:02 PM


Fast Pat - 2019-07-24 2:40 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-24 11:17 AM




That'll have the Losers choking on their wettabix >:-) ...........



But not just the losers, anyone who claims to respect democracy. Cummins has been found in Contempt of Parliament.




I think you'll find 52% of the voting public are in contempt of our anti democratic Parliament *-) ...........

Like everyone else you get the opportunity to vote an MP in or out every five years if you aren't happy with them. Explain whats "anti democratic" about that. :-|


Or are you saying you want to overthrow and abolish democracy and install a dictatorship?

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Guest pelmetman
Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 7:31 PM


Great news ...

... Her , Raab , Boris all in one day ... This is one of those days when in years to come they say "where were you on day one of Boris saving The UK" ???


They'll call it.......... "The great Slaughter of Remoaners" >:-) ............





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Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 6:33 PM


Me and millions more are wit'ya Prime Minister ... https://twitter.com/SocialM85897394/status/1153749683992453121 Git him owt

He will have to wait until May 2020 and even then it's not up to him.....it's a decision only the London electorate can make and Johnson should know that as the London Mayor was the first directly elected brought about by a referendum and created by the GLA during Johnsons term of office.


I thought you didn't approve of politics Pyongyang style?

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Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)

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John52 - 2019-07-24 11:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)


In his cabinet ... Jew/Muslim/Indian/men/women ... Could be gays who knows or cares but I would say thats pretty inclusive and the folk on here who spew insults with nothing to back up their claim should rejoice at his inclusive cabinet surely ... Doubt it though ... The hate is too strong in them ... Lifes good they shouldn't hate as they do , we have POTUS Trump almost guaranteed 4 more years and now here we have Sir Nigel Farages puppet Boris in charge doing just as Sir Nigel says ... Breath it in ... Success

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Guest pelmetman
Fast Pat - 2019-07-25 12:25 AM


Boris got 90k votes, Boaty Mc Boatface got a 124k votes.



At least then a responsible adult stood up and said it was a terrible mistake and overruled the vote.


Just saying


Nah.....a miserable antidemocratic LOSER overruled the vote because he could ;-) .........


Which highlights the problem you minority Losers have.......all you can do is delay not overrule the majority >:-) .......



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Guest pelmetman
Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 6:31 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 11:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)


In his cabinet ... Jew/Muslim/Indian/men/women ... Could be gays who knows or cares but I would say thats pretty inclusive and the folk on here who spew insults with nothing to back up their claim should rejoice at his inclusive cabinet surely ... Doubt it though ... The hate is too strong in them ... Lifes good they shouldn't hate as they do , we have POTUS Trump almost guaranteed 4 more years and now here we have Sir Nigel Farages puppet Boris in charge doing just as Sir Nigel says ... Breath it in ... Success


The air deffo has the sweet smell of success this morning B-) ...........


Makes a change from the smell of bullsh*t we've had to put up with for 3 years >:-) ........



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Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 6:31 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 11:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)


In his cabinet ... Jew/Muslim/Indian/men/women ... Could be gays who knows or cares but I would say thats pretty inclusive and the folk on here who spew insults with nothing to back up their claim should rejoice at his inclusive cabinet surely ... Doubt it though ... The hate is too strong in them ... Lifes good they shouldn't hate as they do , we have POTUS Trump almost guaranteed 4 more years and now here we have Sir Nigel Farages puppet Boris in charge doing just as Sir Nigel says ... Breath it in ... Success


You changed the subject

You specified 'Leaders'

Then when I pointed out the remarkable coincidence *-) of the number of Tory PMs who went to Private School, especially Eton, you changed the subject to Cabinet. :D

I wonder why *-)

The Judiciary and Senior public servants are overwhelmingly private school.

Are you trying to say that will change now Boris Johnson has the power to appoint them (by sucking up to Her Unelected Majesty to get her Royal Prerogative Permission) *-)

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Guest pelmetman

Moggy! Moggy! Moggy! :D ..............




"The arch-Brexiteeer and chairman of European Research Group (ERG) has been appointed Leader of the House of Commons. Mr Rees-Mogg - a staunch opponent of Theresa May’s handling of Brexit from the backbench - will now be thrust onto the frontbench of Mr Johnson’s team. The ERG chairman was full of praise for Mr Johnson’s address to the nation and said his speech outside Number 10 this afternoon was "an inspirational declaration of purpose and independence". Mr Rees-Mogg will now become instrumental in the Brexit process and will play a vital role in setting the Commons agenda - including laying out what MPs are going to vote on and when in Parliament."


B-) ...........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-25 8:23 AM


Moggy! Moggy! Moggy! :D ..............




"The arch-Brexiteeer and chairman of European Research Group (ERG) has been appointed Leader of the House of Commons. Mr Rees-Mogg - a staunch opponent of Theresa May’s handling of Brexit from the backbench - will now be thrust onto the frontbench of Mr Johnson’s team. The ERG chairman was full of praise for Mr Johnson’s address to the nation and said his speech outside Number 10 this afternoon was "an inspirational declaration of purpose and independence". Mr Rees-Mogg will now become instrumental in the Brexit process and will play a vital role in setting the Commons agenda - including laying out what MPs are going to vote on and when in Parliament."


B-) ...........



Well what did you expect?

Boris has spoken in favour of the EU when it suited him and may be still a remainer at heart.

But by changing to Brexit Boris has ousted Cameron, Osborne and anyone with any talent to create vacancies for himself. Those like his deputy at the Foreign Office have left, saying they were fed up of being Boris Johnson's 'pooper scooper' cleaning up the mess he made.

Its a Career Move.

Its all about him, its not about you or Brexit.

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John52 - 2019-07-25 9:23 AM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 6:31 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 11:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)


In his cabinet ... Jew/Muslim/Indian/men/women ... Could be gays who knows or cares but I would say thats pretty inclusive and the folk on here who spew insults with nothing to back up their claim should rejoice at his inclusive cabinet surely ... Doubt it though ... The hate is too strong in them ... Lifes good they shouldn't hate as they do , we have POTUS Trump almost guaranteed 4 more years and now here we have Sir Nigel Farages puppet Boris in charge doing just as Sir Nigel says ... Breath it in ... Success


You changed the subject

You specified 'Leaders'

Then when I pointed out the remarkable coincidence *-) of the number of Tory PMs who went to Private School, especially Eton, you changed the subject to Cabinet. :D

I wonder why *-)

The Judiciary and Senior public servants are overwhelmingly private school.

Are you trying to say that will change now Boris Johnson has the power to appoint them (by sucking up to Her Unelected Majesty to get her Royal Prerogative Permission) *-)


So what? What kind of Stalinist despot would want to deny anyone a job because of where they were educated? Its people's brains that matter, not their parents, but of course to our local commissar suffocating under the politics of envy, these people should probably be sent to the Gulag.


And what's all this about her 'unelected Majesty the Queen' that seems to be a worrying obsession with you? As you're ignorant of how our system of constitutional monarchy works I'll give you some information.


Every five years we elect a government. That government has always, up until now, stated its support for our constitutional monarchy, so when we elect a government the Queen legitimately becomes head of state.


The answer for republicans is simple. Most of you seem to be on the left, so if you're so sure that the British electorate doesn't want a constitutional monarchy, why aren't you forming your own left-of-centre republican party? But let's face it, you know why don't you? Lost deposits will definitely be part of your reluctance..


So have the courage of your convictions. Instead of endlessly boring everyone on here with your obsession, start a movement in the republican circles that I'm sure you move in. Start writing to the publications and websites that support your cause and get a new political party started.


But you won't, will you, and we all know why!

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