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Boris! Boris! Boris!...........

Guest pelmetman

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John52 - 2019-07-25 9:33 AM


Well what did you expect?

Boris has spoken in favour of the EU when it suited him and may be still a remainer at heart.

But by changing to Brexit Boris has ousted Cameron, Osborne and anyone with any talent to create vacancies for himself. Those like his deputy at the Foreign Office have left, saying they were fed up of being Boris Johnson's 'pooper scooper' cleaning up the mess he made.

Its a Career Move.

Its all about him, its not about you or Brexit.


Yes, and we didn't land on the moon, 9/11 was a big plot by George Bush and David Icke is really Jesus come down to save us.


But it's all irrelevant anyway as we're all controlled by shape-shifting green lizards posing as the Duke of Edinburgh, the Rothschilds, Jewish bankers, Rotarians and Freemasons. I suspect that the Townswomens' Guild and Mothers' Union are just fronts for the New World Order.


It's all one big conspiracy headed up by that Queen whom we elect every five years.








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John52 - 2019-07-25 8:23 AM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 6:31 AM


John52 - 2019-07-24 11:27 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-24 5:58 PM


The Tories really are the inclusive party ... Two female leaders , two female PMs and now a leader and PM with Muslim heritage ... Its a beautiful thing ... Meanwhile The Labour Party has not been very inclusive at all have they ... maybe a new leader with Jewish heritage , if any Jews are still in The Labour Party ... Yuk

Inclusive of all who went to Eton *-)


In his cabinet ... Jew/Muslim/Indian/men/women ... Could be gays who knows or cares but I would say thats pretty inclusive and the folk on here who spew insults with nothing to back up their claim should rejoice at his inclusive cabinet surely ... Doubt it though ... The hate is too strong in them ... Lifes good they shouldn't hate as they do , we have POTUS Trump almost guaranteed 4 more years and now here we have Sir Nigel Farages puppet Boris in charge doing just as Sir Nigel says ... Breath it in ... Success


You changed the subject

You specified 'Leaders'

Then when I pointed out the remarkable coincidence *-) of the number of Tory PMs who went to Private School, especially Eton, you changed the subject to Cabinet. :D

I wonder why *-)

The Judiciary and Senior public servants are overwhelmingly private school.

Are you trying to say that will change now Boris Johnson has the power to appoint them (by sucking up to Her Unelected Majesty to get her Royal Prerogative Permission) *-)


Read again but take your hate blinkers off and read slowly ... It starts ... "The Tories really are the inclusive party" ... Not difficult or you want me to put it in big bold capital letters ... Why does your hatred for those who didn't attend ordinary state funded schools not include Jeremy and his kids ???

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2019-07-25 1:19 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-25 1:03 PM


.......Boris is a natural at the dispatch box :D ..........




There has never been any doubt that Boris is a natural talker.





It makes a change to hear positive talk rather than the Doom & Gloom the Loser brigade love to wallow in B-) .............



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John52 - 2019-07-25 8:33 AM


pelmetman - 2019-07-25 8:23 AM


Moggy! Moggy! Moggy! :D ..............




"The arch-Brexiteeer and chairman of European Research Group (ERG) has been appointed Leader of the House of Commons. Mr Rees-Mogg - a staunch opponent of Theresa May’s handling of Brexit from the backbench - will now be thrust onto the frontbench of Mr Johnson’s team. The ERG chairman was full of praise for Mr Johnson’s address to the nation and said his speech outside Number 10 this afternoon was "an inspirational declaration of purpose and independence". Mr Rees-Mogg will now become instrumental in the Brexit process and will play a vital role in setting the Commons agenda - including laying out what MPs are going to vote on and when in Parliament."


B-) ...........



Well what did you expect?

Boris has spoken in favour of the EU when it suited him and may be still a remainer at heart.

But by changing to Brexit Boris has ousted Cameron, Osborne and anyone with any talent to create vacancies for himself. Those like his deputy at the Foreign Office have left, saying they were fed up of being Boris Johnson's 'pooper scooper' cleaning up the mess he made.

Its a Career Move.

Its all about him, its not about you or Brexit.


Quite. The Brexiteers have taken a bit of a gamble with Boris. After three years of them desperately trying to cling onto the dream they have put all their money in the final race on a bit of a wild card lucky dip that could go the distance or could just decide to leap the fence and take off in a completely different direction but one things for sure Boris will do whats best for Boris. It is indeed all about him.


He has a history of being a bit of a liberal and certainly pro Europe and single market and pro immigration. his father, brother and sister are all strong remainers. Is it feasible to really believe that Boris is a true hard core Brexiteer?


Hats off to him, he has played a blinder in manipulating himself to the top but his true goal in life is to be loved, admired and adored by all and he wont do that by trashing the economy and peoples jobs. He will know that, he is not as stupid as he likes to make out.


I honestly think his next manipulation will be to make it look like he was forced by Parliament and the EU to throw the option of no deal vs remain back to the people. He will not give a toss about the outcome only that the result keeps him in power and most favoured by the majority.

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FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 8:45 AM

What kind of Stalinist despot would want to deny anyone a job because of where they were educated?


The sort we have now who effectively deny the jobs to those who didn't go to Private School >:-)

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FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 8:45 AM

Every five years we elect a government. That government has always, up until now, stated its support for our constitutional monarchy,

Might have something to do with the fact they couldn't become the Government without her permission *-)

And of course it suits Boris very well for her to have all the power because she passes it to him under the Royal Prerogative.

Oh and what fraction of one per cent of the people voted for Boris to be PM *-)

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Barryd999 - 2019-07-25 4:59 PM

(Boris Johnson's) true goal in life is to be loved, admired and adored by all ....

Well he can have the next best thing being loved admired and adored by all those around him - who would be unemployable elsewhere, but to whom he has given the Top jobs in the country - thanks to the Royal Prerogative powers bestowed on him by Her Unelected Majesty the Queen.

He has not shown much concern for those outside his own circle - especially those without wealth and power. When asked he didn't even know what the minimum wage was.

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John52 - 2019-07-25 6:07 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 8:45 AM

Every five years we elect a government. That government has always, up until now, stated its support for our constitutional monarchy,

Might have something to do with the fact they couldn't become the Government without her permission *-)

And of course it suits Boris very well for her to have all the power because she passes it to him under the Royal Prerogative.

Oh and what fraction of one per cent of the people voted for Boris to be PM *-)


You really don't know much about the British Constitution do you? From my link: 'The bedrock of the British constitution is the principle that Parliament, as the representatives of the people, is sovereign and can effectively do what it likes – including, if necessary, deposing the monarch.'




Even without a legal precedent sensible people know that if parliament voted to absolve the monarchy no British monarch would dare to resist. You probably like to think that Charles will command the army to attack parliament, but's only because you're a fixated anti-monarchist! From Wikipedia: 'Long-standing constitutional convention, however, has vested de facto executive authority, by the exercise of Royal Prerogative, in the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Defence.' But again, anyone who really believes that a king or queen would defy parliament is beyond a fool, that really would spell the end of the monarchy.


I note though that you've ignored a main point of my post. If you're convinced that the UK does not want a monarchy, why aren't republicans standing for election? We already have an election every five years of course and part of the manifestos on which we've voted included the continuation of the monarchy, so our elected queen clearly has the support of the majority of the country.


As for Boris's appointment, what fraction of the people or the Labour Party voted for Gordon Brown to be their Prime Minister? Er, none it would appear! A fraction of one per cent trumps zero percent!


But again you appear ignorant of our constitution. We vote for a political party and that party can then choose whomever it wants to be PM.


Once more, if you're unhappy, you and your republican chums can stand for parliament and change things. I wish you would, the lost deposits would swell the nation's coffers.



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FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 5:46 PM

From my link: 'The bedrock of the British constitution is the principle that Parliament, as the representatives of the people, is sovereign and can effectively do what it likes – including, if necessary, deposing the monarch.'

Actually the elected Parliament has to swear its allegience to her.

So how canthey swear allegience to her and then depose her *-)

What you quote is just hot air.

Show us the Written Constitution that backs it up *-)

The fact remains we don't have a written constitution so she can make it up to suit herself as she goes along.

Just like she did over the Windsor fire. We are not allowed to see the stuff inside except when it goes out to galleries accompanied by as note saying its on loan from her. So its hers. But when it caught fire in her care it was ours because we had to pay £30 million for its restoration. Now we have paid for it to be restored its hers again. *-)

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John52 - 2019-07-25 6:02 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 8:45 AM

What kind of Stalinist despot would want to deny anyone a job because of where they were educated?


The sort we have now who effectively deny the jobs to those who didn't go to Private School >:-)


Really, who are these people who deny the top jobs to those who didn't go to private schools? Who denied Sajid Javid a top job, who denied Dominic Raab, another son of a refugee, his top job?


Where did these Labour hypocrites send their children: Diane Abbott, Stephen Kinnock, Valerie Vaz and Shami Chakrabarti? Nick Childs a Labour councillor who attacks private schools has just sent his daughter to £40K a year Roedean!


And of course Labour politicians railing against grammar schools but send their children to them: Emily Thornberry, Seamus Milne (you couldn't make it up could you?). And there are many more. The stink of hypocrisy hangs over the Labour Party like a mushroom cloud of rancid gas.


Britain is more of a meritocracy than it's ever been and what's important now is brains, which is why Corbyn will never get elected. What a joy it was to see him eviscerated today by a man with a huge brain. Jezza won't be looking forward to PMQ's ever again, if he ever did.


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John52 - 2019-07-25 6:57 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 5:46 PM

From my link: 'The bedrock of the British constitution is the principle that Parliament, as the representatives of the people, is sovereign and can effectively do what it likes – including, if necessary, deposing the monarch.'

Actually the elected Parliament has to swear its allegience to her.

So how canthey swear allegience to her and then depose her *-)

What you quote is just hot air.

Show us the Written Constitution that backs it up *-)

The fact remains we don't have a written constitution so she can make it up to suit herself as she goes along.

Just like she did over the Windsor fire. We are not allowed to see the stuff inside except when it goes out to galleries accompanied by as note saying its on loan from her. So its hers. But when it caught fire in her care it was ours because we had to pay £30 million for its restoration. Now we have paid for it to be restored its hers again. *-)


Still in your wonderful cloud cuckoo land I see? The Queen at the head of an army that will defy the wishes of parliament and storm the Commons. Hee hee!


Don't worry though, the problem isn't going to arise in your lifetime, the monarchy is safe and well thanks to the good sense of the British people.


How are you going on with actually doing something about your fantasy and starting a Republican Party?


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FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 6:07 PM

Britain is more of a meritocracy than it's ever been

I'm not here to defend New Labour.

Just point out the last 2 Prime Ministers went to the same Private School and Supper Club. (excluding the female one who couldn't)

Thats an astonishing coincidence in a 'meritocracy' *-)

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John52 - 2019-07-25 7:12 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 5:46 PM



Why does the Army swear its allegience to the Unelected Monarch and not the Elected Parliament?


Because our regularly-elected queen is the head of state but she's only the head of state because Parliament allows her to be. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of this stuff eventually. Or maybe not, knowing you.


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John52 - 2019-07-25 7:15 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 6:07 PM

Britain is more of a meritocracy than it's ever been

I'm not here to defend New Labour.

Just point out the last 2 male Prime Ministers went to the same Private School and Supper Club.

Thats an astonishing coincidence in a 'meritocracy' *-)


So what? Britain is more of a meritocracy than it's ever been.

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John52 - 2019-07-25 7:19 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 6:16 PM

our regularly-elected queen

What country are you living in?


I know that you can't understand the simplest of positions but I'm patient with the cerebrally challenged so I'll have another go. Now try to concentrate.


We have what's called a constitutional monarchy. That's a queen and all that. You OK so far?


Every few years for ages, the main political parties either state that they have no intention of abolishing this, as Jeremy Corbyn did recently, or that their intention is for the monarchy to continue.


I hope this isn't too complicated because so far, you've not been doing too well?


So, when we vote for one of these parties we're voting for their manifesto, of which having a constitutional monarchy (that's a queen or king and all that) is part. Ergo, our queen or king is elected and confirmed every time we have a general election.


Now there are some oddball people who think that we should remove this much-loved and cherished institution, but for some reason they're scared of nailing their colours to the mast and standing for parliament. Very odd, but in my experience they tend to be very strange people.


If you need it any more simple, please get back although I'm not sure I can simplify it. Do you have any friends who might help to explain it all to you?



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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2019-07-25 6:19 PM


FunsterJohn - 2019-07-25 6:16 PM

our regularly-elected queen

What country are you living in?


A democracy ;-) ..........That's why you hate it *-) ........

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Guest pelmetman
Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 2:42 PM


Wow ...

... Not only did he smash them to bits but he set fire to them and chucked out the ashes n'all ... Never mind bolox to Brexit we now have someone with bolox to deliver Brexit ... Je Suis Boris xxx


I never knew PMQ's could be so entertaining B-) ..........


I especially enjoyed Boris wiping the floor with Corbyn >:-) .........


PMQ's are deffo going to be a must watch from now on (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



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pelmetman - 2019-07-25 7:07 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 2:42 PM


Wow ...

... Not only did he smash them to bits but he set fire to them and chucked out the ashes n'all ... Never mind bolox to Brexit we now have someone with bolox to deliver Brexit ... Je Suis Boris xxx


I never knew PMQ's could be so entertaining B-) ..........


I especially enjoyed Boris wiping the floor with Corbyn >:-) .........


PMQ's are deffo going to be a must watch from now on (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



Lifes been kind to us Dave ... Right wing politics rule the waves and Rangers look set to win Europes top league and Lily Allen has left social media ... Bang on ... Breathe it in Dave ... Mind we need to remember those less fortunate like Barry and his man friend Bullet , John/Peter/James and top comedian FalsePart ... They unfortunately have to listen and look to Brian for guidance ... Its a tough old world

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Guest pelmetman
Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 7:31 PM


pelmetman - 2019-07-25 7:07 PM


Birdbrain - 2019-07-25 2:42 PM


Wow ...

... Not only did he smash them to bits but he set fire to them and chucked out the ashes n'all ... Never mind bolox to Brexit we now have someone with bolox to deliver Brexit ... Je Suis Boris xxx


I never knew PMQ's could be so entertaining B-) ..........


I especially enjoyed Boris wiping the floor with Corbyn >:-) .........


PMQ's are deffo going to be a must watch from now on (lol) (lol) (lol) .........



Lifes been kind to us Dave ... Right wing politics rule the waves and Rangers look set to win Europes top league and Lily Allen has left social media ... Bang on ... Breathe it in Dave ... Mind we need to remember those less fortunate like Barry and his man friend Bullet , John/Peter/James and top comedian FalsePart ... They unfortunately have to listen and look to Brian for guidance ... Its a tough old world


Yeah it's a kinda shame Parliament has gone into recess as we'll have to wait until September until I can watch Bulldozer Boris give Commie Corbyn another kicking >:-) .........


At least that means the Liberal Loser brigade will have to stew in impotent rage for a couple of months, after spineless Corbyn failed to back their no confidence vote (lol) ..........



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