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Derek Uzzell

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Regular forum users will be aware there were problems with access yesterday (16/02/2007). Although access is once again possible (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this!!), the most recent HISTORICAL forum posting relates to Sunday 11 February - so the best part of a week's stuff has gone walkabout.


Presumably the present forum has been restored from a back-up and, if the missing postings can be recovered, they will be added in due course. (And, if the lost postings can't be recovered, then - tough luck - it will be no use moaning about it!)


I'm just posting this as a 'heads up' - no doubt the Moderator will provide more details.

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I would have hoped that a company the size of Warners would have the IT procedures in place to do a check point recovery then roll forward transactions to the point of failure. Hopefully their accounts information is intact.


Presumably Warners IT is a 5 day per week operation and hopefully all the lost data will be restored on Monday.


The last forum to have this happen lost a great deal of the information that members had posted including the loss of the membership list, not good.





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I too would hope that by the end of Monday we would have a full restoration of the lost weeks postings but I would hazard a guess that the forum is hosted on an external server and the crash has nothing to do with vital accounts information.


Presumably the in house accounts information will be backed up daily. Hopefully the forum is also backed up daily but as the crash happened on a Friday evening I would guess that the current backup level is courtesy of the hosting company (presumably weekly). Hopefully come Monday every thing will be restored to "normal" (whatever that is).



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I did say hope rather than expect Derek. Of course restoring the forum to the content of just before the crash brings its own problems, namely that doing so would almost certainly lose any and all postings made since then. Therefore I'd guess they'll just leave it as it is and we lose a weeks worth of comment.



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Hello Dave,


I take your points and agree. My reason for posting the comments was not to have a go at Warners but from the disappointment of seeing a good forum fail for the sake of not having good procedures.


Looking at the site details it seems that the membership statistics are as was and new members registering betweeen the 11th and 16th February have been retained. It appears that Private Messages have also been lost.


The problem I see with these crashes is that information posted by contributors is lost and maybe many hours of work by the contributor wasted. This gives a bad impression at a time when Warners are pushing the Forums to the readers of the magazines as "The liveliest Motorhome forum on the web".


It is not just about taking back-ups but having the procedures in place to secure as much of the information as can be reasonably expected to be secured. The procedures should then be put in place to use Roll Forward or Roll Back recovery to ensure that the only data lost is that at the immediate point of failure. This is not rocket science, the software to do this has been available for many years and is relatively in-expensive.


Whether the servers are hosted or owned the security should be the same.





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Gosh, there was me thinking how little had been going on while I was away this past week.

I confess I didn't look at the posting dates - I thought it was just that you couldn't manage without me, although that seemed strange when I've not been part this outfit all that long.

Still, I've been put in my place now - it didn't just go quiet 'cause I was away.

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I'm sorry ... I shouldn't have gone away for the weekend and left you all alone to 'play' without supervision, I should've known someone would break the forum if you didn't have an 'adult' in charge. (lol)


I'm frantically trying to remember what went on last week on the Forum ... but can't! Frightening isn't it!?! *-)

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I recieved an email this evening from Warners about an anonymous someone, it was not me and wonder if everyone else recieved the same.


Out&About forums : Forgotten password


Someone has requested that your Out&About forums password be sent to

this address.


Then it included user mame and password

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Quick summary of problems:


Our first (main) server failed on Friday. We switched over to the backup immediately while repairs were undertaken. Unfortunately, our backup server chose that particular moment to go 'foom', also. As a result - about a week's worth of forum data has gone missing.


I'm afraid I've been struck low with 'flu since Friday, hence my delay in letting you know what's happened.


We're currently working to resolve the matter, but it would appear that the forum data is irretrievable - including all user accounts created during this time.


We are really very sorry for the inconvenience and we're taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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OAL Moderator - 2007-02-21 9:14 AM

Our first (main) server failed on Friday. We switched over to the backup immediately while repairs were undertaken. Unfortunately, our backup server chose that particular moment to go 'foom', also. As a result - about a week's worth of forum data has gone missing.

You have my sympathy. We used to run a data recovery service from old 5.25 inch disks as part of our business. Didn't get a lot of requests until both machines we had which would run a 5.25 inch drive died.


I've also been suffering from a cold.


Like Dave says though, we'll survive :-)



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