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Chip & Pin in Spain and Portugal


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The only time I have used a credit card abroad since "chip and pin" was in Gran Canaria last year where the camera shop proprieter had to take me to the shop next door to use a machine that would take "chip and pin". His machine wouldn't accept my card.

I intend buying Diesel and Food and possibly Motorway Tolls using my credit card(s) in Spain and Portugal.

Has anyone had any problems?

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I have lived in Spain for two years and their regard for the chip/pin system is of no consequence as they use the ID card, so even the signature is irrelevant. Credit card fraud is a minor crime here. Use your credit card at toll booths and be prepared to be asked for some form of ID when using your card
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I have used my credit card (MasterCard) extensively on the Algarve, with no problems.


Mostly they ask you to sign a slip in the old-fashioned way, but a few of the bigger supermarkets have chip-and-pin. My card worked without problem there too.

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When relatives come over here to Spain and use their chip/pin cards, a few of the larger stores like Carrefour phone to get a member of staff from customer services to bring a wireless card reader to the till.


Otherwise a picture ID like passport or driver's licence are used.

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Generally as above, but it does seem to depend a bit just where you are.  Carrefor in Spain can be a real pain.  They also seem to height restrict access to most of their car parks, so we mostly gave up on them.  Used one in Burgos and the girl on the till just panicked and refused to take the card at all.  At Santiago de Compostela a runner on roller blades was summoned, and we had to follow her to the enquiry point where the card was specially swiped.  Some wouldn't take the card at all, others had no problem.  Portugal was almost all old technology, and it worked, but you'll find the full card number on many of the receipts.

Buying fuel on the card almost always worked.  Only the odd request for cash in more out of the way places.

Motorway tolls: no experience, but they aren't that high and you'll need some cash anyhow, so why bother?

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Our biggest concern when using a credit card in supermarkets in France is that while they get you to sign the recipt, they never bother to compare the signature with the one on the card, Im sure you could put any name on the recipt, so if you lost it anyone could make purchases.
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