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Calor Gas is available in Spain

Paul Morgan

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On our recent visit to Spain we found that we could obtain Calor Gas refills (Butane and Propane) in Estoponia. This company also fefills most other gas bottles and they also supply some of the local chandlery shops. Their telephone number is:-


616 96 94 96


Hope this is of use.


Paul "Worms"



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I was employed as a rep for Camping Gaz some years ago and had a lot of contact with Calor. I reckon that these cyclinders are as we used to call them "pirate fills". But i must say they seem very save and even have the fillers name address and phone number on the side.


Paul "worms"

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Paul Morgan - 2007-02-18 2:07 PM




On our recent visit to Spain we found that we could obtain Calor Gas refills (Butane and Propane) in Estoponia. This company also fefills most other gas bottles and they also supply some of the local chandlery shops. Their telephone number is:-


616 96 94 96


Hope this is of use.


Paul "Worms"



I assume you mean Estepona?

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