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IT96-2 Bürstner control panel


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I’ve lost the light that confirms I’m hooked up to mains. Is this easily replaceable? I’ve googled until I’m blue in the face but there appears to be little info on it that I can find.


It worked fine yesterday but it’s not now. No other symptoms just no light. Truma panel shows electric plug icon and fridge works on electric.

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It is very rare for the LED on the IT96 to fail, far more likely that the EBL99 charger that drives the LED has failed because of a poor battery.


Turn off the mains, wait 5 seconds and then turn mains back on and check that the battery voltage rises above 13.7v.

If the battery voltage doesn't rise, the charger has probably failed.


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Thanks Allan. It’s a new EBL 119(?) and2 relatively new Varta LFD 75s batteries. I don’t have the tools with me to check accurately right now but home on Thursday. We have been in 40+c for nearly a fortnight.i wonder what that’s done to the whole system
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That is unusual to get a failure on a new EBL 119 with LFD75's. Maybe the charger has got hot and overheated, but it would be unusual.


If it was a unit we supplied, if you contact Martin I am sure he will look at both items for free to see what has gone wrong?


Not sure what is happening at Schaudt but so far this year, two rebuilt units they supplied had faults and two new K model charger boards didn't have the power transistor soldered in place, just bolted in but not soldered. Prior to this year, we have never had a single issue with them.

Don't know if they are going through cost cutting, but their top engineer we used to talk to has gone.

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Hi Allan. Although we tried to select shaded spots, it hasn’t always been possible to cover both van sides and the heat levels have been extreme so it is possible my batteries have ‘cooked’. I did buy the unit from you and will give the company a call next week once I return. I take it there are no fuses (apart from the very large one next to the vehicle battery that I should be checking?
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Dickybeau - 2019-07-02 1:25 PM


Hi Allan. Although we tried to select shaded spots, it hasn’t always been possible to cover both van sides and the heat levels have been extreme so it is possible my batteries have ‘cooked’. I did buy the unit from you and will give the company a call next week once I return. I take it there are no fuses (apart from the very large one next to the vehicle battery that I should be checking?



There is a mains fuse inside the EBL, but generally, replacing it without solving the issue will result in further damage, which you will hear from the bang and see the flash as components explode.

If the charger has been overloaded, one of the components on the sub board breaks down and takes the mains fuse with it.

If you just replace the fuse without also replacing the damaged components, the first component in the path of the power has already blown so the 240v mains just goes on a rampage taking out further components downstream.

That is why the fuse is 'buried' inside the box and not on the front of the EBL with the user serviceable fuses.



Martin will take care of you and probably fix it under warranty even if it is 'outside causes', drop him an email when you can.



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