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Eura mobil Help needed


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We have just returned from our first trip in our newly aqcuired Eura mobile Integra 810 and I have 2 questions regarding unidentified stuff.

1, there is a pair of switches on the seat section behind the passenger cab seat that houses the gas cupboard. What do they do?

2, in that same seat section infront of the steel gas cuboard enclosure there is a timber lift out lid and underneath there is a fan unit connected to warm air ducting. What does this do? it does not come on when I turn the fan controller on the main panel (for the Truma C6002 heater) nor does it operate with the Truma E2400 cab auxiliary heater.

Thanks in anticipation.


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Sorry to ask the obvious, but don't you have a manual?  If you don't, I'd suggest you explore why not.

Whoever sold it should have provided one and, if a dealer, should also have demonstrated what things are and how they work.  These are quite complex vehicles and you are likely to find other things that aren't obvious.

At a guess, the unit you refer to is supplementary heating for use while travelling, heated via engine coolant.  This is for the comfort of the rear seat assengers and, at a further guess, the switches control same.  Try the switches with the engine running.

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Thanks for your response.

We did get a lovely big leather zip up folder with all booklets from each componant manufacturer from Alco chassis through to the waste traps but no mention of this item.

I've tried with the engine on and off.

It does not have any connections for radiator plumbing (as with you that was my 1st thought).

The Truma stuff says either the 6002 and/or the 2400 heaters can be used whilst traveling (legislation permitting)


I am chasing Eura mobil for a users manual which may help but apparently

there is no "whole vehicle" manual which seems odd for a vehicle costing + 70K 3 years ago.


The supplier was only as good as the book on the specifics and as the guy who was supposed to do the handover was off on collection day the demonstration was pretty generic.

Thanks again and I'll post when I get the answer.




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The fan-unit you refer to is very likely part of the "ISO-AIR KONZEPT" fitted to Integras. This (to quote the brochure) is "A ventilation system that draws up cool air from under the floor and redistributes it inside. Vents are set into the furniture. May be combined with air-conditioning".


I've no practical experience of this system, but (given their proximity) I'd guess your mysterious seat-switches might control it. Try turning on habitation 12V power at the electrical control-panel, then play around with the switches. If nothing happens, then, as ISO-AIR is a cool-air distribution system, a thermostat may be involved that prevents operation below a certain temperature - but this is pure speculation on my part. ISO-AIR is a Eura Mobil feature and, as such, it ought to have been described somewhere in the literature that originally came with the motorhome.


Westcroft Motorhomes (www.westcroftmotorhomes.com) should be able to advise.

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