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Falcon Technology _ Inverters


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Has anyone had an Inverter fitted by Falcon Technology?


Interested to know if it worked ok?


Did the leisure battery cope? etc


They are saying that a 2000W inverter fitted to a single 100amp Leisure battery with 100W Solar panel will happily cope.... main use will be 10-15mins/day of a 1200W hairdryer during 3-4 days of wild camping.


They also wire into the existing plug sockets.


The inverter has an on/off switch so it is switched off when not in use.



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Hi, I fitted a 2000 psw inverter fitted in our van. Unusually I have it fitted to the engine battery. This allows me to run my mains charger whilst driving to increase charging rates, I can also run my fridge on 240 cools better and is temp controlled. I have 300 watts of solar and two 100 amp batteries.


As a rough guide you will use 28 amps @ 12 volt d.c. To produce 1 amp @ 240 volt a.c.so you are looking at 5 amps (1200 divided by 240 = 5) (5 X 28 = 140 amps) to take that out of a brand new good quality battery even at 15 mins will shorten the life very quickly. Ideally you should take no more than 50% of a batteries capacity less is preferred. Also with a single 100 amp solar panel depending on the time of year if you were to harvest 15 amps a day you would be doing well. You have to allow for your domestic use, lights, water pump, fridge control if ses, charging iPad's, phones.


I benifit by having the inverter running off the engine battery I can always run the engine if I need extra capacity. The charging systems on most Motorhome is not that efficient at topping up the leisure batteries.

Obviously I have to take care I don't flatten my starter battery. ( haven't done so far)

Lastly engine batteries are designed for large discharges. And which ever way you go make sure that the inverter and the mains cannot be live at the same time. ( normaly by a rotary switch )

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