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Dripping kitchen tap on 1994 Auto-trial Duetto

Guest Mitch

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Guest Mitch
Does anyone know if it is it possible to replace the kitchen sink tap washer in the Duetto ? I can't see how to take the tap apart.
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Guest Tom
I didn't think that Auto-Trail ever made a Dueto. Autosleepers perhaps! Underneath the cupboard with a spanner and acrewdriver. Turn the pump off first and drain down to save puddles.
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Guest Mitch
Tom. Whoops!! The last van was an Auto-Trail. However, it's still not clear as the taps are fixed to the rear side of the sink and fold down when not in use. Normally I've been able to remove the knob to take the tap apart to replace a washer but in this case I can't see how . Does this mean that the sink has to be removed and the complete tap replaced
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Guest Tom
I am not sure, I am an Autotrail (Merc) man! But it cannot be rocket science. You probably need to be double jointed to see underneath it though. Good luck
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Guest AlfM
Dont know directly for your Duetto but on my A/S legend the red and blue markers on the top of the taps unscrew, then you can remove the tap top and get at the washer.
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