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Hymer Rooflight Dome Removal


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Our 2002 reg Hymer Swing C544 is getting on a bit (170,000 miles). We want to keep it going for another few years and have spent some of our savings on new tyres, new clutch et cetera. Just when we thought we were all fixed, a large chunk of the inner skin of our large rooflight fell off. It's old age and fatigue we reckon: the piece just droped off some time when were staionary on site. The rest of the inner over the aperture is ok for now and so we are still watertight; however there is a large crack which may propagate.


The dome rises up on four legs but it's not possible to get at the crack from inside the 'van. One of the options I'm considering is just to stop drill the crack and patch up the rest. I know that a new dome will cost hundreds!


My first step would be to have the dome removed for inspection. I will ask my local garage to do this as I'm 75 and given up ladder climbing. Can anyone tell me how the dome is removed from the lifting arms? It's not obvious from squinting from the inside.


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I think your rooflight is the same as the one on my 2006 B504.


There are 4 starlock washers holding the rooflight on the outer edge of each leg.

You need to prise these off then you can carefully remove the rooflight. Chances are that you will probably damage the washers when removing them so its best to have a few spares for when you come to refit it.

From memory I think they are 8mm but best to double check. They are cheap enough to buy, just do a google search on 'hymer starlock washers', I thuink ebay do them as well. Try and get stainless steel ones.



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Sorry, should have proof read it, second line a bit misleading, should read...


"There are 4 starlock washers holding the rooflight on. One on the outer edge of each leg."


So you only need 4 replacement washers, not 16!



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Thanks, Pete, for your reply. My rooflight is a large clear plastic roof window - outside dims116x73, inside aperture 80x50. It's opened by turning a handle which then lifts the dome off the seal and slides it sideways. I think the star washer fixings are for the smaller kitchen and bathroom rooflights (?).


On my big rooflight, two of the arms have spigots which slide in a slot, the others are fixed holes but I cannot see how the whole thing can be removed.


Any other suggestions would be welcome.



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