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Ctek Battery Sense


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No, but I have a Victron BMV-712 battery monitor fitted in my van, which has a phone app to connect and read or program it via Bluetooth. It works well. I can connect from inside the house to check the state of the vehicle and leisure batteries in the van.
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Face value looks good, but can it deal with Battery Banks? It also says in the bumf that it's fine with lead acid, what about other battery types?

I second the Victron BMV, in particular the 712 as it does detect middle voltage (needed for battery banks and Li) and the app is very user friendly.

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Thanks for replies, I have taken a look at the web site .


Am I correct in thinking that the 500 amp shunt can be used on the starter battery?


Seeing that both my habitation and starter batteries are circa 2010, they have had a good run for the money !!


It would be Wiser to buy new batteries, than worry about performance issues.



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