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Anyone with a Bessacar E745


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Could you please explain the knobs inside the door ..

Ie Auxillary light

Electric step

2 switches for the big lights one over the bed and one at the front of the cab.

The switches I,m after are located near the fridge side of the fridge what are they for . I think I have this right I ,m asking on behalf of some one

Or anyone who has or who could explain the big switches like I am talking about Please.....Dont worry found out thankyou....

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Hi Michelle,

Is this the rear bathroom model with the big fridge/ freezer, if so we have this model Kontiki, there is a switch at the side of the fridge which is the fan switch for the fridge.

Cant picture this now the others i feel are for the bathroom, sink / shower.

Hope this helps.

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Hi, Thanks for that yes you are quite correct .

I was trying to find out for someone we have bessie E765 or 795 dont ask me its just a number to me I just drive it. Anyway friend was waiting so I got in touch with the company and they told me . We dont have a fan switch on ours . thanks for you kind help.

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