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Setting up an itinerary for TomTom


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Hello guys,

I've put together a document which may be useful for people who might want to plan an itinerary for their TomTom SatNav.

Despite it being written for a TomTom machine, the principles are straight forward and the additional FREE software used will convert itineraries into other SatNav formats.

Click on the link below to get a copy (file size is only 34kb).


Any problems, you know where I am.


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kelly58 - 2007-02-22 7:10 PM Hi I have tried to open the linc but I just get a blank page any ideas why please regards kelly :-(

If you're still having problems send me your email address as a PM and I'll send you the file as an email attachment.

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I could be corrected on this, but on some versions of TOMTOM is is difficult to run the Itinery in Demo mode because it has no satellite coordinates / input to work from.


It is possible to fool the TomTom into running the itinery by selecting a route similar to the itinery and running that in demo mode, then run the itinery, the coordinates are in the memory and are used as a starting point.


Works on TomTom5 (PDA bluetooth), not sure about other TomTom products.



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Thanks a lot WTG that's a brilliant bit of software. I just got a Mio 250 and was wondering how to use Autoroute to do planning. Well hopefully now I can. Nice one. :-D :-o
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By the way the level of detail on those Google Satellite images is amazing, I can see my boat moored up in Boston Linc's. Mind blowing, no wonder the Yanks can put a missile down a chimney. Big brother is watching you. :D *-)
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Thanks for all your comments guys, much appreciated.

The nice thing about using AutoRoute is that its much easier to see a larger detailed area on a big screen.  You can then zoom in place your waypoint then zoom out again.

I also really like the free ITN Convert program as you can convert the saved itinerary into several formats to suit your particular SatNav.  It seems to cover the most popular formats.

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