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Strikeback Alarm wiring help


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Vanbitz in Taunton are the sole provider of the Strikeback system. They should have a record of the exact system installed to your van. You can find installer instructions for the Meta Alarms on Meta's website, but although Vanbitz use Meta components in their systems, they are only part of the motorhome alarm system that they fit, which probably differs in several details.


If you contact them, they can probably help although you will need to register as the owner of the system if you have not already. For obvious reasons, I would suggest that installation specific information should not be posted on a public forum.

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Good Morning,

As previously explained, every installation we have carried out in the last 25+ years does have a record. As each Motorcaravan is unique and the systems are bespoke to the vehicle/customer, there is no generic wiring diagram for the Strikeback systems of old and new. There is also the security side to which if such information be so freely available, in the wrong hands would defeat the object of protecting your Motorcaravan/Camper.

It is worth pointing out that with systems over 15 years old, some the main ECU/Siren/Pager components are much harder to support due to availability.

We have however some helpful guides on the website to follow should you purchase a van with one of our systems installed by us and if your Strikeback system has an issue:







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I was hoping to avoid visiting Vanbitz as they are too far away.


Unfortunately the system is too old to be on the Meta website.


In particular I am wondering about the wiring to the "Interactive Beep Alarm Transmitter" which I assume might be the paging transmitter. I am trying to replace the pager with a GSM signalling unit.





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dougalthedog999 - 2019-09-06 3:21 PM


Unfortunately the system is too old to be on the Meta website.




As Meta are not responsible for the Strikeback Systems, they wouldn't have that information anyway.

Meta were commissioned to make the ECU of the alarm system based on our requirements (the same thing they do with vehicle manufacturers), so as I have said in my previous post, the system is bespoke to your vehicle and notes are created as such.

Have you registered yourself as the owner and keeper of the vehicle and transferred the records over to you?

Details of how to do this are below:



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I would prefer to have someone closer to home in case of an emergency. The system looks pretty basic and there seem to be plenty of dealers selling Meta system components. I suspect any customisation is more likely to be in the firmware / accessories than in the actual Meta hardware. Also from what I can see, Vanbitz prices seem to be rather high!



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