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MH parking in towns


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W3526602 - 2007-03-05 7:31 AM




Slightly OT....what happens if I depart from a parking bay (sign says no return within 2 hours) and then swap seats with my wife, and she drives back into the same bay? Is it the car or the driver that mustn't return?

It's the vehicle - parking attendants have no idea who is driving.



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Dave Newell - 2007-03-05 8:16 AM


"The car park machine in Ammanford now requires you to key in your registration prior to getting a ticket."


I think you answered your own question really.




Hi Dave,


Er....yes....but....no! The question refered to parking a car in the street, with no return within two hours.


The bit about Ammanford was just a moan. But to continue...... at one time you could buy a ticket in one car park, and drive to another car park in the same county, and continue using it. I wonder if that still applies?



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W3526602 - 2007-03-05 4:58 PM

But to continue...... at one time you could buy a ticket in one car park, and drive to another car park in the same county, and continue using it. I wonder if that still applies?

It all depends on the bye laws in force in the local authority area in question. Some allow the use of the same ticket in different car parks (normally restricted to long stay rather than short stay) and some don't.


The requirement to key in your registration number is different - that's to stop people giving their unexpired tickets to someone else who then avoids paying.



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Guest Frank Wilkinson

GJH said:

The requirement to key in your registration number is different - that's to stop people giving their unexpired tickets to someone else who then avoids paying.

This is one reason why I despise local authorities. They can pay a lot more money for fancy Pay and Display machines that require you to type in your reg. number, but can never give you change!

If I pay for two hours' parking, what does it matter if I spend one hour and then give my ticket to someone else for the remaining hour?

This kind of action is typical of the grasping, small-minded attitude of the jobsworths who run our local councils.

It can cost £1.20 for an hour but if you've only £1.50 or £2.00 you get no change. Overstay by five minutes for a spot that you've already paid over the odds for and you'll get stung for another £20 -£60.

If private enterprise behaved like these grasping idiots people would be up in arms!

Rant over!

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Agreed wholeheartedly. I thought this racket had stopped with the new number system.

Our Dist Council introduced this a few years ago, despite loud popular protest. I tried to get a campaign of civil disobedience going, getting everyone to type in "000," but it didn't really take off. Then when the new-style reg nos came in, they quietly junked the nice new machines (they didn't take letters, and loads of people now have the same numbers) and put the charges up to cover the waste. Still don't give change though!



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I can never remember my Reg. no. I have to look out of the site office when the wardens ask for it , so a machine in a car park has no chance,

I would probably get 1 or 2 digits correct. However, I have still paid my fee to park. Would I get fined for having a dodgy memory ??

Whatever next ?? I think I would contest one of those !


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So you fight your corner, go in front of the magistrate.....and get a punitive fine, cos His Worship voted for the car park fees when he was wearing his Councillor hat.


Er ... is that how British justice works? Big Nebby passes a law then punishes you for breaking that law? I thought the various elements were meant to be kept seperate?



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