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The value of Roof Aircon


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This isn’t a wind up of those who are suffering floods in UK but I am in the Portuguese Algarve and it has been uncomfortably hot during the past few days. We fitted Dometic Roof Aircon when we bought our Hymer B674 new in 2006 but we used it only occasionally, even though we did most of our touring abroad. Overall I came to regard it as not really worth its considerable (45 kg) weight and resolved never to bother again.


But this past ten days in the Algarve, with temperatures around and above 30 degrees C, we’ve been on EHU and the Aircon has been on all day every day, right up until bedtime. So our Dometic Aircon has always been reliable, this week it has been a godsend. The OH won’t let me have it on at night because of the noise, otherwise I suspect I would.

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We had a roof unit on the old van, used it maybe 5 times in 5 years. Simply never on EHU when it might be useful. If anything I might consider a portable window mounted unit for the few occasions I would want to have it along in the future. Otherwise we're going for a roof fan, much more multi purpose.
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StuartO - 2019-10-01 8:33 PM


This isn’t a wind up of those who are suffering floods in UK but I am in the Portuguese Algarve and it has been uncomfortably hot during the past few days. We fitted Dometic Roof Aircon when we bought our Hymer B674 new in 2006 but we used it only occasionally, even though we did most of our touring abroad. Overall I came to regard it as not really worth its considerable (45 kg) weight and resolved never to bother again.


But this past ten days in the Algarve, with temperatures around and above 30 degrees C, we’ve been on EHU and the Aircon has been on all day every day, right up until bedtime. So our Dometic Aircon has always been reliable, this week it has been a godsend. The OH won’t let me have it on at night because of the noise, otherwise I suspect I would.


So what happens when you leave the van?

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spirou - 2019-10-02 5:30 AM


We had a roof unit on the old van, used it maybe 5 times in 5 years. Simply never on EHU when it might be useful. If anything I might consider a portable window mounted unit for the few occasions I would want to have it along in the future. Otherwise we're going for a roof fan, much more multi purpose.



Sounds like a vicious circle to me.


It's reported that air conditioning adds to global warming - so we may all eventually need air conditioning to relieve us from the effects of air conditioning.



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We hired in the USA a few times with all the extras fitted as standard but never used them, we found that sitting quietly and accepting the heat was better than the noise, ( was all in the mind ?) Plus when calling at sites we were asked if we used the Aircon if yes then you were sent far away from all others.
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StuartO - 2019-10-02 11:57 AM


Muswell - 2019-10-02 9:12


So what happens when you leave the van?


Nothing much; it doesn’t make much noise and it’s thermostatically controlled to a minimum temperature, so it’s just a bit cooler inside than otherwise.


No I meant how do YOU deal with the heat? We spent 2 years living in a very hot country and found that unless you want to spend all your time indoors you just have to get used to the heat. Move slowly, try to keep in the shade and accept that it's hot.

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The first time we went to Florida we hired a convertible car and drove around with the top down. That idea lasted one afternoon, then we put the top up and enjoyed the air on, which seemed to be the way all the other convertibles were being driven too.


In the Algarve in October we walk the dogs early mornings, then keep them in the shelter of the MH during the heat of the day, then another walk just before sunset, when it has started cooling off. We go out for lunch, finding a shady restaurant, then walk home through the leafy park, looking for hoopoes, and doze under the awning. But the dogs stay inside where it’s cooler.


Most of the noise from the air on inside the MH is from the fan recirculating the air and outside it’s not too noisy at all, just a humming sound. Nothing like as bad as a generator.

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