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forgotten password?????


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Just recieved an email from forum moderators, all about a forgotten password request, with a new link.

I don't usually log out of here, so Iv'e no need to log back in, I have not asked for a password

reset either, Is this a possible Phishing scam?


regards steve.

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Hi, having had many years in IT I would recommend never using a link in any email you receive unless you've asked for it. If you've received an email with a link then go to the forum using your normal method and try logging in, if it doesnt work then use the Forgot Password link and then it will be ok to use that link.
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I am a forum moderator.


Your forum Profile (sensibly) does not include your email address, so - unless you have stated your email address somewhere in your current 19 forum postings (and I haven’t checked if that’s so) - there is no way that I (or any other forum moderator) can know your address in order to send you an email.


It’s probable that the forum’s administrator (Daniel Attwood) or the system manager could find out your email address, as you will have provided this when you first registered for these forums on 21 October 2016, but I’m doubtful that either would pro-actively involve themselves with a ‘forgotten password’ issue.


As a test I logged myself off these forums and then issued a ‘Forgot your password?’ request at the re-login stage. This produced a screen as shown in the attached image below and I then filled in the required Username and E-mail details and clicked on the Submit button. I have not (yet) received an email, so I don’t know if human intervention is required at the Warners end or if the system no longer functions properly.


The trouble is that the software that ‘drives’ these forums is 2005-vintage and can be glitchy. Like 747 I occasionally need to re-login for no apparent reason, but I’ve never been sent the type of unasked-for email you’ve received, and there seems to be no evidence that other forum members have either.


These forums have been subject to ‘spamming’ in the past, but it’s hard to know what has happened in your case. I suspect this is not a phishing attempt, but it’s impossible to know without more information. Have you still got the link you were sent, as that might show whether this was a glitch or something more malevolent? (If you can PM me a copy of the link I’ll have a look at it.)


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Hi Derek,


Thanks for repling to my PM. The offending email has now been resigned to the bin.

Think it was more a case of not wanting others to fall into a trap and lose out to any

spammers or phishers that seem to abound on the intrnet today, thanks again.


regards, Steve.

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