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Did anyone watch the show this Sunday? (repeated tomorrow I believe)

Clarky (You either love him or loath him) made some comments about French vehicles having the worst reliability! Says a lot about most of our European MH base vehicles!


Hampster seems to have lost some weight though.






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Love top gear,But french cars breaking down have more to do with the elecs found on them , air con, elec windows,locks etc. that do not form any part of a van base used for motorhomes, maybe a few have air con fitted from the french supplier, but most don,t have the vast amount of elecs apart from the ECU. I must say nowever that my fiat based hymer is not as good as my old ford, switch gear, lights, and the general feel of the dashboard plastics is not as good as the old ford. Maybe a wood dash kit would up out here.

Did you see the top gear show on camping with a caravan, just priceless.


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In my opion the whole show is based on anybody who does not drive fast is stupid, and should not be on the roads. Any youngsters watching, who have perhaps not long past their driving test will think that any vehicle not driven to its max speed will look " uncool".


The old saying, that its not speed that kills, is a load of tripe, people who think along those lines need to work in an A.E. for a few nights, and I cant think of anybody more suitable than Clarkson and his stooges. chas

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Clarkson...............Total prat. Wants to grow up and reallise he's not the international playboy he thinks he is. Just a bit of a nerd really. Top Gear used to be quite good when it was about cars and not the stupid antics these idiots get up to. What a complete waste of licence payers money.
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I see that Top Gear has introduced a new measurement called "Torques". I have checked arouind and found it is the same kind of measurement as "distance". If I am wrong I am sure that someone will correct me.


Carrying on with previous comments on this thread it is not as we all know "speed kills" its the sudden deceleration when you hit an imovable object, resulting in internal organs vying for the same space within your body.


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Top Gear, watch it for what it is; a comedy programme and good, light hearted entertainment. Clarkson dislikes anything that costs under £100K and has less than four wheels on princeple. We have had French cars for the past 30 years and never been let down, the only time we tried a "British" car (Ford Cortina) we only kept it 12 months as we could not afford to replace any more bits.
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I must admit I love the program. Anybody who cannot see the size of the tounges planted in the cheeks has missed the plot. I married a nurse and she loves it as well.


Top Gear is one of the biggest export abroad successes for the BBC, so many people must like it. Speaking of 100K surely there must be many MH owners who spend around this amount as well?? (not me though, haven,t got the dosh but can still dream)


Brothers to the revolution.






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Im not a fan of him either he hates motorbikes and has paced a sports car against a low powered 600cc bike just to make out the car is fast,

Some of these larger sports bikes would thrash the pants of most of the so call sports cars he dribbles over. Even hammond cant get him to include m/cycles on the programme and he writes for a leading motorcycle newspaper.

Im affraid its a one man show if you like him watch it if you dont turn him off.




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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Clive - 2007-02-27 10:33 PM I must admit I love the program. Anybody who cannot see the size of the tounges planted in the cheeks has missed the plot. I married a nurse and she loves it as well. Top Gear is one of the biggest export abroad successes for the BBC, so many people must like it. Speaking of 100K surely there must be many MH owners who spend around this amount as well?? (not me though, haven,t got the dosh but can still dream) Brothers to the revolution.

Here here!  Top gear is hilarious. Sunday's programme with Kristin Scott Thomas was an absolute hoot!

I love the anti-political-correctness of the whole show and its emphasis on the fact that there are lots of us out there who think that cars and driving are, and should be, fun!

If you are about as enthusiastic about cars and motoring as you are about your vacuum cleaner and see cars as simply a mechanical device for getting you from A to B then I can recommend 'Heartbeat' or whatever dross is on other channels on Sunday evenings.

Keep up the good work lads!

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I too have to confess to being a fan. Never used to watch it when it was all about cars people might actually buy - talking about THEIR 0-60 figures etc seemed somehow pointless!

But now, as pure entertainment, I tune in regularly.


At risk of going O/T, I'm fed up with the "Speed Kills" slogan. It's bad driving that kills, and SOME of that includes INAPPROPRIATE speed for the combination of car/driver/road/conditions. Even that, however, is not at all the same thing as "exceeding the (often arbitrary) speed limit." There are moments (eg when overtaking) when the safest course is to complete the process as quickly as possible, but of course cameras don't know that.


Scrap the cameras, which can only pick up speed, and bring back LOTS more traffic police, including unmarked cars (and if necessary change the law so officers in them have the same powers as those in marked cars). That way, we'll not only deter those whose speed is dangerous, but also those who cut in, have no lane discipline, use the phone, jump traffic lights, ignore "Give Way" signs, etc .... etc .... etc!


(Mod - if you want to move this onto a new thread, feel free, but I'll shut up for now).



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Haven't seen it yet - tend to watch the repeat later in week.


As for French cars - I've been driving them for 11 years and never had problems. I sometimes think that only those with a gripe take part in surveys. I also think that it's not always the vehicle so much as the dealership that's the problem.



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Frank Wilkinson - 2007-02-27 11:34 PM
Clive - 2007-02-27 10:33 PM I must admit I love the program. Anybody who cannot see the size of the tounges planted in the cheeks has missed the plot. I married a nurse and she loves it as well. Top Gear is one of the biggest export abroad successes for the BBC, so many people must like it. Speaking of 100K surely there must be many MH owners who spend around this amount as well?? (not me though, haven,t got the dosh but can still dream) Brothers to the revolution.

Here here!  Top gear is hilarious. Sunday's programme with Kristin Scott Thomas was an absolute hoot!

I love the anti-political-correctness of the whole show and its emphasis on the fact that there are lots of us out there who think that cars and driving are, and should be, fun!

If you are about as enthusiastic about cars and motoring as you are about your vacuum cleaner and see cars as simply a mechanical device for getting you from A to B then I can recommend 'Heartbeat' or whatever dross is on other channels on Sunday evenings.

Keep up the good work lads!

Actually I have a Toyota Supra 3.0L Turbo so can hardly be an old fart and have no fun with cars. I just don't like Clarkson and consider him to be a big headed idiot. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to express it without being labled an old fart. Us people who see the program as pointless could assume that all of you who love it are childish. But we wouldn't be that rude would we. >:-( (?)
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Chas, Peter, Trigrem, Spartan3956 - What's all the fuss.


When you bought your TV there should have been a remote control supplied with it - just switch over and, as Frank says, watch the dross on the other channels.


I personally think that it's a fun programme and good entertainment, nothing more, nothing less.

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Well,yes. I have no problem with anyone liking or not liking TG, Clarkson or anyone else.


The only issue I have is with those who want to take it off the air and stop me watching it ! I like it a lot, and yes, I probably am childish but then I'm a bloke so it's allowed, or at least expected.


More worryingly, just about to take delivery of an IH Oregon RE on Renault Master, so the French reliability thing is just about to be put to the test.


Will let you all know if I end up in the merde as a result ! :$

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
peter - 2007-02-28 3:32 PM
Frank Wilkinson - 2007-02-27 11:34 PM
Clive - 2007-02-27 10:33 PM I must admit I love the program. Anybody who cannot see the size of the tounges planted in the cheeks has missed the plot. I married a nurse and she loves it as well. Top Gear is one of the biggest export abroad successes for the BBC, so many people must like it. Speaking of 100K surely there must be many MH owners who spend around this amount as well?? (not me though, haven,t got the dosh but can still dream) Brothers to the revolution.

Here here!  Top gear is hilarious. Sunday's programme with Kristin Scott Thomas was an absolute hoot!

I love the anti-political-correctness of the whole show and its emphasis on the fact that there are lots of us out there who think that cars and driving are, and should be, fun!

If you are about as enthusiastic about cars and motoring as you are about your vacuum cleaner and see cars as simply a mechanical device for getting you from A to B then I can recommend 'Heartbeat' or whatever dross is on other channels on Sunday evenings.

Keep up the good work lads!

Actually I have a Toyota Supra 3.0L Turbo so can hardly be an old fart and have no fun with cars. I just don't like Clarkson and consider him to be a big headed idiot. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to express it without being labled an old fart. Us people who see the program as pointless could assume that all of you who love it are childish. But we wouldn't be that rude would we. >:-( (?)

I'd just like to mention Peter that neither I nor Clive, both of whom you quoted in your response, called you an 'old fart'. That was actually Terry1956. My response was aimed generally at everyone who isn't interested in cars and not specifically at you.

I would also add that neither of us expressed the view that you are not entitled to your opinion. Of course you are! And we of course are entitled to ours that Top Gear is great fun and that Jeremy Clarkson is the lynchpin of what is a very popular programme.

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this is to spartan3956, did you ever see the fifth gear episode with a porsche 911 and a yamaha r1, car driven by jason plato, bike ridden by niall mckenzie, this took place around thruxton and guess what? the porsche won. so that kicks you theory into touch. on an open road the bike will always win, but on a track the car will win and this is down to how much rubber is on the road,i.e. 4 wheels for a car and 2 wheels for a bike. as for speed kills, no it doesn't, it's the stopping that kills you. and as for french cars, it's about time the rest of the car makers stood up and took notice, the french have style and passion, they build things that are different. and as for jap cars????? they are all boring. :D :D :D :D
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Well I must confess to likeing Top Gear and JC wonderful sense of humour, you should read his books, real giggle, my favourite quote "How bored at home do you have to be to go fishing".

The majority of the low French cars were Peugeot I have owned several Peugeot's over the years, the motorhomes on a Boxer, and have been very pleased with them having trouble free motoring for aver 300000 miles between a 405 and a 406 but the new 407 is one of the most unreliable heaps of trash I have ever encountered. For an instance try a complete software failure in the outside lane of the A1 at rush hour in the dark with only 2000 miles on the clock, it had spent nearly as long in the garage as on the road and I am not the only one to have problems with that model its gone now and I would not buy another. I rue the day that I let the 406 go as it is still going strong and had 148000 on the clock when I sold it to a friend

My son has a Renault Clio and that has been really good.



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Guest starspirit

I too love Top Gear.

It's the highlight of the otherwise rather sad TV week for me, all except the bit where JC (no not him - the other one who only thinks he is) drives round an airfield in a very expensive toy burning very expensive rubber, but that's when the mute button comes in handy!

As the only truly politically incorrect programme on TV I just love the tongue in cheek (and not so tongue in cheek) pops at everyone.

The caravan towing stunt last year was hilarious - but with a sensible under current methinks - and had many CC and CCC members up in arms.

Funniest of all was that the more they complained the more we all laughed - and all credit to CCC for allowing one of their sites to be used for the stunt.

I shudder to think how much it cost to put a Reliant part way into orbit and then fully into the ground but it did make great TV, IMHO.

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dickyc2 - 2007-02-28 4:38 PM


RobB, renault masters are built in the old vauxhall factory at luton, so no it's not french it's british,(french only in name) and they are good vans, well they must be the ambulance service loves em :D :D


No thats the Traffic/Vivaro

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I love top gear and think it's absolutely fabulous and very informative about the inner workings of the modern internal combustion engine. I never cease to be amazed at the immense knowledge of the the presenters regarding all the electronic wizardry in the modern automobile. I particularly like the comprehensive tests that they carry out on all the latest ironmongery from the manufacturers. The amount that I have learnt from the reviews always enables me to amke a well balanced judgement when it's time to purchase a new car. :D
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Guest Frank Wilkinson
peter - 2007-02-28 11:18 PM I love top gear and think it's absolutely fabulous and very informative about the inner workings of the modern internal combustion engine. I never cease to be amazed at the immense knowledge of the the presenters regarding all the electronic wizardry in the modern automobile. I particularly like the comprehensive tests that they carry out on all the latest ironmongery from the manufacturers. The amount that I have learnt from the reviews always enables me to amke a well balanced judgement when it's time to purchase a new car. :D

I'm sorry Peter but you're mixing up 'Top Gear' with 'What Car' magazine.

What are you on tonight!

Anyway, I'm out of this thread now. As soon as someone starts with totally off-topic snide remarks about CC members again, I think that the best thing for me to do is escape. Why do they do it, what is wrong with caravanners that makes people so nasty about them?

PS I much prefer your real photograph!

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