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mmm forum is it me

Hymer C 9.

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Guest starspirit

No problems on Firefox although some threads are too wide for the screen.


Never mind as it is very inexpensive (well free really) fun I can't complain.


Not that I ever complain or grumble you understand.


Viva Grumpy Old Men - they've all got the right idea.

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I use firefox and it was like watching paint dry last night, so switched off in disgust.


timed out this morning too, but tried again and it loaded and seems ok now!


only time will tell.


hey ho, nearly time to get ready for work - but it's P.O.E.T.S day.




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Hello Carioca, Carolh and Starspirit,


Found exactly the same with IE7 although I did stick with it and had Firefox already for access speed comparison.


This morning IE7 seems to be flying and Firefox crawling especially when returning to Home when the system seems to hang for anything up to 15 seconds with "Waiting for www.sptag2.com".




Have noticed the wide page problem with Firefox but it does not happen with every thread such as this one for instance and only seems to happen on this forum. Any idea why?


Regards to all,



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