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You may have noticed that I have returned after a period of illness enforced absence. I am somewhat surprised to see so many contributors feel it worthwhile to now include a personal picture as their Avatar. This means that from now on I will not be able to log on for at least two hours after eating to avoid a sickening feeling. Pictures of pets and vans I can put up with indeed I use on of my own pets on the basis that people start to look like their pets and I look like mine apart from the wet nose. So please spare us the lurid close up pictures. For anyone interested there is an interesting description of avatar on Wikipedia the online dictionary.



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Guest JudgeMental

May I humbly suggest a return to rehab as it has obviously not worked in your case.


Have another go – its only money after all. And you may turn out a nicer and more open minded person.


But I fear Sir that you are beyond redemption and only the lash or a good old neck stretch would be appropriate ( that goes for your doggy friend as well)


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JudgeMental - 2007-02-27 9:00 PM


May I humbly suggest a return to rehab as it has obviously not worked in your case.


Have another go – its only money after all. And you may turn out a nicer and more open minded person.


But I fear Sir that you are beyond redemption and only the lash or a good old neck stretch would be appropriate ( that goes for your doggy friend as well)


Hear, Hear. Well said Judge. What a miserable old git.
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Lighten up guys, the live and let live ethos really ought to stretch to those who don't live and let live too, challenging as that becomes. I'm sure he doesn't mean harm. For me, I actually like to see who I'm "chatting" to. If I wasn't such a dummy I'd probably have an avatar too.

In forebearance,


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Sorry Eddie, you're stuck with my ugly mug, on the grounds that (a) our cat looks even worse and (b) I've still not managed to make any of the pics I have of Hannibal (our ancient Transit) small enough for uploading here.

But I'm grateful to you for starting the thread, because I went to Wikipedia and now know what an Avatar is. I can probably use the idea in a sermon (I will of course credit you).



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Guest JudgeMental



Tony & Lee D 1st, maybe the link above might be of use to you – I have personally not tried it.


Lee D 1st, are you also of a priestly persuasion as surely one man of the cloth amongst us is quite enough and that vacancy is filled by Tony Jones…


Now if you where a Muslim cleric that would be entirely different and you would be most welcome to the mix. But please, do not be too sensitive and upset for the doggy person - on here, unlike in life generally you get what you deserve.


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JudgeMental - 2007-02-28 1:27 PM




Tony & Lee D 1st, maybe the link above might be of use to you – I have personally not tried it.


Lee D 1st, are you also of a priestly persuasion as surely one man of the cloth amongst us is quite enough and that vacancy is filled by Tony Jones…


Now if you where a Muslim cleric that would be entirely different and you would be most welcome to the mix. But please, do not be too sensitive and upset for the doggy person - on here, unlike in life generally you get what you deserve.


No, no cleric, far too many savoured vices for that to ever be an option, along with the agnosticism of course.


Where'd you pick up the "D" in Lee1st?


For me, it's not picture size preventing avatars, my ignorance is not knowing where to start, I assume it's something to do with the "signature"?


Lee (No D) :-D

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