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2003 Peugeot Boxer - Thatcham 2 immobiliser problem

Rodney Pattisson

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I own a 2003 Autosleeper NUEVO ES (Peugeot Boxer) and on numerous occasions it wont start with the immobiiser light staying on. Other symptoms when this occurs is the fuel guage light coming on or flashing and the pointer going to zero. I have already fitted a second earth lead from the gearbox but to no avail. I have checked the box by the key socket but seems fine. Sometimes it will correct itself on pulling out the fob key, listening for the fuel pump noise to finally stop, louder initially and then going fainter, before finally ceasing altogether. Then on reinserting the key, the immobiliser light may with luck not come on and then it will always start. Now and again, quite rarely, it will also not want to turn over with the starter motor but then dose so without ant hesitation. The battery is new so absolutely fine. When filling up I need to leave the engine worrying for fear of blocking a filing space for 1/2 an hour by which time it has possibly cleared itself. Can anyone like Steve from Euoroserve give me any further advice.







I’ve deleted your two duplicated postings and ‘beefed up’ this one’s title.


I notice that you had electrical problems with your Nuevo two years ago




when Nick Fisher (euroserv) offered advice. Nick is still a forum participant, but less regularly than in the past.


Derek Uzzell (Moderator)

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Sadly no response to my problem although it appears to be a very common problem. Looking at all the threads, there are numerous suggestions as to why, but noone saying bingo and thanks for the fix. My van has been to a garage and an additional earth lead installed and all the leads and connections by the ECU checked and found in order. Still no joy. Now I am thinking that perhaps I should remove the immobjliser or by-pass it. Again reading on-line my vehicle being a 2003 Ducato Boxer chassis 2 litre Ti powered, I am not sure what options I have. I obviously need an experienced Auto Electrician From my area Poole. Can anybody suggest one?



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Rodney Pattisson - 2020-01-21 5:55 PM


...I obviously need an experienced Auto Electrician From my area Poole. Can anybody suggest one?




You could try contacting Essanjay Ltd at Upton Road, Poole




as they are likely to be more familiar with older Peugeot Boxers than your average auto-electrician.


This type of sporadic problem can be a pig to resolve. From 1999 to 2004 I owned a Ford Transit-based Herald motorhome and this would occasionally refuse to start. I had two ignition keys for it and, when the problem occurred, I used to swap them around - the vehicle always started eventually and I don’t think the key-swapping made a scrap of difference, but I used to do it anyway!


Then, after a couple of years ownership, while driving the vehicle suddenly hesitated, made a ‘thumping’ noise and lost power as if its turbocharger wasn’t providing boost. I stopped, turned the motor off, restarted it and the problem had disappeared. Exactly the same thing happened a year or so later and was ‘cured’ in the same manner. I never found out why the Transit was sometimes reluctant to start, nor what caused the abrupt power loss.

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Thanks for the advice. I have tried to find an immobiliser fuse where you suggested but the Peugeot Boxer handbook doesn't list it, only for an alarm and mine is only Thatcham 2. The numbering of the fuses bear no resemblance to the handbook or the diagram on the back of the fuse cover. How unhelpful can Fiat or more likely Peugeot be!.


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Thanks for your suggestion.

I know Steve at Essenjay well and he has done good work for me in the past. He is aware of my problem but not familiar with solving it. Could land up as an expensive fishing trip with no positive result as of course he has to charge for his time, having to run his excellent facilities. Of course he might land up using an expert Auto Electrician,hence my quest to find one to go to direct who is actually familiar with this very common problem.



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No actual experience of this model.

But I did have a similar issue in a car with an aftermarket immobiliser fitted, often it is linked to the fuel pump to cut the supply, which may explain your fuel gauge light.

To try and cut down on expensive trial and error by a mechanic by looking for obvious odd wires.

Inspect the fuel pump for extra wiring, especially the relays. You may need to trace it back, and if you have an immobiliser fob, look where the transponder is and note the colour of the wires going to it.

In 17 years all sorts of extras may have been connected, beware "scotchlock" connectors piggy backing onto wires. They usually need replacing.

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Thanks for your response. I have had a look at the fuel tank and found a large inlet pipe at the front end, presumably the filling pipe and a smaller one beside it which could I suppose be the feeder pipe to the injector pump but why so large in diameter? Also there is some parallel piping of much smaller diameter, around the base of the tank and underneath it, so what are these? I can't see anything that might be a retro fitted immobiliser and the one fitted still activates the front door locks with the fob key. I have removed, checked and replaced all the fuses, spraying the sockets with WD40 contact spray. Any more suggestions would be appreciated. At present the padlock immobiliser light is not staying on and preventing starting (only allowing the emergency start procedure) but normally it needs a longer drive for this problem to occur, so I will see. Any further advice would be much appreciated.



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