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Cab Dimensions X250 v X290 - Motorhome Cover

Fred Duck

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Last November we ordered a motorhome cover. It was a bespoke item and we took our van over to the manufacturer to be measured to be sure, when it was made, it would be correct. They took full measurements and photographs. The van is a Sept 2010 Bessacarr E410 on a Fiat X250 chassis. The cover arrived last week and we fitted it on Monday. The cover over the 'caravan' part fits well (although even then with a couple of errors that aren't relevant to this question) but the front part over and around the 'cab' area is too big being too long and too wide. We are in discussions with the manufacturer who acknowledge the cover has not been made to the correct dimensions and are considering a solution.


The manufacturer is saying that the problem relates to excessive 'sewing allowance' being made during manufacture. That may or may not be the case, I don't know, but my theory is that the cover has been made for a van on a later X290 chassis that appear, from photographs at least, to be both longer and wider than the X250 to the cab front. Whilst every make and model of motorhome differs in the shape and size of the 'caravan' part, the cabs to each model are standard and I would have thought that if there was to be an error in manufacture, it would be to the individual, rear element rather than the standard, front, element. After all, they must have made hundreds if not thousands of covers for vans on X250 chassis!


However, I'm only looking at photographs. Can anyone tell me if the X290 cab is actually larger externally both in length and width than the X250 version please?


Thanks in advance,



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To the best of my knowledge, the width of the cab measured at the base of the external mirrors is (as Colin has said) the same for X250 and X290 Ducato’s.


However, as the the shape of an X290’s front wings and bonnet differ significantly from an X250’s (comparison images attache below) it’s to be expected that an insulating screen-cover that fits well on an X290 is likely to fit poorly on an X250. Some screen manufacturers recognise the difference and advertise their product as being suitable for an X250 (2007-2015) or an X290 (2015-onwards) - as shown here




while others do not.


It’s also going to depend on the design, as a simple cover that covers just the windscreen glass would probably be OK for an X250 or an X290. But a longer cover that extends further down the boonet and

intended for an X290 will almost certainly be ‘baggy’ at its bonnet-edge if fitted to an X250.


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Many thanks for your helpful replies.


The front to back and side straps are all tightened to their limit but the problem still persists. The comments that the upper part of the cabs have similar dimensions but the lower, front part might not fits as the majority of the excess size is the the lower half under the screen. If the bottom 'nose' of the van at the front were to project further forward the cover would be a much, much better fit.


I still find it very difficult to accept that a company that must have made countless covers for X250 based vans can get the shape of the front wrong - and it is wrong, they've accepted that. It's not in the fitting or the tightening of the straps. If you were to visit the factory as I have you'd see the whole cutting process is digitised as in a CNC machine. Surely, when you set a cover up to be cut you input the various variables for the rear and pick the pre-set programme for X250 for the front.



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