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Toilet Chemicals


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From another forum there has been a long discussion going on about what you put down yours and someone has just explained that they tried Vanish Oxi-Action and from what i have read it seems to have worked well has anyone else tried this or something similar ?


the link to the tread is






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Hi enodreven


I have never tried this (or anything else) so cannot say if it is better or worse but I would be a little careful about any products that are being used for a purpose other than that which it is intended for - mainly as certain additives can be harmful to component parts such as seals etc.


Regards, David

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I maintain that, unless your motorhome has a marine-type toilet system, the only real practical value of toilet chemicals is to mask the odour of the waste in the cassette during the period the toilet is being used.


The requirement to use special toilet paper with cassette toilets is definitely a myth and, as far as I've been able to tell, the specified need for solid waste to be 'degraded' within the cassette to aid emptying is highly debatable.


So, if you put stuff in the cassette that doesn't mask the smells, you need to ask yourself what you are achieving.

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When we bought our Motorhome the toilet unit and tank were very badly stained. I cleaned them up using Vanish Oxi-Action and it worked a treat.


In normal use I just use a small amount of the cheapest Blue chemical in the bottom tank, and the correct mix in the top flush tank. This keeps everything nice and clean with no smells.


We only use the onboard toilet for peeing in.


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Hi, Derek


I am certainly coming around to the same thoughts, as the only real problem is the smell both when it is being stored ?? (After Use but Before emptying) and when actually emptying as sometimes this can be particularly distasteful.


Any ideas what has a sufficient strong perfume that will hide/mask the smell for perhaps 1 to 2 days ? and that doesn't harm the environment and doesn't cost to much




Derek Uzzell - 2007-03-05 9:56 AM


I maintain that, unless your motorhome has a marine-type toilet system, the only real practical value of toilet chemicals is to mask the odour of the waste in the cassette during the period the toilet is being used.


The requirement to use special toilet paper with cassette toilets is definitely a myth and, as far as I've been able to tell, the specified need for solid waste to be 'degraded' within the cassette to aid emptying is highly debatable.


So, if you put stuff in the cassette that doesn't mask the smells, you need to ask yourself what you are achieving.

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Just after we bought our motorhome in March last year, I read in one of the forums that many people didn't use the 'proper' chemicals but they were using a Spanish toilet cleaning fluid called Estrella.


Estrella is marketed as a bleach/detergent mixture.


We only used the Thetford blue the first two times we used the motorhome, since then we've only used Estrella or own brand equivalents.


A two litre bottle of Aldi's version called "Lel" costs 59c and we use two Thetford caps, 240mls. So we are only paying just over 7c (5p) a time.


The family couldn't stand the smell of the Thetford but Lel is quite pleasant and fresh smelling.


I don't think it's as good as breaking down the solids as Thetford but a couple of vigorous shakes and a couple of rinsings does the trick.


We use the normal Spanish toilet paper which is similar to Tesco Value!!

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As I've said on another thread when we can't use chemicals (because of the site having a septic tank) I just empty the loo first thing every morning and there is no problem with smells. In general we only pee in the on board loo unless one is in dire need. I do use blue in the tank, unless its specifically stated by the site management not to, but that's more because I've got half a gallon of the stuff left and if I'm going to throw it away............ well the only place to throw it would be down the loo,wouldn't it? When its all gone I probably won't bother getting any more.



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I've fitted SOG and it really doesn't hide any of the smell when emptying - though it's fine in use, sucking air into the waste tank and preventing any smell escaping. But it's almost impossible to empty the tank without leaving a distinct 'flavour' in the air.


The problem with any non-approved chemicals - especially detergents - is that they actually kill the enzymes that break down the solids in septic tanks, so they stop the septic tank working properly, not just for your cassette tank full, but for everyone else's as well! Many out-of-the-way camp sites have such septic tanks.



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I have been using Kemdirect and I have found it an excellent product, e-friendly, no nasty niffs and being a satchet in granule form dead easy to use. The downside is trying to find a regular supplier, there only appears to be one UK agent and they don't deal online (cheques only). So unless I can get to a show soon I'm going to be running out. I have thought about contacting the manufacturs in Holland to see if there is some other way of getting this excellent product but their website ain't too helpful
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I just remembered reading a letter once in one of the mag's written by a chap who used the round blue deodorant blocks for the domestic toilet at home - he just broke about a quarter of one off and popped it into the tank - said it did the job!


Regarxds, David

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