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Tracking Systems


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Just about to take delivery of new van. Would anyone recommend a tracker and if so which one ? I know they can be pricey, but then so are most vans so suspect it may be worth it.





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Hi rob


I read an article once (can't for the life of me remember where now!) about some websites that allow you to track a mobile phone using your own PC at home. Some were free, others you just paid a small fee when you accessed the system but the idea was simple enough.


Connect an old mobile phone to the leisure battery (with a pay as you go sim) and hide it as best yoiu can in the vehicle then just leave it switched on. If the vehice is taken you can track it just by using these websites and typing in the mobile number - albeit not as accurately as the expensive systems - and notify the police. I don't think the phone charger would take that much powere but if it were left for any long periods then battery powere may be the weak link.


Regards, David

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Hello Rod,


Here is a good system with the main benefit that you don't have a monthly ongoing charge accuracy of position is as stated on the website. It does exactly what it says on the site and is affordable. The downside is it is UK only, as are some others but they don't make it so clear, so if you travel to Europe it will not work over there.





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Hi, what ever you do, don,t state that you have a tracker on your motorhome/car what ever.The ones in the know can make a tracker finder for £3 pounds from parts for sale in maplins and disable the tracker with silver paper.

If they don.t know its there they will not look for it, one hopes ;-)


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Guest Frank Wilkinson

It's virtually impossible to steal a modern vehicle fitted with an immobiliser. Most thefts of decent cars these days are done by stealing the keys, either from your home or by hijacking you.

Expensive cars have a ready market abroad but I wouldn't have thought that motorhomes come anywhere near the same risk category and I for one will not be installing a tracking device in mine.

Having said that, I have one in my private car. It's a very desirable motor and the £10 per month tracking fee is recouped by an insurance premium reduction of almost a similar amount, so it's worth it.

I would be interested to see figures for the number of motorhomes stolen each year and by that I mean newish ones with immobilisers and not ten-year-old models.

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I understand that sometimes the vehicle is stolen and left for a while on a back street etc. The theives then just wait to see if the tracking company come to get it. If they don't, it doesn't have a tracker and becomes their claim!
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I'm sure you're right about driveaway thefts without keys, although there is no reason why a motorhome if kept at home (ours is) could not be subject to key theft or even hijack.


I haven't heard many examples of this, but in many cases the m/h will be the most expensive , (if not the most desirable to an adolescent burglar) vehicle on the premises.


Most of them would'nt be used as getaway vehicles, but I imagine you could get a bit of swag in one !



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They're not just stolen for resale of course. The toerags understand that many motorhomes have valuable items on board, TV, DVD player, radio cd unit, sat nav and lots more goodies hidden in little corners. They steal the 'van and park it somewhere not too far away and wait for a day or two, if no one comes to collect it they know there's no tracker so then they can move it to a better spot for ransacking it for the contents.


Any that are stolen for resale will almost certainly be stolen to order which rules out the older 'vans.



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Theres trackers / wheel clamps / alarms /all sorts of expensive goodies to deter moronic schumbags from taking our prized posessions but the thing is if they want it they will get it one way or another.Your only line of defence is a good insurance policy if its stolen then claim and then buy another one at the end of the day its only a vehicle not a life.
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So do you leave your doors unlocked at night Kelly? No, I thought not. It makes sense to take some reasonable precautions. These can be locking your doors and fastening your windows closed, having an alarm fitted, having a tracker fitted, having deadbolts fitted, having extra secure locks fitted to caravan doors. Compared to the cost of the 'van none of these are major outlay items but they might just help you keep it yours for the duration of your ownership.



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Hi Rod,


If nothing else my Auto Alert Tracker ( www.autoalert.me.uk )gives me peace of mind, plus some unseen benefits. If the van is away for Service or a warranty job, I always know when it is being worked on as Mechanics can never remember how to disarm and I get an instant alert as soon as the door opens or engine starts. If parking in a strange town and looking for a quick way back to the van, I only have to do a search on my mobile phone and get up the map where it is parked. I also get a certificate each year to show that the suppliers have done a check to show all is working, and I can prove to Insurers all is correct. Best of all I have no annual fees to pay. What price do you put on knowing that at least you have tried to secure one of your most valuable possessions, justification must be the same as having a Burglar Alarm at home.



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I like peace of mind and had a Phantom Tracker Plus system fitted from new. With 5 years airtime it cost £798. I have triggered it myself by accident and have always had a call from the control centre to my mobile phone within 10 minutes to see if I am with the vehicle. One false alarm occured during the severe gales recently. So it is an impressive piece of kit!
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