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Using On-Board Facilities


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starspirit - 2007-03-08 9:21 PM


Some might say it is because Motor Caravanners are too tight to use their own gas boiling a kettle if they can get hot water for free but even though I often scald my hand carrying hot water back to the van this is not the case.


Funniest thing I've heard all day :-D

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We use both, our own facilities and campsite facilities (when we're on them!). I quite like to go to the washup if the weather is okay, I usually do the washing up whilst my hubby has a shower (he likes one as often as possible, me I just smell sweetly all the time (... the spelling IS right thank you lads!).


It's nice to meet up with others at the wash-up and have a chat for 10 mins or so, you can meet some lovely people and have a good chinwag. As for showering, I hate having them at the best of times but especially if it's cold and wet (outside that is). Can't think of anything worse than going from a shower into the cold and rain and back to the van. Yuk.


In our ex-Rapido we didn't have an electric boiler so had to use gas if we wanted hot water for washing up, so a kettle did instead unless a wash-up facility was available as it was quicker and easier to go to the wash-up. In our Rimor, it still only has a gas boiler but the water gets hot even when we are only using the gas heating so I've got hot water in the van when the whether I want it or not so I have a choice now of whether I want to use it or not. I must admit we haven't tried the separate shower cubicle yet but it does look to be a fair size so shouldn't be a hardship to use when necessary. The one disadvantage with using your own shower facilities in particular is the amount of water that you use and the amount of waste that you then have, so you end up having to go to the fill/emptying points more often.

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I like to do both sometimes I go for a walk with the dishes in an adidas box because we usually make that much mess cooking ?

Sometimes I wash inside the M/h.


The shower the first time I used it I was very ill stuck in france in bed I was feeling so low and needed to wash . This was the first time we had ever used the shower I must admit I thought silly time to give it a trial run but I couldn't of made the showers if I tried . Warmed the M/H up stripped off and steped in to a lovely shower it was fantastic cheered me up no end felt fresh again. So I can definately recommend the shower in a Bessie. ;-)

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We use all the facilities we paid for. The shower tray is multi-used both for showering and storage.

I'm amazed how little water I can actually use in the shower, and have a good wash. Brilliant after I've been running in some marathon or other just to have my own private wash room.

I used to have a porta-poti in our horse trailer. That was extrememly usefull and usually had a queue of, honoured, friends. No No 2's allowed. Now I'm an old hand at emptying it, there is little problem with what comes out, going in! In fact I'm amazed how quickly it all degrades.

According to Dometic on 12% of facilities are ever used. Apparently it's the women who won't use them - according to them.

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Norma - 2007-03-08 9:53 PM We use all the facilities we paid for. The shower tray is multi-used both for showering and storage. I'm amazed how little water I can actually use in the shower, and have a good wash. Brilliant after I've been running in some marathon or other just to have my own private wash room. I used to have a porta-poti in our horse trailer. That was extrememly usefull and usually had a queue of, honoured, friends. No No 2's allowed. Now I'm an old hand at emptying it, there is little problem with what comes out, going in! In fact I'm amazed how quickly it all degrades. According to Dometic on 12% of facilities are ever used. Apparently it's the women who won't use them - according to them.

I'm sorry, but there's enough people on this site trying to wind me up without you going on about running marathons!

Now I feel idle and slobbish instead of just belligerent and horrible! :-D :-D :-D 

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On board facilities for me too! We more often than not stay on sites with no facilities - so don't have a choice.

We used to camp many many years ago, and just the thought of getting dressed to go to the loo in the middle of the night - wellies and waterproofs when it is raining. And lying in the dark - desperate to go, but putting it off and putting it off until you couldn't put it off any longer. Ahgggg

It's bliss now - nice warm mh, clean shower and toilet - you can't beat it.




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  • 3 months later...

Went to France last year for the first time and called at a small Aire with a toilet but no other facilities.


My daughter wandered over to the toilet shack and didn't even get the door fully open before she was running back to the van with a disgusted look on her face.(How we laaarrrffffed)


There are so many places in France that you can get rid of waste water and empty the toilet cassette as well as top up with water, we tend to use our own facilities unless on a campsite which is not that often.


I think most of us use both onboard and on site facilities depending on cleanliness, weather, distance to toilet block etc etc

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