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Kentucky camp Estro 7D


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Hi, looking for new light cover for ceiling light.


Also, Have recently bought a new set of transfers from Italy but they were unable to provide the Estro 7D decal. Anyone know if anyone I could try to get one please.






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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Alan.


I believe that the motorhome in your photo is a 2004 model (and I assume it’s the vehicle you own).


If you can provide a photo of the ceiling light, someone may be able to identify its manufacturer and suggest where a replacement cover (or complete light unit) might be sourced from.


If it’s not practicable to obtain a particular replacement decal, there are companies that - when given a photo of the original decal - will create a replacement. An example is here



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Thanks Derek, yes, it is a 2004 model. The image is the same as ours but this iis not it. That's great for the graphic thank you. I will measure up and send them the details. Have been trying to upload an image but for some reason it won't do it.



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You may well find that a vehicle signwriter local to you could produce the decal you want, and this would allow you to discuss the requirement face-to-face.


Regarding ataching files (photos, etc.) to forum postings, the usual problem is that the size of the file exceeds 100KB. The procedure is covered in the “Forums FAQ” section of the Forum User Guide that’s at the very top of the forum homepage. I’ve copied the relevant information below:




Q: How do I attach a file to a forum posting?


A: The procedure for attaching a file to a forum posting is as follows:


1: Type the posting’s text into the Message box.


2: Tick the box titled "Attach a file after posting”.


3: Click the posting’s SUBMIT button.


An “Attach a file” box should now appear, When it does


4: Click on the “Choose File” button.


The response to clicking on the “Choose File” button will depend on the device you are using. But however your device (PC, Mac, tablet, phone) responds, you’ll need to identify and choose the file you want to attach. The file-name should now appear alongside the “Choose File” button. When it does


5: Click on the “Submit” button.


If the file you are trying to attach has a format that the forum’s software can handle, a message (in red) “Upload successful” should appear, plus information showing the name of the file and its size.


6: Now click on "Return to the thread” in the “Actions” box to complete the process. (If you want to attach several files, repeat actions 4 and 5 as necessary, and then click on "Return to the thread”.)






Attempting to attach a fairly large file with a size exceeding 100KB may prodce the following error message


Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'


Operation not Allowed


/forums/includes/include-upload.asp, line 51


However, if the file is really large, the attachment process may fail with no error message and with “no file selected” appearing alongside the “Choose File” button.




If a file has a .jpg extension (eg. photo.jpg) the attached file-image should be permanently visible on the posting.


If a file has a .jpeg extension (eg. photo.jpeg) just the name of the file will be shown at the foot of the posting. If a forum-member then clicks on the file-name, the member’s own device (PC, Mac, tablet, etc.) will attempt to handle it and the image will normally become visible.


It is possible to attach other file-types provided that the file-size is no larger than 100KB. However, there is no certainty how the forums’ software will react.


Q: How do I get a picture under my name when I post?


A: You can upload a small picture (normally called an avatar) via your Control Panel - scroll down to the 'Images' section (the last area on the page), and click the 'Browse' button in the 'Upload profile image' box. This will open up a 'file browser' window. Locate the image you wish to use as an avatar, click on it, and press the 'Open' button. The file browser window will close. Then just click the 'OK' button in the 'Upload profile image' box; your image will be saved to our servers, and your picture will appear next to your posts!


There are a couple of limitations: The image must not be larger than 50kb in filesize (this is to keep the loading speed of the pages as fast as possible), and the image will be resized to 100 pixels wide when it's displayed (a pixel is a unit of measurement - basically, one 'dot' on your computer screen). This means that if the image you upload is significantly wider or narrower than this, some distortion may occur - obviously, the best solution is to resize the image before you upload it. This can be done using several computer programs (such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Macromedia Fireworks, Paint Shop Pro, etc.). For more information of free image editing software, please click here (please note - Warners Group Publications Plc cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites).

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