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It's motorhoming business as usual..


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..in Norway.


We were supposed to be heading over there again in a few week's time in our new van but no chance now of course.

It's interesting to see though from various webcams I've been watching that their season does seem to be getting going.

Very nice it looks too, sitting out in April on the Atlantic Road under the sunshine of a Scandinavian high pressure system.


Oh well, perhaps next year.



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This summers 'big trip' was to be the north cape, CV-19 has put paid to that even if lockdown was lifted tomorrow, as my planned hip operation was postponed and by the time it's done and I've recovered there will be precious little time left for the trip.
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Even though it was 12 years ago our 7000 mile 8 week trip to be at the Nordkapp on midsummers night remains our favourite holiday in over 50 years of touring.

The 500 or so photos are my screensaver of choice and Norway, Sweden and Finland are, or were then, a touring heaven with so much freedom to roam and stop responsibly overnight.

We stayed at some amazing locations and awoke to some fabulous views and experienced everything from hail and snow in Norway, mozzies the size of sparrows in Finland to a 35 degree heatwave in Sweden.

I am so glad we made the effort and if you get the chance and love the open road and non site stopovers - take it.

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2020-04-25 5:00 PM


Even though it was 12 years ago our 7000 mile 8 week trip to be at the Nordkapp on midsummers night remains our favourite holiday in over 50 years of touring.

The 500 or so photos are my screensaver of choice and Norway, Sweden and Finland are, or were then, a touring heaven with so much freedom to roam and stop responsibly overnight.

We stayed at some amazing locations and awoke to some fabulous views and experienced everything from hail and snow in Norway, mozzies the size of sparrows in Finland to a 35 degree heatwave in Sweden.

I am so glad we made the effort and if you get the chance and love the open road and non site stopovers - take it.


I did the fjords in the late 70's by boat..... curtesy of er madges navy FTB...... HMS Cutlass B-) ......


I doubt even old Horace could match the experience ;-) ........


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Guest pelmetman
Steve928 - 2020-04-25 6:55 PM


The E6 North from Alta across the tundra to the Nordkapp was down to tarmac in the sunshine of last week but it's looking a bit dicey again now..


For those like myself who'll be missing out on a Norway trip this year there are some great webcams on this site - you can at least enjoy a virtual tour of the country.



Each to their own ;-) .......


I have my "Blue nose certificate" :D ......




Which is prolly why I prefer Sun Sea & Sangria nowadays B-) .........

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Guest pelmetman

This was it when Spain went into lockdown.......But we were told the campsite wasn't shutting ;-) ......


Yeah I know..... same picture as before......but you get the picture?



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