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Too much Thinking Time


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My wife tells me that as I've got older I analyse and agonise more and more before making a decision, which is then more likely than not to be a decision not to proceed. 


Being in Lockdown doesn't help: I did make a decision and bought a box van trailer (no regrets so far) but since then I've been through the scooter option (wife told me I'm too wobbly on my feet to go back to riding bikes) and I'm currently deeply immersed in researching electric bikes and trikes, wondering how difficult it will be to train out two Dalmatians to trot alongside without pulling me over.


I doubt if tablets will help, I've got got too much time to think on my hands.

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Some of the Chatterbox residents have always seemed to have loads of time on their hands...yet it's never struck me that the risk of over thinking has ever bothered them. (lol) .


Best to concentrate on,and do,the things you can actually do,rather than tie yourself in knots about the things that you can't actual "action". :-D

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I suspect there's a Parkinson's Law involved here too; the more time available to think something through, the longer I now take.


Increasing hesitancy with age has however saved me from buying many motorhoming things I didn't really need. The low point, when I was younger, was a five burner circular gas hob designed to fit around a standing patio heater at cooking height, so that you could burn your head with the heater while you burned your fingers having multiple hob burners allight. It was a bargain at £35 at a motorhome show. I never used it and gave it to someone eventually, after it had cluttered up the garage for a few years.

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