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An Odd Joke.


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Hi you all.


On one of the threads yesterday someone mentioned the whole point of 'talking' on here was to air our views, have a rant and hear the odd joke.

For your delight, hear is my odd joke, I tell it to my dancing groups most weeks, I'm sure they would be upset if I did'nt????????

Two parrots were sat on a perch: one said can you smell fish?


Well I liked it.

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Guest starspirit
Dancer - 2007-03-09 11:42 PM


Two parrots were sat on a perch: one said can you smell fish?


Well I liked it.



Perhaps if they sat on a rod or pole they would catch a fresh perch?

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Guest Frank Wilkinson

Of course it should be moved. This is the Motorhome section. There's a Chatterbox forum with a jokes thread already running.

Anyway, I've no time for those people who constantly pollute this site with humour! This is a serious set of forums about motorhomes and things connected with them.

You'll never catch me trying to be funny.

Edited by Mr. Wilkinson's nurse to say: I've just given him his tablets and he should be OK for the next couple of hours.

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