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Does todays changes to policy mean that my wife and I can now use our motorhome to day trip, as long as we do not stay overnight. The benefits of doing so rather than taking our car would be access to or our own toilet and hand washing facilities within or own controlled and safe environment. Anybody got an tough either way please...
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Hi David, have read the document and nothing there. A question just came up in parliament to pm on people using second homes. He said this was not an excuse to move between your homes but was actively encouraging people to visit places of interest and beauty and enjoy our open spaces. ???
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I have read (quickly) the 60 page document. AND the FAQs (see https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do).


The FAQs include ... "1.9 Are day trips and holidays ok? Day trips to outdoor open space, in a private vehicle, are permitted. You should practise social distancing from other people outside your household."


I can't see anything wrong with a day out, but I was wondering about a cheeky (wild) night out too.


Jusy wondering at the moment though.



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Guest pelmetman

If folk want to risk their campers getting stoned by locals then try it 8-) ........


That's what started happening in Spain....... I suspect any unknown camper arriving in a tourist hot spot is likely to enrage the locals ;-) .........


My camper has been no further than around the block to keep things moving :-| .........



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Guest rael
I think as long as campsites remain closed, then it would be risky to stay overnight anywhere As Pelmetman suggested, locals might not be too pleased with someone staying overnight. Having said this I have noticed on a couple of occasions when out for the morning bike ride, campers that have clearly stayed overnight on the seafront promenade near me. It's close to the town centre so not sure whats going on. I suppose if you actually live in your van then you've got to stay somewhere. It could be that they've had permission to do so?
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Dursl - 2020-05-11 4:19 PM


Does todays changes to policy mean that my wife and I can now use our motorhome to day trip, as long as we do not stay overnight. The benefits of doing so rather than taking our car would be access to or our own toilet and hand washing facilities within or own controlled and safe environment. Anybody got an tough either way please...


Just to clarify, there has never been any restriction on using a motorhome for essential travel – eg to do the food shop. The .gov.uk FAQ clearly states that day trips are now allowable as long as social distancing is adhered to. These rule changes only apply to England. So if you’re going away in your motorhome for the day somewhere in England, and if you can find somewhere to legally park up, I don’t see there being an issue, legally.

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My concerns is not so much the government rules but misinformed people. If you have 5 G masts being set alight because people believe they are responsible for the virus, what happens when you take your van out and park up following the rules and keeping yourselves isolated and some idiot decides you have travelled away from home and bringing the virus with you. I live ten mins from Dartmoor and would love nothing more that to take our brand new van out there just for a change of scene but would not risk it.

The value is not relevant only the fact that I cannot use it.

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Just a personal view and everyone to their own but the Virus has not gone away and if like my wife and myself you are in the seventies or above group then the main purpose is to avoid this thing ( like the plague). Yes we will miss out on the odd day trip to our favourite spots around the Norfolk coast and beyond but this seems like a small price to pay to me considering the alternative.

I do realise the benefits of taking a day trip in a MH could be considered relatively safe but not completely.

Roll on the Vaccine


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I will start to use the motorhome about once a month now that the rules have been relaxed. It will be less than an hours run to a huge beach car park to give the dogs a run on the sand. I will leave it for a week or so to let people get used to the new freedoms. 8-)
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Technically there is nothing to stop you driving a motorhome to get somewhere rather than a car. We own a silver PVC and I think travelling around in this might be fairly discreet, whereas travelling around in a large white coachbuilt maybe not so discrete and might lead to some retribution from the haters out there. Personally I will not be taking the van out for day trips as it is not worth the hassle and am looking forward to getting out in the MX5 with the top down - much more fun.
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Waiting for a vaccine may be a long wait as it’s possible we may never have one. It would probably be a different virus mutation each year so we will just have to go touring but be sensible with contacts when we are allowed to. Life is definitely not going to be the same as before.
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jumpstart - 2020-05-12 7:10 AM


Waiting for a vaccine may be a long wait as it’s possible we may never have one. It would probably be a different virus mutation each year so we will just have to go touring but be sensible with contacts when we are allowed to. Life is definitely not going to be the same as before.


I agree. Have you noticed how the mood music/propaganda is changing and there is much less talk about the vaccine?

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Stuc - 2020-05-11 4:50 PM

I can't see anything wrong with a day out, but I was wondering about a cheeky (wild) night out too.


Jusy wondering at the moment though.



My own view is that the lockdown is being lifted way too early, as part of the criminally negligent handling of things by Johnson & co.

But I think it’s quite clear that going to take exercise in a motorhome rather than a car is permissible, during a day.

However any suggestion of a night away is clearly against the regulations - and it’s not cheeky, it’s insulting . The Police are clearly struggling to understand how to enforce this new tack, but if they don’t fine you, I think you would be lucky to avoid damage to your van!

Feelings are running high in Cumbria, where we are a black spot for Covid.

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Good morning,


In the next couple of weeks we shall be going to ST.Annes in our van, for the day . we will park up on the front if there is not a lot of vehicles, we shall go for a walk on the beach and come back to the van where we will dine. we will then return home. We will not come into contact with anyone and if there is any crowds we will not stop there at all.

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When we return to sites, Motorhome shower /toilet facilities are going to get well used as I can’t see separation of people in toilet blocks.

I notice Spain has introduced isolating incoming visitors .

You may think we have been in lockdown a long time ....this is my 3.5 year old granddaughters take on it.

Q. How many days have we been in lockdown?

A. 4 days.


Q.What can we do to get rid of the virus?

A. By getting them out with spoons and burning them in the chimney.


Q. How did the virus start?

A. Cause a bid bee put his throat in to the nice bugs and then they turned nasty and came to town out of the forest for a hundred years.


Q. Where is the first place you want to visit?

A. Croatia.


Got the last one right.

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I have failed to find anything in the new documentation that prohibits sleeping overnight in a motorhome. But I accept that this may be not what is intended.


For the previous set of rules there was a freely available police document (written by the CPS) that explained what was reasonable behaviour and what was not.


I am hoping that they produce a new version as it was very helpful. Although it does cover angry locals and those with there own opinion of what should be permitted!

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Stuc - 2020-05-12 9:32 AM

I have failed to find anything in the new documentation that prohibits sleeping overnight in a motorhome. …….

I think, if you check, you will find the advice was that you can now travel an unlimited distance to take exercise, but must not stop overnight. However, wait for a day or three before going, as the "clarifications" are still being issued!


Trying the line that no-one actually said you couldn't spend the night in a motorhome, if challenged by the police at night, just might suggest a smartarse who needed to be fined to make the point! I think some folks senses of humour are just a little frayed at present. I wouldn't push your luck!

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Hi Boris here:


If you are not clear on the clarification of the statement issued recently then I can’t clear it up any more for you because I’ve waved my hands around enough already. I’ll let the Health Secretary answer your questions


Hi Matt HanCOCK here:

It should be clear to all you numbskulls out there in motorhomeland that now you don’t have to stay at home, you can travel anywhere. But as for overnighting, there’s only one place you can stay and that’s Alert.


Stay Alert. Don’t stay home! Stay Alert!


Hi Raab here, Domestic Raab:


I’d clear it up for you but my wife hasn’t told me where Alert is. Is it in the Lake District?



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jumpstart - 2020-05-12 7:10 AM


Waiting for a vaccine may be a long wait as it’s possible we may never have one. It would probably be a different virus mutation each year so we will just have to go touring but be sensible with contacts when we are allowed to. Life is definitely not going to be the same as before.


T'other day some one on (I think) Newsnight said that the "We'll have a vaccine by Christmas" and similar statement where like the WWI "It will be all over by Christmas", just what we would like to happen.

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