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Reshuffling or what?

Tony Jones

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Calling Moderator/Webmaster:


The order the forums are listed on the homepage has changed this weekend, with the result that I have to scroll down to get to the Mortorhome Matters bit. As far as I can see, the forums which have been moved up (advertising shows and events) are rarely posted to. If the Home Page was ordered the same way individual forums are, these advertising ones should drop down to the end.


Why not?



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I've reshuffled a bit more - 'Sites & Places to Stay' has now been moved down below the 'Caravans' forum, moving the 'Motorhomes' forums up a bit.


The 'Shows' section has been moved up so that people who are attending the shows can have a natter, and perhaps arrange to meet up - as they're factoring pretty large in motorhoming calendar during the coming months, we felt they'd be better placed where people can see them.


Normal order will be restored when the season's over.

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