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Thule electric step


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I have a Thule 460 electric step and the motor doesn't stop when the step is fully down or up.

This has now caused the nylon gearing in the motor to strip.

Can any one tell me if there is a limit switch on these steps and if not what stops the motor ???



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I am assuming that your Thule 460 has a single button for both raise and lower operation.


If my thinking is correct there will be an associated electronic control unit. This control senses the significant increase in current to the stalled motor when the step has reached the end of travel.


If the control unit is faulty it may fail to stop the motor, with the reported result.


There is a limit switch on the step, which is closed when the step is not fully raised. This limit switch is used to operate the step warning light and or buzzer when the ignition is switched ON.


A second use of the limit switch is to cut the control supply to the auto raise/retract relay when the step is fully home.


A simpler method of the operation is the rocker switch system. This is actually two switches with a common rocker button. All that is required is to hold the appropriate end of the rocker pressed until the step has reached the end of travel, as observed by sight or sound.



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Thanks Alan


I stopped looking for a mechanical limit switch after reading your reply and spent all weekend tracing wires under the floor and behind cupboards.


I finally found, after tracing wires from the buzzer/switch on the dashboard, two relays by the step but no control unit

The new gearing for the motor is due to be delivered tomorrow so I'll reassemble the step and see if it works. I don't know what the relay's are supposed to do but if all works ok I will leave well alone.


After reading your reply, I'm not sure now if I had auto stop before or just got into the habit of releasing the rocker switch when I heard the clunk or the lack of teeth on the gears acted as a stop.


I'll soon find out tomorrow.


Thanks again











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From the extra info that you have given, it seems that you have the simple rocker switch system. As previously stated this relies on human intervention to release the appropriate end of the button (rocker), at either end of travel for both folding and slide out steps.


Normally I would expect the switch to be mounted close to the habitation door. You mention a dash mounted switch. If this is only for raising the step, I can see it being used in conjunction with a relay as you possibly may not be able to see/hear the step from the drivers seat.


Without full info of the system installed in your vehicle it is difficult to give further advice.


As an illustration of what can be achieved with step problems on forum see here.





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This Thule webpage includes a Downloads section and the “User Manual” entry accesses six .pdf files that may be helpful.




(I assume Roger’s motorhome is still the 2014 Carthago vehicle (model never specified) that he has mentioned in the past.)


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The end switch on the two step versions were to the side and were pushed in by the step arm, the current sliding step is inside to the rear of the cassette. These switches also control the buzzer, being the path to earth. That is the standard way of control on Thule steps as can be seen from their wiring diagram. there is also a relay that is normally mounted inside the van between the step and the switch.

I have had problems on all steps with these switches as they are susceptible to dirt and damp due to their situation, normally if this is the cause of the problem they are easily cleaned with contact cleaner and or WD40.


If you look at the spares list on Derek's link it shows part number 7 as switch cover, this should give you an idea where to look if indeed that is your step.



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