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France 2020 visiting

Keith T

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HI there , just wondering if any of you are over in France currently or have recently gone over or even returned to UK?

We're booked on the ferry next week and would be interested to hear how things are?

Are there any restrictions on travel once you get off the ferry, and any documentation required to be provided other than as usual passport?

Would be interested to hear any experiences - we're not too worried about quarantine on return to UK , though hopefully that might be lifted by the time we come back!!

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This 23 August “The Connexion” article may be of interest




When France was removed from the UK’s travel corridor on 15 August, it was widely anticipated that France would reciprocate and demand that travellers from the UK would need to quarantine on arrival, but, so far, this measure has not been introduced.


This link may also be useful in defining where masks must be worn.




(it might be interesting to learn which ferry operator Keith will be using.)

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There are no travel restrictions on entering France other than the foreign office advising against " all but essential travel to France."

It might effect your travel insurances etc, also your EHIC ( E111 ) ?

Both Sarthe and Mayenne departments have lockdown measures in place with some departments around Paris the same.

Other than that enjoy your holiday in France but bring plenty masks as most places it is compusary to wear one even outside.

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This article (dated 11 August) may be of interest




June 2020 EHIC-related advice here




(We have a visit to France planned for September 6-17 (with Britanny Ferries for the crossings) but it’s increasingly doubtful that we’ll go.)

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As some might have seen from our previous thread we are in France now and enjoying it. Now on a super Aire at Cormeilles as we continue our potter around Normandy. (This Aire has individual hedged pitches, hard standing but each with own grass area; cost to stay ? Free! It is certainly not a car park). Regarding crossing then we came over on the tunnel felt would be safer than ferry, but no extra checks except do need to complete on line U.K. government form before you cross. Would say to all considering coming then provided you are happy with your insurances then do it. Much better than either.having to prebook expensive U.K. sites or look for off site parking!

Regarding masks then yes must be worn in shops etc but so far only Honfleur required them be worn outside as well.

Bon voyage.

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Derek Uzzell - 2020-08-23 5:41 PM


(We have a visit to France planned for September 6-17 (with Britanny Ferries for the crossings) but it’s increasingly doubtful that we’ll go.)


We have a slot on the Tunnel 6th September, the third date and we still haven't got there! Like you Derek we doubt we will be going unless the FCO remove the "advised not to travel" from travel to France.



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Steve H - 2020-08-23 8:21 PM


Sorry to be a grumpy old git but maybe all those folk who thought they'd outsmarted the system by legging it to Croatia could offer advice as to how it all worked out for them.

Don’t know about how those who are in Croatia with their vans are going on but wish them well. We did outsmart system in that by bringing our crossing forward two days meant we traveled when FO advice was fine, hence our insurance cover for both medical and motorhome is valid for length of trip. Yes we will have to quarantine for a couple of weeks on return but not concerned at all about that. So Steve no need to be grumpy just look for work arounds and keep bright!

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Some entertaining COVID-19 discussions on the bfenthusiasts.com forum.


Within a thread about choosing to go abroad knowing that it would almost certainly be necessary to quarantine for 14 days on return to the UK, the conversation turned to the wearing of masks. This postings was made


Masks might or might not make a difference but it seems wearing clothes certainly does. There has been a significant outbreak at a naturist holiday camp in Cap d'Agde in southern France.




and the response was


Well, the virus DOES go for the mucous membranes - and those north of the naval tend to be the ones we are generally concerned about. Those south are normally covered up in public.




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hallii - 2020-08-23 9:27 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2020-08-23 5:41 PM


(We have a visit to France planned for September 6-17 (with Britanny Ferries for the crossings) but it’s increasingly doubtful that we’ll go.)


We have a slot on the Tunnel 6th September, the third date and we still haven't got there! Like you Derek we doubt we will be going unless the FCO remove the "advised not to travel" from travel to France.




We’ve now amended our Britanny Ferries September 6-17 booking to September 27-October 8. (£6 cheaper.)


Our LV travel insurance would be void while the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel and I really can’t be bothered with the quarantine strictures.

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UK-to-France tit-for-tat quarantine regulations have been anticipated since August 15 when France was removed from the UK’s ‘exempt countries’ list.


It’s just been mentioned in a “Guardian” article




that says


France says it is planning reciprocal quarantine arrangements for the UK


French authorities will in the coming days reciprocate Britain’s decision to impose a 14-day quarantine on all arrivals from France, the junior minister for European affairs said on Monday.


Britain said on Friday travellers from the UK to France would be required to self-certify that they are not suffering from coronavirus symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed case within 14 days preceding travel.


Since 15 August British authorities have also required travellers returning from France to self-isolate upon their return due to high Covid-19 infection rates in France.


“We will have a measure called reciprocity so that our British friends do not close the border in one single way,” the French junior European affairs minister Clément Beaune told France 2 television.


“For travellers returning from the United Kingdom, there will probably be restrictive measures decided in the next few days by the prime minister and by the defence council.”


It remains to be seen if new French regulations will mirror the UK’s or are the ‘voluntary’ measures that were in force earlier this year and require a ’sworn statement’ in the following format




This statement must be presented to transportation companies, before boarding, by passengers travelling to mainland France. It must also be presented to border control authorities.



I, the undersigned,




Born on:




Residing at:



hereby certify that I have not aware of having been in contact with any confirmed covid-19 case in the last 14 days before travelling, and that I have not had, in the last 48 hours, any of the following symptoms :


- fever or chills,


- cough or worse than usual cough,


- unusual fatigue,


- unusual shortness of breath when I speak or make a small effort,


- unusual muscle pain and / or aches,


- unexplained headaches,


- loss of taste or smell,


- unusual diarrhoea.



Done at

on , at h



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robertandjean - 2020-08-23 10:45 PM


Steve H - 2020-08-23 8:21 PM


Sorry to be a grumpy old git but maybe all those folk who thought they'd outsmarted the system by legging it to Croatia could offer advice as to how it all worked out for them.

Don’t know about how those who are in Croatia with their vans are going on but wish them well. We did outsmart system in that by bringing our crossing forward two days meant we traveled when FO advice was fine, hence our insurance cover for both medical and motorhome is valid for length of trip. Yes we will have to quarantine for a couple of weeks on return but not concerned at all about that. So Steve no need to be grumpy just look for work arounds and keep bright!


Its not really a question of 'outsmarting' more a question of common sense! We were in Croatia and came back on the Monday 10th August. We were planning on not coming back until the 18th, but the uncertainty with France made our minds up for us. Incidentally even with France taken off the list of 'safe' countries, we would still have been ok getting back without isolating. We would have driven from Germany without stopping in France and we always use the tunnel so would have remained in the van for the whole time, thus no need to isolate. Granted, there might have been issues with health insurance, but I'm sure some folk will risk it.

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Good afternoon ,


I am pleased it is a recurring question as I like many others want to keep well informed. We have postponed 2 trips already this year and might abandon holiday in europe altogether this year. We were booked to go next week by tunnel but postponed 2 weeks ago. Now we are waiting for more favourable conditions.

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Hey guys!


I live in Lower Normandy and have just completed our second trip out ever in our motorhome.


First, we went to Northern Brittany beaches for a week

Second, just returned from two week trip to South of France Pyrenees mountains


As far as I am aware, France is accepting Uk travellers with no quarantine at the moment, but, of course, this needs constant monitoring - The FRENCH are very keen on getting things back to normal, as much as possible.


I believe, you have to fill in a form that just states you are not ill or suffering from any symptoms - BUT - keep looking at the site info


Things here are pretty amazing and as newbie motorhome owners; we are enthralled by the ease and freedom of our touring in our van and the huge choice of beautiful free aires.


We have only paid twice for aires (8.00 E) and two campsites - mainly for electric hook up - although we have managed very well with our solar panel and charging leads while driving!


In regards to things here - its pretty quiet - only seen one English couple touring touring in Brittany and a couple in the Pyrenees.


Honestly, if you can cope with the two week quarantine on return to the UK - I would still come


Off to Germany soon for the Brothers Grim Fairytale drive route


Advice - we always wear masks immediately after leaving our van in any public place and visit supermarkets early, or late during the days and have managed to avoid crowded areas quite well. AND wash hands - a lot


I had COVID in Late February France! Total fluke, as our area was free of Covid for ages and I stupidly went to a big hospital for a routine appt and caught it there. I had it bad and nearly ended up in hospital and my lungs have only just fully recovered! Now been tested here - def had it and def not contagious anymore. We just take precautions as much as poss.


Covid is mainly in the big cities, which we avoid! We can still enjoy our drive routes, there are plenty of things to see. We don't even use restaurants at the moment. I'm enjoying cooking in the van or using our CADAC


Sarah xx



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Derek Uzzell - 2020-08-24 11:40 AM


hallii - 2020-08-23 9:27 PM


Derek Uzzell - 2020-08-23 5:41 PM


(We have a visit to France planned for September 6-17 (with Britanny Ferries for the crossings) but it’s increasingly doubtful that we’ll go.)

We have a slot on the Tunnel 6th September, the third date and we still haven't got there! Like you Derek we doubt we will be going unless the FCO remove the "advised not to travel" from travel to France.



We’ve now amended our Britanny Ferries September 6-17 booking to September 27-October 8. (£6 cheaper.)


Our LV travel insurance would be void while the FCO advises British nationals against all but essential international travel and I really can’t be bothered with the quarantine strictures.

All cancelled, now going to Norfolk-by-the-sea. Will I need sandals and t shirts? I doubt it:-)



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This French link may be worth reading




It advises that


...Some transport operators ask travellers to fill out and carry with them a sworn statement certifying that they do not have any symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.


However, this gov.uk webpage






Entry to France

Travellers arriving in France from the UK, European Area, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay are no longer required to self-isolate, or to demonstrate their travel is essential. Arrivals by sea and air routes will need to complete a ‘sworn statement’ (déclaration sur l’honneur) form self-certifying they are not suffering from symptoms associated with Covid19 and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding fortnight. This is available in English on the site of the French Embassy London.


This suggests that completing the ’sworn statement’ form is mandatory however one travels to France, but Brittany Ferries says “There are no forms to complete when travelling to or returning to France..."

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Derek Uzzell - 2020-09-02 7:48 PM


This French link may be worth reading




It advises that


...Some transport operators ask travellers to fill out and carry with them a sworn statement certifying that they do not have any symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.


However, this gov.uk webpage






Entry to France

Travellers arriving in France from the UK, European Area, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay are no longer required to self-isolate, or to demonstrate their travel is essential. Arrivals by sea and air routes will need to complete a ‘sworn statement’ (déclaration sur l’honneur) form self-certifying they are not suffering from symptoms associated with Covid19 and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding fortnight. This is available in English on the site of the French Embassy London.


This suggests that completing the ’sworn statement’ form is mandatory however one travels to France, but Brittany Ferries says “There are no forms to complete when travelling to or returning to France..."


Brittany Ferries are not quite telling the truth...... Everyone coming into the UK has to complete this form at the moment.


We had to do it in August. It's a bit long-winded, especially if like us you visit several countries on one trip as you have to specify each country with entrance/exit dates in both directions.

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It should be plain from my posting that you've quoted that I wasn' t referring to UK regulations relating to entering the UK from France, but to French regulations relating to entering France from the UK.


The on-line 'form' that needs to be completed prior to entering the UK from France is quite different to the 'sworn statement' form that may (or may not) be mandatory for travellers entering France.

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This suggests that completing the ’sworn statement’ form is mandatory however one travels to France, but Brittany Ferries says “There are no forms to complete when travelling to or returning to France..."


Clearly I made a serious mistake. I must of thought it said 'from France,' not to France. Silly me. I'll remember not to contribute in future. You know, when you receive patronising responses, it kind of puts you off? I was trying to be helpful, but maybe thats not important here anymore.

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