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Browns Budget


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Hi Terry,


If you have a MH and the Tax Disc shows it as PLG, you paid £170 this year and will pay £175 next year, so a fiver extra.


Its a bit confusing about gas guzzler's isn't it? you would think at first glance that a MH would fall into that group, if we were classified as a car instead of light goods, I think we would do.


Regards Terry

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Hi Don,


I'm a bit confused with the Income Tax information in the link you gave as I thought that the 10% band was being abolished but it is still showing in there as is the 22% band instead of 20%, looks like they haven't got it right either to me!


Sorry slightly off what was being asked but still within the topic heading.



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Basil - 2007-03-22 10:32 AM


Hi Don,


I'm a bit confused with the Income Tax information in the link you gave as I thought that the 10% band was being abolished but it is still showing in there as is the 22% band instead of 20%, looks like they haven't got it right either to me!


Sorry slightly off what was being asked but still within the topic heading.





I thought the 10% band was not abolished until April 2008, I could be wrong, I usually am. I'm sure I read it somewhere.


Many years ago I decided to stay away from discussions on Politics, religion and your mates women.





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Thanks Don and Chas, I along with my nieghbours, missed the date bit and its not on the Teletext page I looked at.

So I won't be worse off until April 2008 then, thats comforting!!


Still at least if I keep our current vehicles we won't be hit by the 'Gasguzzling' charges as ours are still under the 'old' regime!



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Guest starspirit

By my calculations, which may not be 100% accurate but are indicative, you will need to have an income of over £15975 (£18,200 if you are over 65) to pay less tax.

If your income is exactly £7400 (£9700 if you are over 65) you will be £215 a year worse off and this gradually reduces to the break even point beyond which you will slightly better off.

It's called fairness in socialist speak where the poor who can't fight back subsidise the better off who are generally reckoned to be more likely to vote.

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Hi TERRY, I have no idea of road tax, having france regt on all my cars and the motorhome now, bar the scooter which is £15 per year. mr Brown can do one if he wants more money from this little boy as far as road tax goes, anyway.

But more tax on beer You can tell hes a scot can,t you :'( :'(


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Hi Terry, I spend around 8 months of the year out in france, My other half wants to sell up and leave the UK full time. I must say that with each passing week I am getting nearer to her way of thinking, Just waiting until they close the local and that will be that.

No realy I have my old mum here in the UK and at 87 she needs someone around, Then I am gone.


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The BBC's website has a pretty good calculator to work out how the budget will affect you personally. Just feed in the data requested and out pops the news, good or bad.


As for M/Hs if I am reading the DVLA website correctly (and I freely admit I may not be) my Knaus, when it arrives with its Euro 4 engine, will go into tax group TC39 and the road tax is only £115, i.e. £50 less than I budgeted for. I can't quite believe it though, but unless anyone knows better.....?



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hI, one does not need a calculator to know that we will not be better off. But someones got to pay for the total mass this country is in, over 6 million unemployed costing over £80 billion per year, never mind all the rest of the rubbish and TB giving millions away to other countries like it was toy money. Just makes me sick to my my whole being the way this country is being run.


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terry1956 - 2007-03-22 4:49 PM


hI, over 6 million unemployed costing over £80 billion per year,





Not sure where you get your figures from but the latest unemployment figures show 1.7 million for the UK. Even under the worst of the Thatcher years the unemployment figures did not exceed 4 million.





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Terrytraveller - 2007-03-22 9:17 AM Hi Terry, If you have a MH and the Tax Disc shows it as PLG, you paid £170 this year and will pay £175 next year, so a fiver extra. Its a bit confusing about gas guzzler's isn't it? you would think at first glance that a MH would fall into that group, if we were classified as a car instead of light goods, I think we would do. Regards Terry

I hate to depress you Terry, and others, but the DVLA link to the UGov site is giving VED for PLG as £180 as from today!  Not too bad, I suppose, but still £10 more and not £5!

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I, unemployment or on a benifit course, they are all the same. The figures came from the employment figures last month, The figure you state our just the numbers on unemployment which only covers the first 6 months from signing on, after which one goes on some other handout, But its all the same just another name to cover the facts for people like you.

A bit like the NHS waiting lists realy, all a big cover up for a system thats falling apart, due to left wing thinking and no action taken for any mistakes know matter what it costs, how many people lost their jobs, look at the Games, They have not layed a brick yet. but the cost is over 9 billion. If common sence had a say the plug would be pulled, and heads would be rolling. Its a Joke and the way this country is being run.


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Hi B, the thing is france is not my country is it. And as I only pay their house and land taxes which are a lot lot less then here, and of course their VAT which is higher, but things cost less and the local house tax goes on what it says on the box, ie on local things which I have a say in along with the other 100 people who live in the hamlet, no closed shop, all open and all to see. Try going to the local town hall here with your council tax bill and asking what they do with the money to the last pound. It gets my goat the way this country is sliding down hill, They tax all they can think off, send jobs out of the country, and allow more people in for what, cleaning cars for £4 pounds an hour, and living ten to a house so they can send money home. In a small country with 60 million people in it.

and I wonder when they will bring back the old window or light tax, and the time tax. All to pay for more and more silly half baked ideas, non of which work.


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I guess none of us are too bad off, motorhomes are not a cheap passtime so maybe we shouldn't moan too much, but one big gripe I have is with with road tax, surely putting the price of petrol up is the fairest way of chargeing for the priviledge of using our roads. I have a so called fuel guzzeling 4 x 4, actually a diesel I use about 200 miles per week 3 kids, 2 dogs and a lot of stock carrying I need for work makes it ideal. I cant use the mh at the same time as the Landcruiser but will now be paying close to £500 per year to tax both. I will do a combined mileage in the region of 15000 per year yet some people might do 10 times this and pay less than half in road tax.


Grumpy old Dean


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Hi K&D, you have fallen into that trap of I will pay if others pay more. But the thing to ask is, WHY is the tax so high, we all know that it does not go on the roads.

If the powers that be wanted us all to stop using cars etc, then why don,t they bring down and improve public transport, England started the first railways, yet we all use our cars, HGV,s fill our motorways, WHY. because the cost of public transport is far far to high and total rubbish.And the train companies don,t have the rolling stock to carry goods. I wanted a one way ticket to hull from exmouth, cost over £200 mid week, total madness.

All they want is your money mate, And the more they get the more they waste.


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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Mike Chapman - 2007-03-22 5:01 PM
terry1956 - 2007-03-22 4:49 PM hI, over 6 million unemployed costing over £80 billion per year, terry
Terry, Not sure where you get your figures from but the latest unemployment figures show 1.7 million for the UK. Even under the worst of the Thatcher years the unemployment figures did not exceed 4 million. Regards, Mike.

I'm sorry that people have been conned by the unemployment figures. Since Labour came to power the number of people on sickness or incapacity benefit has gone up to almost three million. In 1979 it was 790,000.

A typical example is Merthyr Tidfil in Wales where 20% of the entire workforce is registered as on incapacity benefit.

Millions of unemployed have simply been shifted into other categories of unemployment.

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Hello Terry,


You seem to be confusing the Unemployed (those claiming job seekers allowance) with the Economically Inactive which is approx 7.2 million not the 6 million you quote.


The Economically Inactive are all persons of working age not actually employed.


This includes people in full time education, persons who choose to look after their families full time and not take employment whose partners are employed, persons who took early retirement, those out of the country long term and those changing jobs, none of these are on benefit. Then there are those who due to severe disablement cannot work and often their family carers most of whom who do claim benefit.


That leaves those who have no intention of finding employment and want the system (That's you and me and other tax payers) to keep them, often on fraudulently claimed benefits. A pal of mine recently advertised, for four weeks, three jobs working in his Gardening business. One UK born resident applied and then refused the job because it did not pay as much as he was claiming on benefit (£11000 per annum) the other seven applicants were all people who had come to the UK to get work.


Not sure what you mean by "People like you" especially as you know nothing about me, my education, my politics or anything else except that I post on this forum occasionally.






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Hello Frank,


I quite agree with you but this is not just under this Government. For many years women of working age who had been employed but made redundant were not even included in the unemployed statistics because they had working husbands and did not/could not claim unemployment benefit.


See my reply to Terry.





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