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Gas attacks,an urban myth!

grocer jack

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My girlfriend and I are planning to go full timing and were discussing things last night. I have not mentioned alleged gas attacks as I thought she would be put off, but I did raise topic last night and she said "That's a tale that's been going for over 30yrs". She is German and as a student in Germany in the late 60's she did lots of travel via the good old VW bus. Gas attacks were alleged then and, like now, no-one could substantiate any alleged occurence. I think that this would therefore firmly place gas attacks under the heading "urban myth".

Another myth of that time involved travel to Eastern Europe. Bad people, in league with bent border police, would, it was said, conceal packages of drugs in touring vans, etc and them tip off the border police. On being stopped at the border and the drugs found a bribe would be demanded to let you go! Anyone come across that alleged scam recently?


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