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Anti-Islam ???


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Now Pelmet.......instead of changing the subject and trying to dodge out of providing the figures i've asked you FOR THE FIFTH TIME now;


Quote the number of people killed by terrorism, the year, and then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 murders. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 1:05 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-14 10:35 AM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-13 9:10 PM



Conceding on the above post then Pelmet?


I'll never concede anything to a Proven Liar *-) .........


Especially one who defends a violent creed like Islam :-| ........


Do your self a favour and read the Koran ;-) .........

1) You keep accusing me of "lying" but never showed what i'm supposed to have "lied" about. What you have shown was you're not a person to be trusted as you don't honour bets and all this has been very clearly explained to you numerous times. You don't like it as i've exposed you for what you are and all you have left is to sling wild unfounded allegations at me which make you look very stupid, name calling, and your usual trick of changing the subject.

2) Quote the post/s you claim that show i'm "defending Islam".

3) I don't believe you've read the Qur'an at all as you're openly atheist and no self respecting atheist would look at any kind of religious book, let alone read it, not to mention the fact reading is hardly one of your finer points, regularly posting links you've obviously never read beyond the juicy header! You cherry pick bits off s/m and any pumped out by far right extremist websites. Barry exposed your deceit only a few weeks ago where you attempted to use this as your source; https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-religion-of-peace/ The Religion of Peace promotes anti-Muslim propaganda through only posting negative information about Islam, such as crimes that may not be related to one’s religion. Overall, we rate The Religion of Peace as Questionable for having an extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy/propaganda, lack of transparency, and anti-Islam tendencies.


Chuckle ... Thats the funniest ... "The Religion of Peace promotes anti-Muslim propaganda through only posting negative information about Islam" ... Chuckle ... It should of course have read "negative information provided by Islam" ... Chuckle ... Even if correct it would seem one cant be anti-Muslim even though it provides many excuses to be so yet one can be anti-Brexit, anti-right wing, anti-Conservative, anti-Boris etc etc ... Chuckle

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 1:13 PM

Chuckle ... Thats the funniest ... "The Religion of Peace promotes anti-Muslim propaganda through only posting negative information about Islam" ... Chuckle ... It should of course have read "negative information provided by Islam" ... Chuckle ... Even if correct it would seem one cant be anti-Muslim even though it provides many excuses to be so yet one can be anti-Brexit, anti-right wing, anti-Conservative, anti-Boris etc etc ... Chuckle

Nonsensical garbled gibberish such as the above is a complete waste of time. When you manage to post something more legible and sensible it might just be possible to discuss further.

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:14 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:10 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:39 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:25 AM


Islamic terrorism is a worldwide issue ... Heres a list of the attacks carried out by Muslims in the name of their faith ... https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 ... Thanks to our security services monitoring 30.000 plus Islamist loons here we can prevent attacks that many would probably have celebrated ... https://news.sky.com/story/uk-security-services-foiled-19-major-terror-attacks-over-past-two-years-says-sajid-javid-11724717 ...


19? Yet there are 30000 would be terrorists on the list you say. Are they biding their time then or something? Or are most of these 30000 just big mouthed youngsters trying to sound big and hard in front of their pals and getting on the police radar? i dont want to tempt fate but there is nothing that can stop a nutter with a knife or a car going out killing but it just hardly ever happens.


Shameful ... Rather than taking on what our security services say you'd rather by the look of it say the problem isnt really a problem because it doesnt sit well with what you claim Muslims are really like ... The security services say we have problems with right wing extremism and I take that on without question and I hope our security services prevent any right wing extremist attacks, unfortunately you dont seem to be able to say the same where Muslims who played "such a big part" in your life for decades are concerned ... Makes you look rather silly but you know better than our security services


I never said there wasnt a problem with Islamist Terrorism. There is, we know that. What I am questioning is just what kind of a threat those 30000 would be terrorists you claim really are. The 30000 figure is questionable for the reasons I cited. They are perhaps extremists, maybe hold radical views and are vocal about them. The real figure that the security forces claim they are really concerned about is about 3000 so the media says. Out of that 3000 though very few will commit acts of terrorism as even with the lower figure of 3000 you would see stuff happening all the time which it simply does not. The fact that just 19 acts of terrorism have been thwarted (as posted earlier) suggests that active Islamist Terrorists in the UK is probably a much much lower number than 3000 maybe just a hundred or so.


But even if you take that 3000 figure as a percentage of the total number of Muslims in the UK which I think is around 2.5 million thats just 0.12% that the security services are really concerned about.



Chuckle the absolute vast majority of those Muslims who have carried out attacks here have been under 35 and above 16 year old males ... So now do your percentage with the 30.000 plus who are on the list and young males under 35 and over 16 ... Off you pop hatey


Ah right so you are assuming that there are no lady wannabe Jihadi's on the watch list, younger teens or anyone over 35? Bit sexist and ageist isnt it?


Ill play along anyway though. According to this from 2015 there are 414,245 Muslims in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24 and 1,289,858 between the ages of 25-64. So I guess we can roughly half the second number, add it to the first and then divide it in two as there are defo no Girly wannabe ISIS supporters (according to you). So thats around 530000 or so. Which for the higher "keep an eye on" security watch figure of 30000 wannabe Terrorists equates to about 5%. For the ones MI5 really think might be a threat which is around 3000 thats about 0.5%.




Of course there may be a lot more Muslims here now than in 2015. Farage keeps telling us new ones in rubber boats are arriving every day so your percentage will be even lower now.


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.

Careful otherwise Pelmet will brand you a "defender of Islam" by making a logical statement such as the above. :-|

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Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.

Careful otherwise Pelmet will brand you a "defender of Islam" by making a logical statement such as the above. :-|


I am a defender if Islam no more or no less than I am a defender of anyones right to practice their faith as long as they do it peacefully and not violently using some twisted version of that religion from the dark ages as an excuse.


Terrorism is carried out by all kinds of fanatical nutters though, not just some that claim to follow Islam. According to this report from the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks in the USA alone from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by none Muslims.




Then look at the likes of the KKK, The IRA etc. I dont remember anyone saying there is a problem with Americans because of the KKK or there is a problem with the Irish / Catholics because of the IRA.

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 4:34 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-14 3:56 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.

Careful otherwise Pelmet will brand you a "defender of Islam" by making a logical statement such as the above. :-|


I am a defender if Islam no more or no less than I am a defender of anyones right to practice their faith as long as they do it peacefully and not violently using some twisted version of that religion from the dark ages as an excuse.


Terrorism is carried out by all kinds of fanatical nutters though, not just some that claim to follow Islam. According to this report from the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks in the USA alone from 1980 to 2005 were carried out by none Muslims.




Then look at the likes of the KKK, The IRA etc. I dont remember anyone saying there is a problem with Americans because of the KKK or there is a problem with the Irish / Catholics because of the IRA.

True but you are making a logical statement and Pelmet doesn't do 'logic'.....he fills his head with garbage off far right extremist websites like you highlighted a few weeks back.

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jumpstart - 2020-11-14 6:10 PM


Million MAGA march....well a couple of thousands to welcome Trump.

Be afraid ..be very afraid...take a look at pictures of these people.

Fundamentalists,extremists....these are the very people law abiding folk are worried about.

And are they Muslims....No. OMG...


LOL! Its a super spreader event if ever I saw one. Hopefully they wont mix with democrats.


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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:14 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:10 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:39 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:25 AM


Islamic terrorism is a worldwide issue ... Heres a list of the attacks carried out by Muslims in the name of their faith ... https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 ... Thanks to our security services monitoring 30.000 plus Islamist loons here we can prevent attacks that many would probably have celebrated ... https://news.sky.com/story/uk-security-services-foiled-19-major-terror-attacks-over-past-two-years-says-sajid-javid-11724717 ...


19? Yet there are 30000 would be terrorists on the list you say. Are they biding their time then or something? Or are most of these 30000 just big mouthed youngsters trying to sound big and hard in front of their pals and getting on the police radar? i dont want to tempt fate but there is nothing that can stop a nutter with a knife or a car going out killing but it just hardly ever happens.


Shameful ... Rather than taking on what our security services say you'd rather by the look of it say the problem isnt really a problem because it doesnt sit well with what you claim Muslims are really like ... The security services say we have problems with right wing extremism and I take that on without question and I hope our security services prevent any right wing extremist attacks, unfortunately you dont seem to be able to say the same where Muslims who played "such a big part" in your life for decades are concerned ... Makes you look rather silly but you know better than our security services


I never said there wasnt a problem with Islamist Terrorism. There is, we know that. What I am questioning is just what kind of a threat those 30000 would be terrorists you claim really are. The 30000 figure is questionable for the reasons I cited. They are perhaps extremists, maybe hold radical views and are vocal about them. The real figure that the security forces claim they are really concerned about is about 3000 so the media says. Out of that 3000 though very few will commit acts of terrorism as even with the lower figure of 3000 you would see stuff happening all the time which it simply does not. The fact that just 19 acts of terrorism have been thwarted (as posted earlier) suggests that active Islamist Terrorists in the UK is probably a much much lower number than 3000 maybe just a hundred or so.


But even if you take that 3000 figure as a percentage of the total number of Muslims in the UK which I think is around 2.5 million thats just 0.12% that the security services are really concerned about.



Chuckle the absolute vast majority of those Muslims who have carried out attacks here have been under 35 and above 16 year old males ... So now do your percentage with the 30.000 plus who are on the list and young males under 35 and over 16 ... Off you pop hatey


Ah right so you are assuming that there are no lady wannabe Jihadi's on the watch list, younger teens or anyone over 35? Bit sexist and ageist isnt it?


Ill play along anyway though. According to this from 2015 there are 414,245 Muslims in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24 and 1,289,858 between the ages of 25-64. So I guess we can roughly half the second number, add it to the first and then divide it in two as there are defo no Girly wannabe ISIS supporters (according to you). So thats around 530000 or so. Which for the higher "keep an eye on" security watch figure of 30000 wannabe Terrorists equates to about 5%. For the ones MI5 really think might be a threat which is around 3000 thats about 0.5%.




Of course there may be a lot more Muslims here now than in 2015. Farage keeps telling us new ones in rubber boats are arriving every day so your percentage will be even lower now.


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.


Princess you keep banging on about 3000 ... Unfortunately for you there are 30.000 plus on the list ... You then whack on about (chuckle) my "sexist and ageist" remarks about Muslim terrorists which say so much about you ... Chuckle ... As for Nigel Farage telling you boats are arriving thats the truth isnt it ??? ... You really are a hatey type of fella

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 6:38 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-14 6:10 PM


Million MAGA march....well a couple of thousands to welcome Trump.

Be afraid ..be very afraid...take a look at pictures of these people.

Fundamentalists,extremists....these are the very people law abiding folk are worried about.

And are they Muslims....No. OMG...


LOL! Its a super spreader event if ever I saw one. Hopefully they wont mix with democrats.


Idiots......Darwinism in action. *-)


Wonder if they've been handing out free syringes and disinfectant. :-|

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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 6:38 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-14 6:10 PM


Million MAGA march....well a couple of thousands to welcome Trump.

Be afraid ..be very afraid...take a look at pictures of these people.

Fundamentalists,extremists....these are the very people law abiding folk are worried about.

And are they Muslims....No. OMG...


LOL! Its a super spreader event if ever I saw one. Hopefully they wont mix with democrats.



Chuckle "super spreader" ... From the fella who proudly said that the criminality, thuggery and vandalism carried out by our own BLM numpties was "funny" at the height of our first lockdown ??? ... that takes some beating ... Hypocrisy lives

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 6:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:14 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:10 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:39 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:25 AM


Islamic terrorism is a worldwide issue ... Heres a list of the attacks carried out by Muslims in the name of their faith ... https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 ... Thanks to our security services monitoring 30.000 plus Islamist loons here we can prevent attacks that many would probably have celebrated ... https://news.sky.com/story/uk-security-services-foiled-19-major-terror-attacks-over-past-two-years-says-sajid-javid-11724717 ...


19? Yet there are 30000 would be terrorists on the list you say. Are they biding their time then or something? Or are most of these 30000 just big mouthed youngsters trying to sound big and hard in front of their pals and getting on the police radar? i dont want to tempt fate but there is nothing that can stop a nutter with a knife or a car going out killing but it just hardly ever happens.


Shameful ... Rather than taking on what our security services say you'd rather by the look of it say the problem isnt really a problem because it doesnt sit well with what you claim Muslims are really like ... The security services say we have problems with right wing extremism and I take that on without question and I hope our security services prevent any right wing extremist attacks, unfortunately you dont seem to be able to say the same where Muslims who played "such a big part" in your life for decades are concerned ... Makes you look rather silly but you know better than our security services


I never said there wasnt a problem with Islamist Terrorism. There is, we know that. What I am questioning is just what kind of a threat those 30000 would be terrorists you claim really are. The 30000 figure is questionable for the reasons I cited. They are perhaps extremists, maybe hold radical views and are vocal about them. The real figure that the security forces claim they are really concerned about is about 3000 so the media says. Out of that 3000 though very few will commit acts of terrorism as even with the lower figure of 3000 you would see stuff happening all the time which it simply does not. The fact that just 19 acts of terrorism have been thwarted (as posted earlier) suggests that active Islamist Terrorists in the UK is probably a much much lower number than 3000 maybe just a hundred or so.


But even if you take that 3000 figure as a percentage of the total number of Muslims in the UK which I think is around 2.5 million thats just 0.12% that the security services are really concerned about.



Chuckle the absolute vast majority of those Muslims who have carried out attacks here have been under 35 and above 16 year old males ... So now do your percentage with the 30.000 plus who are on the list and young males under 35 and over 16 ... Off you pop hatey


Ah right so you are assuming that there are no lady wannabe Jihadi's on the watch list, younger teens or anyone over 35? Bit sexist and ageist isnt it?


Ill play along anyway though. According to this from 2015 there are 414,245 Muslims in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24 and 1,289,858 between the ages of 25-64. So I guess we can roughly half the second number, add it to the first and then divide it in two as there are defo no Girly wannabe ISIS supporters (according to you). So thats around 530000 or so. Which for the higher "keep an eye on" security watch figure of 30000 wannabe Terrorists equates to about 5%. For the ones MI5 really think might be a threat which is around 3000 thats about 0.5%.




Of course there may be a lot more Muslims here now than in 2015. Farage keeps telling us new ones in rubber boats are arriving every day so your percentage will be even lower now.


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.


Princess you keep banging on about 3000 ... Unfortunately for you there are 30.000 plus on the list ... You then whack on about (chuckle) my "sexist and ageist" remarks about Muslim terrorists which say so much about you ... Chuckle ... As for Nigel Farage telling you boats are arriving thats the truth isnt it ??? ... You really are a hatey type of fella


Because the figure of 3000 is the figure of "Subjects of interest". These are people that are currently being monitored. The higher figure is either those that have raised some kind of awareness in the past or may have been put on the list as potentially being a threat in the future. It could be for anything. Maybe even just spouting s**te on the internet.



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Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 9:59 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 6:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:14 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:10 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:39 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:25 AM


Islamic terrorism is a worldwide issue ... Heres a list of the attacks carried out by Muslims in the name of their faith ... https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 ... Thanks to our security services monitoring 30.000 plus Islamist loons here we can prevent attacks that many would probably have celebrated ... https://news.sky.com/story/uk-security-services-foiled-19-major-terror-attacks-over-past-two-years-says-sajid-javid-11724717 ...


19? Yet there are 30000 would be terrorists on the list you say. Are they biding their time then or something? Or are most of these 30000 just big mouthed youngsters trying to sound big and hard in front of their pals and getting on the police radar? i dont want to tempt fate but there is nothing that can stop a nutter with a knife or a car going out killing but it just hardly ever happens.


Shameful ... Rather than taking on what our security services say you'd rather by the look of it say the problem isnt really a problem because it doesnt sit well with what you claim Muslims are really like ... The security services say we have problems with right wing extremism and I take that on without question and I hope our security services prevent any right wing extremist attacks, unfortunately you dont seem to be able to say the same where Muslims who played "such a big part" in your life for decades are concerned ... Makes you look rather silly but you know better than our security services


I never said there wasnt a problem with Islamist Terrorism. There is, we know that. What I am questioning is just what kind of a threat those 30000 would be terrorists you claim really are. The 30000 figure is questionable for the reasons I cited. They are perhaps extremists, maybe hold radical views and are vocal about them. The real figure that the security forces claim they are really concerned about is about 3000 so the media says. Out of that 3000 though very few will commit acts of terrorism as even with the lower figure of 3000 you would see stuff happening all the time which it simply does not. The fact that just 19 acts of terrorism have been thwarted (as posted earlier) suggests that active Islamist Terrorists in the UK is probably a much much lower number than 3000 maybe just a hundred or so.


But even if you take that 3000 figure as a percentage of the total number of Muslims in the UK which I think is around 2.5 million thats just 0.12% that the security services are really concerned about.



Chuckle the absolute vast majority of those Muslims who have carried out attacks here have been under 35 and above 16 year old males ... So now do your percentage with the 30.000 plus who are on the list and young males under 35 and over 16 ... Off you pop hatey


Ah right so you are assuming that there are no lady wannabe Jihadi's on the watch list, younger teens or anyone over 35? Bit sexist and ageist isnt it?


Ill play along anyway though. According to this from 2015 there are 414,245 Muslims in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24 and 1,289,858 between the ages of 25-64. So I guess we can roughly half the second number, add it to the first and then divide it in two as there are defo no Girly wannabe ISIS supporters (according to you). So thats around 530000 or so. Which for the higher "keep an eye on" security watch figure of 30000 wannabe Terrorists equates to about 5%. For the ones MI5 really think might be a threat which is around 3000 thats about 0.5%.




Of course there may be a lot more Muslims here now than in 2015. Farage keeps telling us new ones in rubber boats are arriving every day so your percentage will be even lower now.


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.


Princess you keep banging on about 3000 ... Unfortunately for you there are 30.000 plus on the list ... You then whack on about (chuckle) my "sexist and ageist" remarks about Muslim terrorists which say so much about you ... Chuckle ... As for Nigel Farage telling you boats are arriving thats the truth isnt it ??? ... You really are a hatey type of fella


Because the figure of 3000 is the figure of "Subjects of interest". These are people that are currently being monitored. The higher figure is either those that have raised some kind of awareness in the past or may have been put on the list as potentially being a threat in the future. It could be for anything. Maybe even just spouting s**te on the internet.




2017 that Barry, nearly 4 years ago ... You seem to be discounting for some reason 20.000 plus Muslims who are on the list because they aren't under close surveillance like the 3000, some obviously pose a bigger threat than others dont they ??? Und some who have attacked and killed here in Blighty weren't even on the list so God knows how many more there are that have the same views who the cops dont now about ... You like making excuses for some reason

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Guest pelmetman
jumpstart - 2020-11-14 3:02 PM


Don't forget that the largest section by far of Muslims in UK are


How many Pakistani attacks in UK ....errrrr ....none.


Apparently they prefer Easy White Meat to Martyrdom *-) ...........



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jumpstart - 2020-11-14 3:02 PM


Don't forget that the largest section by far of Muslims in UK are


How many Pakistani attacks in UK ....errrrr ....none.


Only you could produce that guff ... Those who do the killings like to shout out the same old words when stabbing, shooting, chopping heads off etc etc, they kill for their Islamic God not Pakistan ... Keep up

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Birdbrain - 2020-11-15 7:12 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 9:59 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 6:55 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 2:46 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 12:18 PM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 12:14 PM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 11:10 AM


Barryd999 - 2020-11-14 10:39 AM


Birdbrain - 2020-11-14 7:25 AM


Islamic terrorism is a worldwide issue ... Heres a list of the attacks carried out by Muslims in the name of their faith ... https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30 ... Thanks to our security services monitoring 30.000 plus Islamist loons here we can prevent attacks that many would probably have celebrated ... https://news.sky.com/story/uk-security-services-foiled-19-major-terror-attacks-over-past-two-years-says-sajid-javid-11724717 ...


19? Yet there are 30000 would be terrorists on the list you say. Are they biding their time then or something? Or are most of these 30000 just big mouthed youngsters trying to sound big and hard in front of their pals and getting on the police radar? i dont want to tempt fate but there is nothing that can stop a nutter with a knife or a car going out killing but it just hardly ever happens.


Shameful ... Rather than taking on what our security services say you'd rather by the look of it say the problem isnt really a problem because it doesnt sit well with what you claim Muslims are really like ... The security services say we have problems with right wing extremism and I take that on without question and I hope our security services prevent any right wing extremist attacks, unfortunately you dont seem to be able to say the same where Muslims who played "such a big part" in your life for decades are concerned ... Makes you look rather silly but you know better than our security services


I never said there wasnt a problem with Islamist Terrorism. There is, we know that. What I am questioning is just what kind of a threat those 30000 would be terrorists you claim really are. The 30000 figure is questionable for the reasons I cited. They are perhaps extremists, maybe hold radical views and are vocal about them. The real figure that the security forces claim they are really concerned about is about 3000 so the media says. Out of that 3000 though very few will commit acts of terrorism as even with the lower figure of 3000 you would see stuff happening all the time which it simply does not. The fact that just 19 acts of terrorism have been thwarted (as posted earlier) suggests that active Islamist Terrorists in the UK is probably a much much lower number than 3000 maybe just a hundred or so.


But even if you take that 3000 figure as a percentage of the total number of Muslims in the UK which I think is around 2.5 million thats just 0.12% that the security services are really concerned about.



Chuckle the absolute vast majority of those Muslims who have carried out attacks here have been under 35 and above 16 year old males ... So now do your percentage with the 30.000 plus who are on the list and young males under 35 and over 16 ... Off you pop hatey


Ah right so you are assuming that there are no lady wannabe Jihadi's on the watch list, younger teens or anyone over 35? Bit sexist and ageist isnt it?


Ill play along anyway though. According to this from 2015 there are 414,245 Muslims in the UK between the ages of 16 and 24 and 1,289,858 between the ages of 25-64. So I guess we can roughly half the second number, add it to the first and then divide it in two as there are defo no Girly wannabe ISIS supporters (according to you). So thats around 530000 or so. Which for the higher "keep an eye on" security watch figure of 30000 wannabe Terrorists equates to about 5%. For the ones MI5 really think might be a threat which is around 3000 thats about 0.5%.




Of course there may be a lot more Muslims here now than in 2015. Farage keeps telling us new ones in rubber boats are arriving every day so your percentage will be even lower now.


So even with your whacky sexist and ageist assumptions it still clearly shows that by a huge margin Muslims are generally in the UK not terrorists or wannabe terrorists.


Princess you keep banging on about 3000 ... Unfortunately for you there are 30.000 plus on the list ... You then whack on about (chuckle) my "sexist and ageist" remarks about Muslim terrorists which say so much about you ... Chuckle ... As for Nigel Farage telling you boats are arriving thats the truth isnt it ??? ... You really are a hatey type of fella


Because the figure of 3000 is the figure of "Subjects of interest". These are people that are currently being monitored. The higher figure is either those that have raised some kind of awareness in the past or may have been put on the list as potentially being a threat in the future. It could be for anything. Maybe even just spouting s**te on the internet.




2017 that Barry, nearly 4 years ago ... You seem to be discounting for some reason 20.000 plus Muslims who are on the list because they aren't under close surveillance like the 3000, some obviously pose a bigger threat than others dont they ??? Und some who have attacked and killed here in Blighty weren't even on the list so God knows how many more there are that have the same views who the cops dont now about ... You like making excuses for some reason


Yes I know its an old report but its consistent in that the real figure of real concern is around 3000, not 30000 but then you have to even question the 3000 figure as to how much of a "real" threat they are. 19 terrorist plots thwarted according to you but 3000 on the danger list. Why only 19 then? Why are we not seeing attacks every day if there are so many willing to carry out these attacks? You dont even need to plan anything, just pick up a kitchen knife and go on a stabbing spree or jump in a car and mow people down. Its not happening though is it?


The fact that it happens occasionally is reason for concern though as is the recent rise in places like France and its clear there is a problem with Islamist Terrorism but its clear its all coming from a very small section of twisted individuals with a radical hatred for the west. This does not fit with if my stats are right 99%+ of our Muslim population in the UK.

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I'm still waiting for an answer to this Pelmet.......instead of changing the subject and trying to dodge out of providing the figures i've asked you FOR THE SIXTH TIME now;


Quote the number of people in the UK killed by terrorism, the year, then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 homicides. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.


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Guest pelmetman
jumpstart - 2020-11-15 5:35 PM



Oh look, gunmen kill 34.

Blame Muslims.

Oh ...they’re all Muslim.


Dunno......your link wont open ;-) ........


But kinda guessing it could be a Sonny&Cher Bunfight :-| ........


As the religion of peace has been more than happy to kill each other since their Prophet snuffed it 8-) .......



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pelmetman - 2020-11-15 5:41 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-15 5:35 PM



Oh look, gunmen kill 34.

Blame Muslims.

Oh ...they’re all Muslim.


Dunno......your link wont open ;-) ........


But kinda guessing it could be a Sonny&Cher Bunfight :-| ........


As the religion of peace has been more than happy to kill each other since their Prophet snuffed it 8-) .......


I'm still waiting for an answer to this Pelmet.......instead of changing the subject and trying to dodge out of providing the figures i've asked you FOR THE SEVENTH TIME now;


Quote the number of people in the UK killed by terrorism, the year, then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 homicides. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 5:45 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-15 5:41 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-15 5:35 PM



Oh look, gunmen kill 34.

Blame Muslims.

Oh ...they’re all Muslim.


Dunno......your link wont open ;-) ........


But kinda guessing it could be a Sonny&Cher Bunfight :-| ........


As the religion of peace has been more than happy to kill each other since their Prophet snuffed it 8-) .......


I'm still waiting for an answer to this Pelmet.......instead of changing the subject and trying to dodge out of providing the figures i've asked you FOR THE SEVENTH TIME now;


Quote the number of people in the UK killed by terrorism, the year, then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 homicides. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.


What a sad example of a Brit you are Bullet Liar :-| .......


When you use murderers to defend Islamic Terrorists *-) ......



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pelmetman - 2020-11-15 5:41 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-15 5:35 PM



Oh look, gunmen kill 34.

Blame Muslims.

Oh ...they’re all Muslim.


Dunno......your link wont open ;-) ........


But kinda guessing it could be a Sonny&Cher Bunfight :-| ........


As the religion of peace has been more than happy to kill each other since their Prophet snuffed it 8-) .......



Oooo i like bun fights.

I thought you said they only kill nonbelievers.

So maybe they are just ...well ordinary terrorists.

Maybe its all got nothing to do with religion.

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pelmetman - 2020-11-15 5:52 PM


Bulletguy - 2020-11-15 5:45 PM


pelmetman - 2020-11-15 5:41 PM


jumpstart - 2020-11-15 5:35 PM



Oh look, gunmen kill 34.

Blame Muslims.

Oh ...they’re all Muslim.


Dunno......your link wont open ;-) ........


But kinda guessing it could be a Sonny&Cher Bunfight :-| ........


As the religion of peace has been more than happy to kill each other since their Prophet snuffed it 8-) .......


I'm still waiting for an answer to this Pelmet.......instead of changing the subject and trying to dodge out of providing the figures i've asked you FOR THE SEVENTH TIME now;


Quote the number of people in the UK killed by terrorism, the year, then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 homicides. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.


What a sad example of a Brit you are Bullet Liar :-| .......


When you use murderers to defend Islamic Terrorists *-) ......

There is no defence of murder or terrorism you clot, nowhere in any of my posts so you can drop that nonsense. I've asked you numerous times to back up your wild sweeping generalisation of Muslims as terrorists and stubborn refusal to answer a very simple question i asked you. We all know why you won't answer it but i'm determined to drag it out of you.


Now......for the EIGHTH TIME.


Quote the number of people in the UK killed by terrorism, the year, then the number of homicides from the same year in the UK


No need to quote 2016 as we already know there was ONE terrorist related killing and 571 homicides. So choose a couple of other years......any years you like.

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