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Hi Michele


A couple of queries:


1) when you say you make tea - you don't actually boil a kettle do you? I thought gas had to be turned off or is it different for the tunnel? (Could be a deal maker/breaker for me!).


2) £390.00 for 10 crossings - do these have to be used up in one year or 12 month period or can you use the over, say 2-3 years?


Mel B

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Guest starspirit
Hardly worth getting out and turning the gas on for a cuppa as you are out the other side too darned quick for that, but a pre made flask of coffee works for us!
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mel ,

used over 12 months so if booked jan 07 run out jan 08 ...

No gas is off otherwise I may end up on the floor dead or putting in a gas report to the police ....three flasks hot and ready for the shuttle get there half hour before wait in the car park top up and re boil hot as new .Gas off on you go. thats scotish you see multilingual? on you go hen ....


gas is checked at both sides on the way out and on the way back no problems only takes aminute to let them see its off... if your taking the

Le SHUTTLE you could always break your journey and park here the night easy peasy loads of room.....wont charge free hook up. :D

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starspirit - 2007-03-25 4:23 PM


So to sum it all up 'you pays your money and takes your choice'



Richard's hit it.

So since it IS a matter of preference, rather than either way being obviously better, I'd certainly encourage you to give it a go - then you';ll know what you prefer for next time!

We're fairly familiar with both, and nowadays tend to choose the Tunnel for day trips because it's quicker, giving us more time to spend on the other side (plus, our day-trips are often pre-Christmas, and we don't fancy our chances with the weather then). For holidays, though, the ferry still "feels" more like part of the holiday, so living in the SE we usually use Seafrance.

Money-wise, I've not found a lot of difference, you can get good prices either way if you can book well ahead, or you can be really ripped off if they think they've got you over a barrel. It's called fluid pricing!



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