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Guest starspirit

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starspirit - 2007-03-25 11:20 AM


Thanks Brian. I've never met Don but, unlike us, he does sound really old and although I am proud to be a grumpy old man I really don't want to be seen as too old to drive a coachbuilt yet!


The Starspirit has a Thetford 3 way fridge and it works fine on gas and 12v and even has a light inside. Never tried it on mains as we don't bother with umbilical cords.


We don't like night time noise either which is a bit of a bummer with diesel heating with it's ticking pump and fan and combustion roar and all I now need is a noisy fridge as well to complete the orchestra!


If it ain't broke don't fix it is a good attitude and, tempting as a gas free van is, I think perhaps to stick with the 3 way absorption fridge and gas convector with blown air heating and stick with gas cooking is better on balance.


Then to fit an underfloor refillable gas tank and an extra leisure battery would be probably my preferred route for 'in van' energy sources.


Well, that sums up Clive,s van at least!


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Guest starspirit
colin - 2007-03-25 8:00 PM


Hang on, I've just realised you asked for opinions on other similiar layouts to Devon, you know whats coming don't you? Adria Twin ( I'll soon be wearing those keys out on pute )


Thanks Colin, I did see one of they at Shepton in January and recall being unimpressed with finish and comfort levels which seemed to be very much 'budget' class and not what an Autocruise / Autosleeper user has come to want.

Nevertheless we may well give it a second look drekkly.

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Mel B - 2007-03-25 8:15 PM


Hey Clive, the though of you and Don having fisticuffs might make it worth coming to Peterborough ... are you going to sell tickets????? (lol)




I hate to disapoint you but we won't be at Peterborough, I'll sort the old fart out at Newbury. (lol) (lol) If he turns up of course (lol) (lol)



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Mel B - 2007-03-25 10:01 PM


Awwww, d*mn it, I can't go to Newbury ... can you get someone to video it Don, it could become a video 'nasty' then and sell like hot cakes ... just think of the dosh you could make! (lol)




Are you trying to get us "Drummed Out" of MMM for being geriatric hooligans 8-) 8-) It would certainly fill the letters page for a few months. (lol) (lol) (lol)



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starspirit - 2007-03-24 7:51 PM This is also very true oh wise one from the east but am I deluding myself in thinking that a panel van as opposed to a coachbuilt is a tad less insecure (not to be confused with more secure?).

Well, it won't suffer from scratches from trees etc so badly (windows will though!), it'll be stronger if you get "pooped" (nautical term, ask Terry if unsure!), and it should stave off the tea leaves for a bit longer.  If it has remote locking, that will work on all the doors.

The downsides seem to be expense compared to coachbuilts, overall usability of space and some lack of same, two burner hobs, tiddy fridges and small gas bottles.  Of those I've seen, the Adria Twin was the best value overall, and I thought the finish on the 2007 model was very acceptable.  However, similarly to all the Trigano group vans, its kitchen (and storage space) would have been inadequate for anything longer than, say, one month.  I'm assuming one can survive for that long without the need to carry extra quantities of clothing and bedding to cope with wide climatic changes (due to changing lattitides, naturally, GW ain't that quick yet!).  For a van conversion that could really work, one seems to need the larger Iveco Dailys or Merc Sprinters, but they are well over 6 metres long, so probably too big to do what you want!  Which, inevitably, brings you back to coachbuilts!  Irritating, innit?

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Don Madge - 2007-03-23 10:41 PM


twooks - 2007-03-23 8:31 PM


We've progressively downsized and wouldn't dream of going back. Seem to remember someone [Don Madge?] wrote a lengthy thread on downsizing. I think he now has a Trigano Trib.



Hi Twooks,


We did downsize to a Timberland, would not touch a tribute with a barge pole 8-) Just MHO of course.





There's our thoughts on downsizing at http://tinyurl.com/2lg9g4




:$ sorry Don :$ they both begin with a 'T' though, *-)

[another CRAFT moment y'know :-> ]





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Hi all, well in the end I fitted a roof rack, fitted a roof box and that sorted the space thing, total outlay for above £110, roof rack from e-bay, top box obtained when in spain, as they had an offer on.

As I have said before if it was not for the size of the bed, and it just being a bit to small for two people and two dogs I would be keeping the transit, pound for pound, if you use the van full time, ie its your only form of transport then it earns its keep, the Hymer will be used upto 6 months of the year at most, the rest of the time it just sits there eating money.

B, you do have a point about the gas thoe, I ended up with a flater type used by the french and as a backup a cyclinder they call the square, both went under the seat.


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I'm against any form of abuse of animals, creatures etc of any kind (except humans of course) so I'll warn you only once








put the dolphin back in the water and fight like an (old) man ... with your zimmer frame!!!!!! (lol)

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So, to be topical, and get back on topic: you've downsized, but you find the new van just a bit too small, so you add roof rack and top box/es for all the stuff you absolutely must have, but won't now fit or, if you're Don, you just tow a 35' trailer! 

So what do you do for an encore?  Hmmmm...let me guess.  I know: you upsize!  Damn, I'll never get the hang of this thing!

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Guest peter

Hi, talking about off topic, How is the weather down your way, been brilliant up here the last week so planning the next trip.

Can you still get Topics? I know they're not in the Celebrations selection any more. Perhaps people have gone off Topics.

A hazelnut in every bite init!

I couldn't agree more. By the way everyone, what do you think about this bloke at Barclays who's earned 22 mil?

He a fortuitous codger I reckon - severe case of right place right time.

Glad I don't bank with Barclay's or I might be disposed to dispose of them too.

I've started many topics and watched as the conversation wanders off and on and off again but due to my enduring capacity for tolerance I would never dream of grumbling.

By the way interesting programs on death on TV this evening - any comments anyone?

Why a message to the moderator?

Does he/she/they/them/it keep going off topic? a hazelnut in every bite" I thought that was squirrel s***!


Perhaps that is why yoy can't seem to get them now.

Spel chec doesnt wurk.

Like the new avatar starspirit.

Much more you.

Thanks Dancer - she's not as ruff as me.

At least you can pick up dozens of free pens in Barclays.

I wonder what TOP GEAR will get up to next series?

No will, I'm talking whole hazelnuts, not chopped, minced or partly digested.

Totally agree with the Moderator and much as I hate to admit it sometimes he is the only one on here making any sense at all.

Careful Richard, them nuts'll repeat on yer!

All this talk of chocolate with nuts in reminds me, I never did work out why they changed the name of Marathon to Snickers. Very unfortunate if you forget things in shops very easily and have to keep repeating under your breath what you came in for. Try it.

And Opal Fruits to Starburst - what was that about?

And Jif to Cif (and what the heck does "Cilitt Bang" mean? Sounds vaguely obscene!)

Rant over - now I've given you all lots more excuses to get off thread. usual.. europeanisation! They changed the names to the names used in rest of Europe.

in the case of the sweets I was told it was for the USA's benefit, and Cif / Jif was in case someone tried to squeeze white cleaning stuff on their pancakes [ def sounds like USA]

I preferred Lion bars myself, proper thick licorice and licorice root, and kali [?] made your finger go a funny colour tho

Have you ever tried the usa versions of out chocolate bars, like snickers and mars etc.. They taste really sicky like, as if they have gone off. (LOL a gone off Topic). I believe it is something to do with cows being grain fed and not grass.

Anyway, TO GET BACK ON TOPIC please, can you still actually get Topics, Not sure if you were joking or not.

P.S. Peter, please post again to show there are no hard feelings and you see the funny side. Just all a bit of banter and light heartedness to help life tick along sweetly.

I think maybe Peter has got the hump with all of us for partaking of the Michael and consistently showing a juvenile sense of humour. Hows about Mr Moderator rearranging the home page so that the various areas of interest are listed in order of poularity?

Motorhome Matters FIRST followed by Chatterbox and all the other also runs following on in rapidly diminishing order.

Well Pete - guilty as charged - and proud of it too.

I suppose it's nothing less than expected when you reach senility Richard.


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Hello starspirit and anyone interested,


Already recorded elsewhere on these forums about the time I wandered into W H Smith on a Thursday and in the absence of my Sea Fishing magazine, idly bought an MMM.


Saturday morning I had the cost of a Talbot A/S Harmony Express 1991? deducted from my debit card (without speaking to the other half), which causes continuing debate three or four years on.


Within a year, with storage costs, no use and keeping a car on the road I decided that I had better downsize, traded in the car + M/H and bought a brand new A/S Mezan to use full time as only vehicle.


Lovely comfortable, nippy vehicle which really had some go in it. Peugeot 2.00 HDI. DISATEROUS and an extremely costly mistake.


Totally impractical for my uses and traded in six months later. From the new price, I lost many thousands that now, retired early, medically, and living off capital until four years time when meagre pensions kick in. I now have an A/S Symbol, registered 2002 which fulfils my requirements wonderfully but this will be my last vehicle.


PLEASE. Let no one be as impetuous as I have been. I might as well well have flushed many grand down the loo. All this happened within the last four years!



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Thanks for your message Howie, but I still dwell on it. Which is why I am still around at this time of night. My old Dad would have killed me if he had read my post and and its content. One day I shall post the real reason for obtaaining a M/H in the first place. On reflection, it makes me very sad.

Best Regards, Mike.

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