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T Mobile Wireless Internet Connection

Mick H.

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Hi just thought I should put a thread on to sing the praises of my T mobile internet connection we have been using it for two months since we started full timing at the end of January and have had very little problems logging on,at the moment are parked in a field in the depths of Dorset and last night downloaded a program from the net for our Epson printer in less than 20mins so mick can use it as we had lost the original software All for just £29 per month total with no add- ons thought you may be interested as it seems an excellent lifeline for fulltimers :-D B-) Polly H
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Can you expand a bit on the "no add ons" bit of your post?

Are you saying that you get unlimited data down/up loads, free voice telephony, and can roam both data and voice throughout Europe all for £29 per month?

If so, that is quite a deal.  If not, could you please say what is excluded from the £29 per month package?


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Hi Brian,


Looks interesting, just looking at it now on http://tinyurl.com/3cvr7o


Regards Terry


PS - Just looked at the options, too many variations on a theme and the explanations are a bit confusing. Can you use it in the rest of europe for example? do you need a defined hot spot or will any mobile phone provider offer the service when roaming and can it all be linked to your laptop? The questions could go on and on....


I think I will keep on relying on Net Stumbler and take a chance.

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HI Brian. sorry if this is not what you wont to here , :-( the £29 pr month is only unlimited up/down loads in the uk and not Europe and no voice telephone but have been told that one could get quite good deal if you had your mobile phone with them as well, hope this helps .Polly H :-D
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