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Omnistor Awning 5000 left hand end cap

VW Calypso

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PJM - 2020-12-06 8:54 PM


...The online file has errors which were not easy to rectify however with some wizardry from bill gates and car body filler I have sent two end caps in primer for final finishing and fitting.

Did you manage to produce a ‘better’ file that would be good enough to 3D-print in (say) ABS and not require any subsequent cosmetic work?


(The images I attached to my posting of 28 November 2020 2:05 PM above looked beautifully detailed, but I was never sure how the author had created the STL file.)

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Stl file is created when slicing the obj file. Cura is one free to use slicer and will generally highlight any issues. I have never printed abs as it requires higher temperatures, an enclosure for the printer and gives off fumes. To be fair I have only been printing for about 3 months and may try it at a future date.


I can try to attach the files if anyone wants to have a go or find a company to print it. It will have to wait until the morning as the files are on my laptop. Let me know if anyone is interested.


The package has arrived and apparently compares favourably next to the broken one. A trial fitting is due to take place tomorrow.

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I think you may have been in touch with the French creator of the STL file




What prompted me asking was that the creator of a file for the right-hand end-cap posted photos of the broken original and the 3D-printed replacement, with the latter looking very good quality.



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The output file may vary depending on the printer settings and slicers vary tremendously. The quality can be varied as well, the prints I made took 22 hours each. If you decrease the layer depths to improve the finish the time goes up proportionally. At one stage the file would have taken 3 days at the best quality my printer can achieve.


ABS usually prints better quality anyway as the make up of the filaments is different and gives a more "professional" result.


Having said that PLA performs reasonably well and gives acceptable results especially as there was no charge. Hopefully Sue will be happy with the result, provided it fits I would be happy painting and fitting to my awning.


If it doesn't fit I have offered to have another go :-D

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