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Electrical Problems - Compass Calypso 210


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Clive, surely doing as you suggest will invalidate Derek's warranty, as he only purchased the 'van last September?

And, surely, if all else fails, is it such bad behaviour to contact Compass: after all, it might have been a problem they have dealt with previously? I have certainly contacted converters directly in the past, with varying resuts, it must be admitted.

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Hi Peter,

You are of course correct but it will make it work!


The decision always rest with those who pay.


Personally I do believe that there can be too much technology in places where its just not needed. The DC distribution for example need only be a master ON/OFF switch or two and some fuses. OK OK the water gague, clock, temperature gague etc are all nice but they don,t need to be linked in with controlling the basic operation of the van.


Its only when mains hookup come on board that some clever thinks may be done.


But the legal position is always beween the purchaser and the vendor.



My guess is that Compass have not sufficiently EMC tested the gear and don,t want to as its very expensive. An EMC test chamber to put the van in will cost at least £2000 per day to hire. Testing just the electronics with its harness connected will be half. But testing can take several days.


I have come across this scenario on another van from a different group so it is by no means unique.








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Rather than waiting 'till you go on holiday in May, could you not drive your van around for a couple of hours, with the fridge etc on, stopping here and there and turning things on and off much as you would on holiday, to see if the 12V electrics fail under provocation? 

Then, if they do, may I suggest you have a chat to your local Trading Standards department and ask them where they think you stand vis a vis rejection. 

Should the fault repeat, it seems to me you have a motorhome that cannot really be used as such, because of the unreliability of the 12V electrical system.  I think that may still give you grounds to reject the van, on the basis that the dealer has proved himself unable to effect a satisfactory repair, and so render the van fit for the purpose for which it was bought.

If Trading Standards do say you have reasonable grounds for rejection, you could then visit the dealer, with the defect present so that they can fully investigate exactly what is wrong, and gently inform them that if they do not conclusively fix it this time, you'll have to exercise your right to hand back the van and seek return of your money.  You may get a funny look and a sharp intake of breath, but you should also get their full attention! 

Trading Standards can advise on the necessary notices and letters etc to make sure you keep your case watertight.

Good luck.

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Guest starspirit

Good suggestion Brian then Derek can go buy another van with a different set of problems.


Better to get it sorted surely - unless Derek fancies a change by now anyway of course?

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Well, it seems his dealer has had two gos to date, without success.  That makes me think either the dealer isn't trying, or isn't competent.  Thus, this saga could just go on and on, which is hardly a comfort for Derek.  Therefore, if the dealer has c**ked it up again, it may be less pain in the long run to get shot of the dud van (and possibly the dud dealer!) and replace it with a different one.  Only Derek can decide, but there should be no in- built expectation that every van will have faults of this magnitude.  No 12V is a bit of a show stopper, even if they do "work" while on hook up! 

For the price of a motorhome, at least the lights should work.  No?

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Guest starspirit

Agreed Brian. Perhaps some more adverse publicity of naming and shaming followed by the drawing of the perpetrators attention to the forum might help focus their minds.


Meanwhile the list of dodgy dealers and malignant manufacturers grows ever longer.

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Hi again

Thanks once more for your replies, most informative. I would just like to make it clear that the electrics have now been repaired for a second time so hopefully this will see the problem sorted once and for all. The dealer has informed me that the repair has been carried out after they have liased with the manufacturer.

The series of events ´have been:-, purchase MH, electrical fault develops, fault repaired, fault re occurs, and now hopefully electrical´s fit for purpose with no further problems.

I think it wise because of my MH´s "History" that I do not try to carry out any repairs myself. I don´t wish to invalidate my warranty.

As for the suggestion to take the van for a drive out with everything switched on, this I will do in the coming days.

Fingers crossed for a story with a happy ending.

Thanks again for all the time and effort you have spent trying to resolve my (MH) problem, it´s very much appreciated.

I´ll let you know how I get on.

Best wishes


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Hi Brian

I have followed your advice, and this weekend we took the van out and about and had the fridge etc running just as we would if we were going on holiday. We also connected to the mains on a numerous occasions and I'm pleased to report everything appears to be working correctly.

The real test will be in May when we again take our motorhome out of the UK.

Best regards


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  • 1 month later...

Further to my earlier posts we have now arrived back from our planned holiday. We decided to stay in the UK rather than take another trip abroad and gave the electrics a full trial visiting 5 different sites where we connected to mains hook up. I'm pleased to report that everything now appears to be working as intended.

Whilst on our travels we called in to Dave Newell's workshop to have cruise control and a polarity changeover switch fitted. Many thanks to Dave for providing a very friendly and professional service.

Best regards


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