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keithzx12r - 2007-03-27 7:32 PM


B-) My wife and I have two Miniature Pinschers. They are ideal size and coat to have in a motorhome. We have a pen that fits round the habitation door of our van so they can run in and out but not away. Obviously they consider the van to be their property and if anybody approaches or walks past they will create and give a warning. However, when we take them out we ALWAYS pick up after them and keep them on a short lead when there are other dogs or children about. Its my wifes hobby, we show at championship shows and life is good with the van. I know dogs are not to everybodies liking but we all have a right to enjoy our lives. Keith

Now that's the sort of responsible attitude I like and for a particular reason - I'm allergic to both dogs and cats, which means I need to avoid going into houses of people who own one or both and to avoid being in confined spaces with dogs/cats.


Whilst I'm normally fine in the open air, I can have problems with animals which brush against my clothing (leaving hairs behind) or jump up (as some uncontrolled dogs do).


Dogs/cats which are under control in the open air cause me no problems at all.



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I didnt think I was going to get to the end of those responses to get my pennyworth in.Are you a dog hater or a dog owner hater ?You cant always control everything the mutt does but I.m sure most of us try our best.I,m not sure that Tesco bags are the best thing to use for picking up the poop ,they take 50 times as long to decompose than the proper doggy bags which are dirt cheap anyway at about £1 for a hundred.The subject brings back a memory of when I was upstairs in our local gym on the treadmill recently,it overlooks the park.An elderly couple walking their little doggy stopped just below me on the footpath so it could have its poo on the path, I thought when the old dear took a paper towel out of her pocket she was going to pick it up,but no,she wiped the dogs bottom with it ,threw it on the grass & walked on leaving the mess where it was !!!!I must confess to sending that story to our local paperdiscribing them in detail ,it was duley published,I hope there was a couple of very red faces.
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Guest peter

Hi, talking about off topic, How is the weather down your way, been brilliant up here the last week so planning the next trip.

Can you still get Topics? I know they're not in the Celebrations selection any more. Perhaps people have gone off Topics.

A hazelnut in every bite init!

I couldn't agree more. By the way everyone, what do you think about this bloke at Barclays who's earned 22 mil?

He a fortuitous codger I reckon - severe case of right place right time.

Glad I don't bank with Barclay's or I might be disposed to dispose of them too.

I've started many topics and watched as the conversation wanders off and on and off again but due to my enduring capacity for tolerance I would never dream of grumbling.

By the way interesting programs on death on TV this evening - any comments anyone?

Why a message to the moderator?

Does he/she/they/them/it keep going off topic? a hazelnut in every bite" I thought that was squirrel s***!


Perhaps that is why yoy can't seem to get them now.

Spel chec doesnt wurk.

Like the new avatar starspirit.

Much more you.

Thanks Dancer - she's not as ruff as me.

At least you can pick up dozens of free pens in Barclays.

I wonder what TOP GEAR will get up to next series?

No will, I'm talking whole hazelnuts, not chopped, minced or partly digested.

Totally agree with the Moderator and much as I hate to admit it sometimes he is the only one on here making any sense at all.

Careful Richard, them nuts'll repeat on yer!

All this talk of chocolate with nuts in reminds me, I never did work out why they changed the name of Marathon to Snickers. Very unfortunate if you forget things in shops very easily and have to keep repeating under your breath what you came in for. Try it.

And Opal Fruits to Starburst - what was that about?

And Jif to Cif (and what the heck does "Cilitt Bang" mean? Sounds vaguely obscene!)

Rant over - now I've given you all lots more excuses to get off thread. usual.. europeanisation! They changed the names to the names used in rest of Europe.

in the case of the sweets I was told it was for the USA's benefit, and Cif / Jif was in case someone tried to squeeze white cleaning stuff on their pancakes [ def sounds like USA]

I preferred Lion bars myself, proper thick licorice and licorice root, and kali [?] made your finger go a funny colour tho

Have you ever tried the usa versions of out chocolate bars, like snickers and mars etc.. They taste really sicky like, as if they have gone off. (LOL a gone off Topic). I believe it is something to do with cows being grain fed and not grass.

Anyway, TO GET BACK ON TOPIC please, can you still actually get Topics, Not sure if you were joking or not.

P.S. Peter, please post again to show there are no hard feelings and you see the funny side. Just all a bit of banter and light heartedness to help life tick along sweetly.

I think maybe Peter has got the hump with all of us for partaking of the Michael and consistently showing a juvenile sense of humour. Hows about Mr Moderator rearranging the home page so that the various areas of interest are listed in order of poularity?

Motorhome Matters FIRST followed by Chatterbox and all the other also runs following on in rapidly diminishing order.

Well Pete - guilty as charged - and proud of it too.

I suppose it's nothing less than expected when you reach senility Richard.


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I like think that I am a conscientus concientious cons.. caring dog owner/person to live next to/motorhomer/obeyer of rules, and it makes me see red when I walk my dogs in a park near to where I live ,which just happens to be next to a CC site.


The site wardens encourage their campers to exercise their dogs in our park, but don't encourage them to go prepared to clean up after their pooches.


When I asked them why, they said they aren't responsible for what happens off site.


Hmmm... *-)

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Guest starspirit

Hi J9 welcome to the madhouse, you are looking good and I hope the world is being kind to you and yours.



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Oops - there must be two Richards in Pembrokeshire with Collies!


If I wasn't so scared of being accused of going off topic, I would like to say that Pembroke is on my 'must-visit' list for this year, and any info on sites etc would be gratefully received!

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Guest starspirit

I'll send you a PM (personal message) J9 for fear of being accused of hijacking a thread.

The 'inbox' on your welcome panel will show when it is there.

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J9withdogs - 2007-03-27 8:55 PM



The site wardens encourage their campers to exercise their dogs in our park, but don't encourage them to go prepared to clean up after their pooches.


When I asked them why, they said they aren't responsible for what happens off site.


Hmmm... *-)






Just like motorhome drivers/owners, So it is with Dog Owners , there are considerate ones, inconsiderate ones,Plain Ignorant ones, Intolerant ones and some who are just plain stupid. Much like the rest of the population really !! One bad apple shouldn't taint your prospective though. P.S. well trained dogs are luvverly ! (better and nicer to be with than some people).

:D :D

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You are sooo right, Rayjsj! When I'm on me hols I much prefer the company of my pooches.


It's peeing down with rain, rugby on telly(on 5" tv - not easy to follow the game, but, hey), bottle of single malt, HUGE bar of chocolate, and a dog on either side.



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Hello Janine,

Whilst mulling over your posts a thought came to mind. Do you really need a small screen TV, especially when a fine bottle of Malt is within reach? I bought my M/H to enjoy the 'wild' living aspect and do not want it sullied by invasive TV, (although the Rugby might possibly intervene). Earlier this evening I returned from my club with a raffle win, an excellent litre bottle of Malt! On board for the summer tours.


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And not to mention the `guardian' whose dog jumped on my beloved doctor from behind when she was working crouched over. The dog had two legs on her shoulders and was going through the motions of humping. I am sure in Iceland or America some dogs would end up getting shot.
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Wow, Mike -aren't you the lucky one! I hope to find myself parked next to you sometime over the coming months- if you can bear to share the scotch!


As for the TV - I must admit that I am a lot more selective with my viewing whilst away in my 'van, but it does provide a bit of company.

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Welcome J9


Now come on, tell us the truth, I know you only watch the rugby, whilst partaking of your other 'favourite' things, to see all the lovely lads running around then rolling about in the mud .... bit like men watching female mud wrestling!!! (lol) ;-)


As for the topic ...


Our dogs love being out and about outside the van, just pottering around, not straying very far at all, they've always done it and are very well behaved but occasionally one of them gets a lovely scent and is tempted to follow it, but we keep an eye on them and soon ensure they stay without their permitted 'area' and we only do this on CLs where there is loads of space so that they don't become a nuisance to others.


I must admit to being extremely unhappy at the attitude to dogs whilst staying at the CC site in Bristol. Before we could even pitch up I was told to get a pitch near to the entrance or rear gate so that we could ensure that we took the dogs off site immediately when we came out of our motorhome so that we ensured they didn't even have a wee on the site!!! Now, have you ever tried taking a male dog anywhere without it peeing in the first few feet after you've left your motorhome? Not a chance. Of course I wouldn't have let them on the grass where people sit out etc, I agree that that should be a dog free zone as should any area where children would be playing.


We made sure we pitched where we wouldn't cause problems, keeping the dogs on leads at all times (as normal) whilst on the site but the attitude just made us extremely edgy all the time, even when we were just sitting out with the dogs ourselves enjoying the lovely sunshine, we couldn't relax and felt like we were likely to get pounced on at any time. I don't know if we'll be going back even though it is a very nice site otherwise.

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Hmmm Mel.. all those lovely chunky thighs and no necks - Kyran Bracken (even in lycra), Jonah Lomu....oooh, stop it!


Shame about your experience in Bristol - I went there last year with my two pooches and had no hassle at all. Super site though, isn't it?

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This chap came back to his motorhome with his dog in the pouring rain, his wife met him at the door and said you are not bringing that hairy ,smelly ,wet and muddy thing in here, its ok said the man I will give him a rub down, she said I am not talking to you I am talking to the dog.:->
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Guest starspirit
J9withdogs - 2007-03-28 7:15 PM


Nope, Richard, but I think I have....


You think you have what Janine - I do hope it isn't catching - whatever it is?

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Guest starspirit
J9withdogs - 2007-03-28 7:27 PM


And what are you implying, Kelvyn? >:-)



I think he means that parking next to you and your adorable dawgs would be an experience in itself J9?

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