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Eurotunnel and pets

david lloyd

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Hi everyone


I have just tried to book our eurotunnel crossing for aug/sept using Tesco deals tokens as usual and was informed by the nice french lady that the £60 for the two dogs cannot be paid using the tokens!!


This has not been the case in the past and when I queried it she informed me that no extras (like insurance etc) can be paid for in this way - although I have, in the past, paid for dogs and insurance using them.


This now causes some difficulty as the £215 in deals tokens I have are too much for the crossing and cannot split down just to send enough to cover the £153 fare without the dogs. It makes it clear that any tokens over the amount cannot be redeemed so I would, in effect, lose £62 worth of tokens and have to pay an additional £60 to boot!!


I politely declined to carry on with the booking saying I may need to think about this further but rang Tesco to find out more. They were not aware of any restrictions, the paperwork that comes with the tokens covers the various conditions applicable with no mention of paying for dogs by other means - and I cannot find any reference to it under the terms and conditions on the eurotunnel site.


Armed with this information I rang back using a different number to the 0870 number Tesco gives out (found alternative 01303 282061 on www.saynoto0870.com) and spoke to a different gentleman this time. I decided not to tell him about my previous call but just asked to make a booking using Tesco vouchers. "No problem", says he, "I'll just get into the Tesco vouchers booking system....." and away we went. At the point of telling me the cost of the return trip he asked if I had sufficient vouchers to which I replied that I had enough to cover that and the two dogs at an additional £60 - again he says "no problem I'll just add that to the booking....." then read the details of the provisional booking back and advised me on how to continue sending in the booking.


Perhaps the number given by Tesco with the deals tokens goes straight through to a french call centre and, on the french side, maybe they are not accepting tokens in payment for the pets (the cost is to cover the pet processing on the french side) but, somehow, I seem to have managed to get it accepted and I will now await the return of my confirmed booking and tickets.


Regards, David

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Hi David,


Glad you have got your trip sorted out.


We had £50.00 worth of Tesco tokens left over from our Eurotunnel trip last May. We are going to Paris by Eurostar in July and we needed £200.00 for 2 return tickets. I contacted Tesco and they told me I could send the tokens back to them, together with £37.50 in vouchers and they would send me 2 Eurostar tokens. I received them a few days ago and posted them off to Eurostar and hopefully, we will receive our tickets soon.




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Hi John


Yes, Tesco were quite obliging about returning the deal tokens to either have them broken down into denominations that would suit the return crossing (without the dogs on) or, if required, to exchange them for another (say, ferry) deal and any balance would be credited back to our card.


In the event, it looks as though we may just be OK.


Regards, David

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