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Mesage to the Moderator, Staying on topic

Guest peter

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Guest peter
Would it be possible to remind everyone to stay on topic. Especially in Motorhome Matters where folk are asking serious and sensible questions only to have the thread hi-jacked by people conducting meaningless chit chat. Almost every thread is now being subjected to this abuse, and it is very annoying. Making it almost a waste of time asking anything that requires a sensible answer.
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Hi, talking about off topic, How is the weather down your way, been brilliant up here the last week so planning the next trip.




P.S. Nothing wrong with going off topic when queries have been answered. Yes I know it can be a bit annoying, but some people put time and effort into posts and gets rather borring to stick to topic all the time. Its not as if you are paying for the pleasure of reading the answers people kindly give. Chill out and enjoy the forums, and bear in mind it is being able to go off topic that makes this forum the success it is.

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Guest starspirit
peter - 2007-03-26 8:44 PM


Would it be possible to remind everyone to stay on topic. Especially in Motorhome Matters where folk are asking serious and sensible questions only to have the thread hi-jacked by people conducting meaningless chit chat. Almost every thread is now being subjected to this abuse, and it is very annoying. Making it almost a waste of time asking anything that requires a sensible answer.



And of course Peter going off topic is something you would never dream of is it?

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
peter - 2007-03-26 8:44 PM Would it be possible to remind everyone to stay on topic. Especially in Motorhome Matters where folk are asking serious and sensible questions only to have the thread hi-jacked by people conducting meaningless chit chat. Almost every thread is now being subjected to this abuse, and it is very annoying. Making it almost a waste of time asking anything that requires a sensible answer.

I couldn't agree more. By the way everyone, what do you think about this bloke at Barclays who's earned 22 mil?

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Guest starspirit

He a fortuitous codger I reckon - severe case of right place right time.


Glad I don't bank with Barclay's or I might be disposed to dispose of them too.

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Guest starspirit

I've started many topics and watched as the conversation wanders off and on and off again but due to my enduring capacity for tolerance I would never dream of grumbling.


By the way interesting programs on death on TV this evening - any comments anyone?

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Friendly encouragement to stay on topic has repeatedly been ignored. At the end of the day, we can't control what's written; if people really want to stay on topic then some 'steering' may be need, like:


"ANYWAY, to get back on topic..."


But that's not our job; we're not about to step in and smack people on the wrists if they start talking about something else... y'know, like people do in everyday conversation. It's just the natural way of discussions - they hardly ever stay on the same subject for a prolonged period of time.


So, the final word: if you want to get a thread back 'on topic', you need to try and steer people that way. That's not what the moderator's for.




So, this global warming, eh...? >:-)

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Guest starspirit

No will, I'm talking whole hazelnuts, not chopped, minced or partly digested.



Totally agree with the Moderator and much as I hate to admit it sometimes he is the only one on here making any sense at all.

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Guest starspirit

No Will, I'm talking whole hazelnuts, not chopped, minced or partly digested.



Totally agree with the Moderator and much as I hate to admit it sometimes he is the only one on here making any sense at all.

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All this talk of chocolate with nuts in reminds me, I never did work out why they changed the name of Marathon to Snickers. Very unfortunate if you forget things in shops very easily and have to keep repeating under your breath what you came in for. Try it.


And Opal Fruits to Starburst - what was that about?


And Jif to Cif (and what the heck does "Cilitt Bang" mean? Sounds vaguely obscene!)


Rant over - now I've given you all lots more excuses to get off thread.

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in the case of the sweets I was told it was for the USA's benefit, and Cif / Jif was in case someone tried to squeeze white cleaning stuff on their pancakes [ def sounds like USA]


I preferred Lion bars myself, proper thick licorice and licorice root, and kali [?] made your finger go a funny colour tho



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Have you ever tried the usa versions of out chocolate bars, like snickers and mars etc.. They taste really sicky like, as if they have gone off. (LOL a gone off Topic). I believe it is something to do with cows being grain fed and not grass.



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Anyway, TO GET BACK ON TOPIC please, can you still actually get Topics, Not sure if you were joking or not.



P.S. Peter, please post again to show there are no hard feelings and you see the funny side. Just all a bit of banter and light heartedness to help life tick along sweetly.

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