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Good evening Twooks,

To me a didycoy is a traveller who, time wise, was ahead of the beatnik/freeloader so called new age travellers who infest lovely places every summer and cause trouble in being dislodged and moved on from mostly private land.

The didycoy will wild camp for the sole reason of not being recognised by the authorities. They make money from cheap rip off tarmacking jobs and always leave an extreme amount of foul rubbish and unsold scrap after their departure.

Over here in Broadland, we have a load of waterborne versions moving around evading everything. Even after the city bombings years ago a search was instigated for the culprits who were doing the same thing.

Twooks, do not ever in your mind think of a didicoy as a true Romany.

I suspect that your comment was a little tongue in cheek as you seem to have knowledge of the language!

I shall keep quiet now.


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Sorry to keep boring you lot.

I did a bit of research some years ago and found that a large number of true Romany people signed up for both world wars and paid the ultimate price. I cannot imagine any of the current bunch of travellers doing that.

Not unexpectedly, I found that they, along with serving gamekeepers made superb snipers with no training required.


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Frank Wilkinson - 2007-03-29 3:25 PM

I love it when people who've never taken a risk in their lives and worked in the public services or large companies talk about 'fat capitalists'. Very amusing!

You're right, the likes of teachers and nurses working to help others rather than living their lives with their snouts in the trough. Perhaps they should jack it in and open camera shops, that make the world a much better place!
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Guest Frank Wilkinson
livewire - 2007-03-30 1:32 PM
Frank Wilkinson - 2007-03-29 3:25 PM

I love it when people who've never taken a risk in their lives and worked in the public services or large companies talk about 'fat capitalists'. Very amusing!

You're right, the likes of teachers and nurses working to help others rather than living their lives with their snouts in the trough. Perhaps they should jack it in and open camera shops, that make the world a much better place!

No one appreciates teachers and nurses more than I do. I've been married to a teacher for thirty seven years! But you will not find me making offensive remarks about them and if you'd been reading my posts properly you'd know that.

What I object to is people who make snide remarks about businessmen and who have themselves never known what it's like to take a risk or more likely, haven't the courage to take a risk.

And your comment about businessmen 'having their snouts in the trough' is typical of the average thicko who has spent all of his working life in some safe, nicely pensioned career in the public services.

I value everyone who contributes to society, whatever role they play and if you ever hear me denigrate the jobs done by anyone then feel free to also denigrate businessmen. Until then, you may try keeping your mouth shut where I'm concerned.

Never once have I traduced anyone in any kind of job. All of my posts in this area have been in defence of remarks by idiots like you about us 'having our snouts in the trough'.

Remember who pays the wages of public sector workers. The money comes from the wealth created by business and from the taxes paid by business and by the workers employed in business.

And finally, business makes for a far better world because wealth means better hospitals, better schools and a better life for everyone. Have you ever been to a socialist country? I have and let me tell you, until you've experienced the joys of East Germany, Albania, the old USSR and China, then you've no idea what real socialism does to countries and to the poor people who have to live in them.

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twooks - 2007-03-29 4:56 PM shame about Jessops - have always found them friendly, helpful and knowledgeable B-)

They were better before they went public!  Once the founder sold out, like so many before, they seemed to loose their focus, and their prices went up.  I agree, it is a shame, and they're still good, just not as good as they were.

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Guest Frank Wilkinson
Brian Kirby - 2007-03-30 7:50 PM
twooks - 2007-03-29 4:56 PM shame about Jessops - have always found them friendly, helpful and knowledgeable B-)

They were better before they went public!  Once the founder sold out, like so many before, they seemed to loose their focus, and their prices went up.  I agree, it is a shame, and they're still good, just not as good as they were.

You're still not getting the hang of this loose and lose Brian! :-d

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Guest peter
Frank Wilkinson - 2007-03-30 10:56 PM
Brian Kirby - 2007-03-30 7:50 PM
twooks - 2007-03-29 4:56 PM shame about Jessops - have always found them friendly, helpful and knowledgeable B-)

They were better before they went public!  Once the founder sold out, like so many before, they seemed to LOOSE their focus, and their prices went up.  I agree, it is a shame, and they're still good, just not as good as they were.

You're still not getting the hang of this loose and lose Brian! :-d

If you keep this up Frank you will be getting the hang of NOOSE, (lol)
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