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Not quite sure what the situation is at present with internet by satellite, there have been several companies offering this but they seem to regulary go bust.

Usualy you recieve downloads by satellite and send uploads by phone, if you have a phone that you pay by amount of data this may not be so expensive as you normaly download much more than upload,there have been systems that do both throu satellite but these are very expensive. The alignment of dishes for internet connection has to be much more presice than for tv.

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There is a broadband satellite connection available by satellite, Trans leisure (and Conrad Anderson as subsidiaries) have the DataStorm system. Not too sure on details but I had a customer in the other day who was using one to run an internet business while full timing. Costs might prove prohibitive though.



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Not being able to receive terestial Tv at home we have sky, when we wanted broadband for the computer and BT couldn't supply at the time, we asked about the internet via our sky dish, as Dave said it can be done but is three times as expensive, it needed a phone line to take data out then sent back via sky dish. So as you can probably guess we just stuck to dial up.

Hope thats of some help.



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  • 5 months later...

At Dusseldorf this year, 85 cm auto Alden and Oyster dishes were available with send & receive LNB's for internet connection. The Alden system was sold by the ISP who was using Helasat because of its (wide?) coverage.


You buy the whole kit & caboodle from the ISP. With Oyster you just bought the kit and had to make your own arrangements with an independent ISP. The Alden system was about £2000 for the dish, finder and modem, poss tuner too I think.


Internet charges were to be about £3.50 per day but only on the days you actually connected and even if only for a minute or so. Don't know which time zone they'd be working with.


Both Alden and Oyster dishes had another LNB for TV but you couldn't watch TV while connected to the Net. (not that I think I'd want to).


connectivity claimed was 1meg download and 100k upload

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