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Fiamma boxes

Brian Kirby

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A letter in this month's Caravan Club magazine draws attention to a potential security problem with the above.

The writer has a back box on his motorhome.  Wanting to see inside a smaller version of the box on a 'van he saw at a show, and finding that box locked, he idly tried his own key in the lock.  Somewhat to his surprise, it unlocked the box.  Finding this a bit worrying, he next made his way to a Fiamma stand at the show, where he tried his key on various boxes there as well.

Yep, you've guessed, they all opened with his key!  It seems that Fiamma locks for a number of their products share locks with no differs, meaning anyone with a Fiamma key can open anyone else's boxes.  It seems he did not investigate how many of Fiamma's various "security" items his key would open, so it is unclear if this shared lock extends to other Fiamma security items as well.

However, something to be aware of, and maybe to check your own key at your local stockists?  Let us know how far you get!

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I remember about 5 years ago changing one of the locks on the fiamma topbox on our old coachbuilt. I was concerned the keys would be different for each of the locks, but was told by the supplying dealer that all the locks were the same! If I`m correct, they all had `100` on the key. Maybe we shouldn`t be advertising the fact on this forum! 
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Guest starspirit

B & Q do a good range of hasp & staples (or is that hasps and staple - or is it hasps and staples?) and padlocks, as well as pop rivets and nuts and bolts for the fixing thereof.


A nice little weekend job for a few no doubt?

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Guest starspirit
fred grant - 2007-03-31 9:28 PM


totally wrong


its STAPLES who sell lots of Bs and Qs - or is it Queues and Bees?




Thank you Fred and whilst Camborne does have a B&Q, Camborne Hill don't have a 'U' init?

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I have been told there is no such word as innit, so I asked if the oxford dictionary had innit innit.but never got around to see if innit was innit.

here in lincolnshire we use innit as well as frit not sure if frit is innit either

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Having spent a large amount of money on a Fiamma box and finding that any joker could open it with a key, I would be to take it back and say that the security is not fit for purpose, Or ask the dealer to supply alternate locks.


(Just luv that phrase !)


BTW What would your insurance company say when you said that the gear was taken from a Fiamma box ?







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Mel B - 2007-04-01 8:29 PM


Knowing insurance companies they'd probably say it weren't covered as it weren't in the van! Bit like bikes on bike racks. 8-)


Well thats put the fear of god into a number of our forum friends :D


Anyone know if these multiuse keys also operate the so called secondary locks that Fiamma sell for doors and lockers ?

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