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Mel B

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Now I know some won't agree but others will so I thought I'd start this thread to see what the general consensus is.


There have been a lot of comments on the forum about the amount of adverts that appear in the MMM mag (and other magazines), and I'm not intending to raise that particular issue again, as to why they are necessary, or not, depending on your view.


What this is all about is that there is one person that is starting to get my goat and that is the blatant advertising by him on the forum of his wares, which now includes an actual list of the prices of his products. Whilst I personally am quite happy to read about someone being able to offer a advice and/or service to help others when asked, this is then usually taken off the forum by the enquirer being invited to contact the service provider 'off forum' for more details. However, I feel that this one particular poster is taking it too far and over-stepping the mark by clearly using the forums as a means of getting a free advert for his products.


Now, I appreciate that some may be quite happy to have the information he is giving out but just think, if others who have a business started to do likewise, then the forum would be filled with loads of adverts and we'd really get fed up of that and have loads of complaints.


No prize for guessing who I'm annoyed at but suffice to say it's not one of the 'established' forumites but a newish one.


Mel B


I wonder whether it is possible for Mr Moderator to remove the actual 'adverts' themselves and replace them with just a link so that those who are genuinely interested in the products can go to that? What do you all think?

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Hi Whilst I haven't noticed this trend, I certainly agree that it is against the spirit of the forum, if not the actual 'terms and conditions'.....There is no reason, if this fits with these why a link shouldn't be inlcuded, but I don't really consider this site is intended for use as advertising per se.#

Surely this type of things could be under 'buy and sell' or somehting similar, and indeed, as with ads in teh mags themselves, should be indicated that they are 'trader' originated?

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Bit of a tricky one, but at least he is not discuising his post by saying 'I've heard you can buy xxx at yyy for £zzz', but if you want click on link at bottom to contact adminstraitor and let them decide whether they will allow this advertising.

I would point out that you can also do this if you see an offencive post by any trolls instead of playing up to them by answering like the last debarcle.

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Guest starspirit
Sorry guys, I know I have a short memory for irrelevancies, but I must have been asleep 'cos I don't recall any such person of late - unless you mean 'Mr Stainless Steel Gas Pigtails' of a few weeks ago who seemed to come and then go?
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Well done Mel, I agree with you whole heartedly but how long will it take Mr. Moderator to act in this case. It appears to me that a number of the forum members are in the leisure industry but do not advertise their wares as blatantly as the post in question, instead they ask for contact to be made by email.

This forum is about helping other members and not promoting a business of a member.

Keep it clean of adverts but long may the smut continue.


John D.

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OK guys - I see your point.


I do understand your concern regarding my recent posts - and now I have a better understanding of the way this thing works from your comments, I can amend my posts accordingly. I am embarrassed that it has caused such a reaction.


It was never my intention to upset people - at the end of the day I am new to this particular part of the market and so didn't really know how to approach the issue of letting you all know about the alternative to going through the hassle of blocked regulators.


Please accept my apologies if I have caused any offence - but it is certainly not a big planned strategy to trick my way into free advertising by posting ads on a public forum - I just thought people would rather know about a solution to what seems to be a common problem.


I now see that this is not the way to do it, so will re-evaluate my posts. At the end of the day, yes I am trying to promote my company's products, but only because of the number of regulars who have been affected by it and the number of people who have contacted me since asking for help, but as I'm sure you can imagine we just wanted to see what sort of reaction there would be to this new product, before seeing if its worth spending loads of cash on large-scale advertising campaigns, hence the initial product trials and posts asking for your comments.


Sorry again for my actions and I consider myself truly repremanded.



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Well done Dave for taking this in the spirit I presume it was meant and not jumping in with the usual defenses up as many do.


I see the point though and it would be a nightmare if we all started advertising our wares on here. The fact that I sell thongs, Basques , bra's and swimwear would I feel upset too many if much detail was given, especially given the cup sizes start at a DD , lol.


Good luck with your venture


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Dave good luck with your venture, If your products help people and makes you some money on the way use any means possible to advertise your product. Its hard enough in business these days. You should be applorded for your creativaty not condemned good of you, All the best
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I tend to agree that advertising should not be made on the forum, least ways not in the motorhome Matters part. Accepting Daves post that it was inadvertant (?) advertising is at least an apology for upsetting anyone and should be accepted in the vein that it is given, though I can't help thinking that anyone doing this is being a little bit nieve if they did not realise that it was blatent advertising on this type of forum.

I can't however accept the post by K&D that says it is acceptable for anyone to do this "as it is hard enough in business nowdays" the fact is there are other companies providing and selling the same products but they are using an accepted medium and paying for adverts in MMM. Now Daves pricing structure may, or may not I haven't checked, be more competative but then he has not had to pay for his adverts has he?



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Apologies - I hadn't spotted these as I'd only had time to skim the topics. Taking a much closer look now and have removed all commercial messages.


Reminder: Commercial postings on the forum are not tolerated. When signing up for an account, you are required to agree to the forum Acceptable Use Policy (a link can be found at the bottom of the main forums page). This states that any type of commercial posting is not allowed and will be removed.


If anyone's thinking about using the forum for self promotion: don't. If you really want to advertise on this site, there are proper channels that should be followed.

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Ypu may have noticed that all of the posts I have been involved with have now been deleted - so hopefully tose who took such umbrage will be appeased.


Its a pity that the posts couldn't have stayed to help those out there who would have benefitted from the information - especially as I had publically apologised for the misunderstanding and had said it wouldn't happen again.


I thank those who understood my position and hope that in the future if anyone on here asks any relevant question or if they feel I could help in any way regarding the blocked regulator debate (or gas products in general), then you will keep me in mind.






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Sorry Dave, just to clear things up a bit:


It's the commercial part of the postings that's the problem. I may have been slightly 'edit-happy' with your posts, but I didn't mean to discourage you from posting altogether; it's entirely acceptable to use the forums as a place to make friends and have a chat. You're even allowed to have a link to your website in your profile (but not in your 'signature' if it's a business website). You can make it known that you're in a certain business, even (most people here are well aware of Dave Newell's occupation, for example) - what we take issue with is presenting your wares for sale on the forum, in effect using it as a medium for press releases. If someone's asking for help and you sell a product that could help, invite them to PM (private message) or email you, but please conduct business away from the forums. And posting the same message across different topics (known as double-posting) is a bit of a no-no too.


The reason we take this stance is not just to protect ourselves, but also to prevent the undermining of the community spirit and the credibility of the forum - if people just used the forum as a place for commercial spam then I don't think everyone else would stick around for long. It's also unfair to the people who have paid money to advertise here (banner ads and the like).


In short: I hope you keep posting, as we always enjoy meeting new arrivals - just make sure you use the forums for pleasure, not business!

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davew-s - 2007-03-30 2:45 PM Ypu may have noticed that all of the posts I have been involved with have now been deleted - so hopefully tose who took such umbrage will be appeased. Its a pity that the posts couldn't have stayed to help those out there who would have benefitted from the information - especially as I had publically apologised for the misunderstanding and had said it wouldn't happen again. I thank those who understood my position and hope that in the future if anyone on here asks any relevant question or if they feel I could help in any way regarding the blocked regulator debate (or gas products in general), then you will keep me in mind. Thanks, Dave


I think the general concern has been twofold.  First, the forum is provided by Warner's, who run magazines for their living, so to speak, and in whose various publications you are fully at liberty to advertise your wares.  Hitching a "start up" lift on the forum wasn't what really caused the initial resistance, it was the seemingly slightly underhand way you first introduced you product, which you later politely and apologetically explained.  However, you do now seem to have trespassed a bit too far, by not getting your own website up and running as forecast, but then apparently posting up all your prices on here instead.

Second, there are several contributors to the forum with business interests, some of which are motorhoming connected.  All have been scrupulous to date in separating promotion of their businesses, with posting help and advice.  The obvious point is the affect on the forum for all concerned if we have to wade through self promotional posts to get at the, shall we say, "genuine" ones.  You have one long established and well reputed competitor for your stainless steel tails.  I should not wish them to pressurise Warners to be allowed to start "puffing" their wares on here, on the basis of your own contributions.  I think we all see, rightly or wrongly, a slippery slope!

It must at times be a difficult balance to maintain but, regrettably, it seems a necessary one if the forum is not to be transformed into some glorified "motorcarravenners mart".  Personally, I wish you well with your venture, and hope the more critical comments above will not put you off from contributing in future.

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Guest starspirit

Now that peace seems to have broken out again, this is now surely a good point to let this one go to rest and get on with the real forum business of helping and insulting each other ad infinitum?



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Mandy&Andy - 2007-03-30 11:14 AM


The fact that I sell thongs, Basques , bra's and swimwear would I feel upset too many if much detail was given, especially given the cup sizes start at a DD , lol.


So long as the pictures featured good looking models, it would probably not upset the blokes too much actually. lol.



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Usinmyknaus - 2007-03-30 11:38 PM


Mandy&Andy - 2007-03-30 11:14 AM


The fact that I sell thongs, Basques , bra's and swimwear would I feel upset too many if much detail was given, especially given the cup sizes start at a DD , lol.


So long as the pictures featured good looking models, it would probably not upset the blokes too much actually. lol.




The thought of all those men dressing up ... it's too much to think about, especially the ones that need the DD cup size!8-)


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Guest starspirit

How about all those born again sports car enthusiasts who go out and buy an Audi 'TT' - double T - now that's big!


Mind you some of them do drive like the contents of a double T.

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